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25th August 2006, 07:29 PM
Hey chick-a-leetas!
Just a quick question.
Quite often I wake from a dream and have an intense need to eat something sweet, usually a piece of choc suffices. I have a friend who is a celiac( right spelling?) and she says the same happens to her. Is this due to energy loss in dream or what do you guys think?

25th August 2006, 07:36 PM
I'm always hungry when I wake up, and most people wake up after dreaming. Do both of you have breakfast routinely? I do, and have always thought that for me it's just a reflex reaction: Wake up, eat. However, I will say that when I project to the lower realms I am extra hungry and sleepy for the rest of the day and crave caffeine.

25th August 2006, 08:25 PM
No it's more like after only very intense dreams. Sometimes I wake up and I'm not hungry. I sleep very irregular times. I'm a songwriter so I can sleep at all diff times of the day. Do you reckon it's because of the energy use in my dream?

25th August 2006, 09:11 PM
No idea. My guess is if you had an emotional reaction it would trigger an adrenaline surge, and then crash, but it's just a guess.

26th August 2006, 02:53 AM
I have to eat before I go to bed, usually a light snack, so that I don't wake up in the middle of the night needing to eat. If I don't eat before bed, say with in 2 hours, I wake up really super hungery, or like I said will wake up in the middle. I also tend to have a soda just before I go to bed. That seems to help with the hunger. The only thing that throws that out of wack is when I have a dream about food, which is few and far between. Then I will usually wake up craving one particular type of food. Last time that happened it was steak.

26th August 2006, 12:50 PM
Hey CFTraveller I like the idea bout the adrenalin/crash. That sounds pretty reasonable to me. Cheers for that.

26th August 2006, 04:22 PM
I do that too sometimes, wake up and CRAVE something sweet. Not good for the ol' waistline, lol. No idea why it happens though.

26th August 2006, 09:57 PM
Me too. I went through a phase of getting out of bed at night and raiding the cupboards for choc. My doc said it was because I was unconciously trying to boost my serotonin levels - but that is based entirely on the fact that I was feeling low during the night. So, I dunno! :?


27th August 2006, 12:28 AM
I'm lead to believe it could be thirst too; that soemtimes we misinterpret it as hunger.

1st September 2006, 02:03 AM
Just watched a video interview with a lady called Hazel Courteney. Very interesting http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com indeed. She's a lovely lady and she makes a point about useful foods to eat when you're having what she calls a, "spiritual emergency". Apparently sugar is extremely useful to ground yourself. I kind of knew this already as my dream state was so intense. I trust my body implicitly and the sugar really helps when I'm overcome by my movement between heightened states.