View Full Version : Using a hose indoors with salt water

5th October 2017, 02:56 AM
I got an expandable hose and connected it to the sink. If I fill a bucket with salt water, stand in it and then coil the hose around the bucket and turn it on, will this trap the entity in the salt water? Will the entity demanifest? Does this work for all entities? What if entities are hiding inside you? How long do I have to stand there for?

5th October 2017, 10:23 AM
can't wait til the weather warms up a bit, lol... i love going to the beach in summer instead :)

19th October 2017, 09:55 PM
you better doing a watercrossing circuit because running hose wastes water

24th October 2017, 06:35 PM
My understanding of running water is that it makes entities go to (figurative) ground, i.e. go back to their dimension through earth, it doesn't 'trap them' in water. The running water takes energy away from them, and they then can't manifest in this dimension.