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View Full Version : Question about Magic of Higher Self program

15th July 2018, 09:20 PM
Hello there, hope all of you are well,

I am not sure if I chose the correct forum for this question, but here it is. Is the Magic of the Higher Self program actually what was once known as the Manifestation and Self Healing program?

I have purchased the Raising Kundalini program as well as Energy work eBook and MASH in the past already (though, admitedly, I need to get to work with these lol), and am looking to purchase another program, but I wanted to ask before I made a purchase, as if it is the same thing then I want to buy the Mastering Astral Projection program instead.

I was just curious if this was the case since I don't see MASH on the site anymore. (I don't see it in my product history either, which is alright though since I downloaded the videos after I got the program)

Thank you for your time, the programs are great! Wish you all the best in your endeavours


Robert Bruce
16th July 2018, 12:49 AM

Yes, you are correct, MASH is same program as Magic of the higher self.

My marketing manager made this change, for some obscure reason.

peace, robert