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9th December 2017, 07:40 PM
I dont understand why dont astral projection masters like robert bruce get new inventions scientific undiscovered facts breakthroughs or even prove that astral projection can be used for practical uses like forensic sciences ,crime problem solving ,to gain accurate info about the heavenly bodies like ingo swann tried.why not try to utilize the phenomenon if it is real?

if the ascended masters astral entities can give you wisdom which btw are available easily in religions spiritual teachings,why cant they give up scientific breakthroughs constantly if they are so advanced,developed humane and real?

Astral projection and astral planes have been debunked over and over by scientists because the projectors never provided with hard facts and astral planes hardly match the concept of string theory defined dimensions...yet occultists and mystics i see never defending this phenomenon as a true phenomenon and providing discoveries and scientific inventions that can help mankind and surprise scientists

In fact with abilities robert bruce has even if he keeps his abilities of ap secret and deliver scientific knowledge or breakthroughs or unknown information he can easily be rich.i dont understand why are mystics struggling in life if you have the entire reality ascended masters,occult entities, aliens at your fingertips.

Are you sure you people are not hallucinating?

10th December 2017, 12:04 AM
the difference between magic and life... technology.

some people like to say "we are all in this together"... i actually find that valid in light of this (technology). they have been calling that scientific fact 'quantum physics'... or so i seem to think.

10th December 2017, 09:30 AM
What you ask about is already being done by some. It's just that nearly nobody(with some notable exceptions) mentions it to avoid losing credibility.
I am a scientist, and OOBE/AP (and other related stuff) has been a great help in solving difficult scientific and technical/technological problems. Technical/technological solutions already gained me a nice amount of money, ant it's just a start.
The problem is that you can't be sure of such solution's validity, so the best way is to treat is just as an idea, and prove it in rigorous, repeatable, physical way. When the proof is done, it goes into peer-reviewed journal, and nobody knows about idea's origins :)
As for proving things for general public, why waste life and credibility on that? Techniques are available for everyone interested, and everyone can see for themselves if so they desire.
There's a really nice article about getting new ideas by Robert Bruce:

11th December 2017, 04:02 AM
i have read the catch basket concept. like RB i have had beings that i shouldn't talk to.. it is like being sucked into a black hole. i can do seances with my voices and psychic sittings, to serve ultimately. i have come to think that when the dead take an interest in you... that's when the black hole strikes.

i wonder if there is (other) psychoscientific evidence to suggest that the dead have gravity... i suppose death deserved a good god and that aint always this moment... o

12th December 2017, 01:58 AM
Astral projection and astral planes have been debunked over and over by scientists because the projectors never provided with hard facts and astral planes hardly match the concept of string theory defined dimensions
The opposite is true in my view. AP, NDE and Remote Viewing with lots of reliable fact gathering have already been proven. Volumes are already gathered by experiments, you can read it in books, but also online.

It's just the belief system of some scientists and so-called 'skeptics' that does not allow it and so they permanently make the affirmation of sth being debunked which they don't want to be true. It is called cognitive dissonance.

String theory, btw, has by now almost been disproven I heard. ;)

12th December 2017, 03:23 AM
cognitive dissonance and string theory... lord what a strange world that were.