View Full Version : Determining block causes

23rd August 2006, 07:21 PM
I'm throwing this out more to the healers i nthe crowd, I suppose. There's a part in my foot where I always have a block. I clear it when I do energy work, but it's back within a day. I'm thinking it must relate to a part of my mental/emotional self that I keep blocking (purposefully or not, consciously or not), and thus it is that I have to keep clearing the energy block, because I'm not addressing the root cause. What I want to know is- are there any good techniques for determining the root cause of such an energy block. This seems to be some aspect of my life which needs some healing, but I don't know how to find it. I'd love any suggestions that others might have. Thanks (-:

23rd August 2006, 10:58 PM
I work with this a lot. Almost always, it's related to a past life injury. Going back to that life and re-experiencing the scene around the injury makes it go away. I have one that persists, though, because I am being stubborn and refuse to give up my attachment to it. :roll:

24th August 2006, 08:36 AM
I just found out I have a blockage in my left foot. Cant say how long its been there, but ive just started to clear some of my blockages.

24th August 2006, 07:14 PM
Do you get terrible headaches / migranes over the third eye at all, and see blueish swirling patterns?
Negative (and I think once again this sounds like a cause to say "thank heavens.")

PHG- I'm sure you've posted about this before... but in case you haven't... how would you best recommend doing a self-pastlife regression? I have no experience working with past lifes, or hypnotics, but this is defintely something I've been wanting to explore, as I feel it will yield lots for me in this lifetime.