View Full Version : How to interpret a dream

30th September 2018, 04:52 PM

I have a habit of seeing the meanings of dreams on websites. For it is very difficult for me to interpret a dream properly.

Does anyone have a good site about dreams to tell me ??

I particularly like the site: Segredos do Sonho. However, he is in Portuguese.

any tips?


3rd October 2018, 06:41 PM
I like Kurt Leland's dream interpretation site.

8th February 2019, 05:07 PM
Two places: The work of Carl Jung and their own experience. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud interviewed hundreds or thousands of patients with things happening in their lives, and part of the information received from them were their dreams. From the correlation between the things that were happening and the dream symbolism, they were able to put together 'dictionaries' based on the accounts of the people they interviewed.
On his own (perhaps with Dr. Freuds' help, I don't know) Dr. Jung also studied the myths of ancient societies and how they related to their way of life, and how 'modern' (or rather, their contemporary) works correlated to ideas that go beyond cultural. From that information, Dr. Jung compiled what he called archetypes, which are figures that symbolizes states of life or nature, and which also go beyond cultural ideas, and was able to put together what symbols meant in their proper context.
This is the source of what the good dream interpretation sites rely on, as opposed to places that use local mythology to explain dreams, or correlate all of them to some sort of religious or prophetic significance.
So yes, dream interpretation is a thing, and I think that if you stay away of religious hyperbole, it works quite well.

Border Dog
15th December 2019, 01:57 PM
Hello All,

first (basic) step, I think who asked is doing, that is "identify the elements of Dream".
in this sense, The Dictionary of Dreams of ZOLAR is the classical reference we have

as CFTraveler said ("perhaps with Dr. Freuds' help") Dictionary of Symbols is great,
but need a more deep knowledge in subjects ("Dr. Jung also studied the myths")

4th April 2020, 10:56 AM
Here is an interesting question. How much does our subconscious mind connect to the common egregore of the planet during sleep? I like to analyze my dreams in an attempt to separate the fleeting layers from the real signs of the future and the past. I noticed that classic dream books can not always help me. Jung has done a great job, but is this interpretation relevant at the moment? There are classic archetypes like cancer and aries (https://www.zodiacsigns-horoscope.com/compatibility/cancer-aries/). Astrology has several hundred years of classification according to its main features. Dreams often have additional personal significance depending on the sphere of human activity and life experience. If you interpret dreams according to Miller’s classic dream book, you can see many nuances that do not correspond to current realities. Does anyone know a more modern dream book, with a selection of archetypes over the past 10-20 years?