View Full Version : How can I raise my consciousness level to visit higher planes such as the Spirit Level or The Summerland?

7th August 2018, 12:46 AM
I have been reading Robert Bruce’s “Astral Dynamics” and my ultimate goal is to get to the Spirit Level as is mentioned as one of the higher dimensional planes. Bruce mentions that it is required to raise ones consciousness vibration in order to get to these higher dimensions. He recommends consciousness raising meditations. Does anyone have any suggestions with this?
Also, have any of you been able to visit the Spirit Level? Aka where one can see and communicate with those who have passed away.

7th August 2018, 03:15 AM
Best way to raise consciousness is meditation - that's the one.

But i would also suggest
- appreciate beauty
- open your heart and fear not your ego - works as alone
- pray for golden light
- surrender to truth, the real truth can't hurt you at all
- think for yourself and let others do likewise - this is important, consciousness IS its only intelligent mind

Those are all ways to realise allowance, so my key to raising consciousness is to elevate to allowance, which is infinite and decent not truly afraid.

7th August 2018, 07:01 PM
I find the fasted way to raise vibration is getting into the moment not that easy
Laughing yoga I second
Connecting to oracle cards are third
Eating connecting to organic eggs forth

7th August 2018, 07:13 PM
Reiki is a natural way to exercise your consciousness like yoga for the consciousness that can help with developing your psychic
Not only is energy work important but training consciousness is part of the ways to being psychic

13th August 2018, 04:00 PM
I find that seeing God in everything instead of separate goes a long way to doing this. The rest is practice in the astral planes, because to go upstairs you have to go through the bottom steps first.