View Full Version : Question On Strange Occurrence

14th October 2018, 10:36 AM
Hi Robert,

I started coming to your site a few months ago, watching some of your youtube videos, and bought your books Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out-of-Body Experience, and Energy Work: The Secrets of Healing and Spiritual Development. My main interest started at Astral Projection but has quickly changed or extended to include energy work.

I started really focusing on energy work more and started coming across a huge amount of information which personally I have found fascinating. I decided to take things very slowly and gather as much knowledge as I can before pushing myself.

With Astral Projection this seemed to work as I tried many times and could relax, get into a vibrational state, but couldn’t quite exit. After a while I decided to stop trying and then one day I was able to exit easily and remember the experience fully. Due to the slow approach the actual experience was very calm and peaceful but very exciting i.e. no fear at all in the experience.

Friday night was something very different, I was asleep and woke with a significant fright. I sat up very quickly from a strange angle and slipped a disc in my lower back (which wasn’t a major concern as this has happened before). I tried to stand and then felt this surge of energy (it may have actually been the surge of energy that woke me and the pain in my lower back confused the order of events). It was like someone had attached a high voltage cable to my spine, I felt the energy run the length of my body and then a loud roaring sound in my head which continued for some time. Nausea, and dizziness followed soon after and I started to become disorientated. Eventually I basically collapsed on the floor which woke my wife up and she quickly came to help me.

Water, pain killers, and lying on the cold ground helped after what seemed like 20 – 30 mins (probably mins or secs in reality) and then I was ok again. Yesterday apart from the sore back I had a great deal of pressure in my head which has slowly reduced and now I am back to normal (apart from the back)

After that long explanation of what happened my question is do you or anyone else have any ideas on what may have happened to me? I saw a physiotherapist yesterday and he stated he had never heard of anyone having my symptoms with a popped disc before... so purely physical issues seems unlikely.

Sorry about the long message.

Cheers, SeekingBalance