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View Full Version : Astral Projection Symptoms and its Reliability as Concentration driving "Hooks"

9th December 2018, 12:31 AM
¡Hi, everyone!

I´m sure this phenomenon has already been subject of analysis, but nevertheless I can´t find reliable thread treating it.

When at light (¿or deep?) trance, I´ve identified some "symptoms" and I've linked them to a projection low level phase.
¿If I focus my attention to them, can I enhance them, giving as result the desired projection?

Symptoms detected are:

* sometimes subtle hissing at ears
* sometimes powerful humming all over
* unidentified (high density crossing lines) forming bright yellow designs directly in my line of sight
* something wich remembers to me Aurora borealis at brow area
* something like a static charge sensation at my exposed skin

¿Focusing at them can be counterproductive with projection purpose?
¿Are they reliable concentration enhancers (or attention driving) hooks?
¿Must I aknowledge them but don´t give too much attention?

Thank you very much

14th December 2018, 04:18 PM
I believe focusing on some of them will enhance the trance and get you closer to the exit stage, and focusing on other ones will be counterproductive.
In my experience listening to the earhiss enhances the state, has a similar effect to binaurals in that it entrains your brain to get closer to that state in which you're ready. I do believe there is a post about it somewhere, but it may be so old that it may not exist anymore.
Some people find that paying attention to visual phenomena is helpful- it is to me, unless I react with too much emotion and defeat the purpose of relaxing. I do find the lines are entertaining, and can be used to focus on 'outside' instead of 'the body.'
What I find counterproductive is to pay attention to 'body' centered sensations- like the tingling or the torso energy sensations. Those are best ignored, because you want to dissociate from your physical body.

15th December 2018, 07:46 PM
I believe focusing on some of them will enhance the trance and get you closer to the exit stage, and focusing on other ones will be counterproductive.
In my experience listening to the earhiss enhances the state, has a similar effect to binaurals in that it entrains your brain to get closer to that state in which you're ready. I do believe there is a post about it somewhere, but it may be so old that it may not exist anymore.
Some people find that paying attention to visual phenomena is helpful- it is to me, unless I react with too much emotion and defeat the purpose of relaxing. I do find the lines are entertaining, and can be used to focus on 'outside' instead of 'the body.'
What I find counterproductive is to pay attention to 'body' centered sensations- like the tingling or the torso energy sensations. Those are best ignored, because you want to dissociate from your physical body.

¡Hello, CFTraveler!

May be, earhiss (and perhaps, humming, although you don't consider it) are astral environmental sounds.
Focusing at it leads to an "anchorage" (may be, a more suitable word than "hook" word) effect increasing effectiveness of exit method.
Giving attention to energy body effects (whole body tingling and hearth chakra pounding, mainly) can anchor projectable double at physical body.

¡Thank you very much!
My best regards