View Full Version : Copy: Healing from the Heart and Sub-Navel energy storage centre depletion

8th December 2018, 02:02 AM
Hello :)

In healing from the heart technique you draw energy up through your feet and legs and torso to your heart center, then push energy from your heart through your arms and hands and into your patient.

I'm interested whether by drawing energy through the torso, and therefore through or near Sub-Navel energy storage centre, one actually draws energy from their Sub-Navel energy storage centre?
Following that thought, is there a possibility that one could give more energy that is capable of drawing through feet at a particular moment and therefore deplete their own Sub-Navel energy storage centre?
If so, what countermeasures can be taken, to be sure that no more energy is used that can be drawn?

11th December 2018, 07:25 AM
i experience the sub-naval, sub-heart, sub-brow as like vaults with a padlock on the front. so when doing NEW energy ways it only unlocks as i leave energy on that area. it takes a moment to shift into the storage zone. i don't think the body-mind will allow us to just open the door and use that energy needlessly...

14th December 2018, 04:27 PM
When you draw energy up through the legs, you're bringing it up from the ground. Energy always rises, which is why, when the work is done, grounding is good, and is also why you only store energy in the lower storage center. And, as I just realized this is in the 'Ask Robert' section, I will move this to the 'Down Under' section of the forum.