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View Full Version : Angels' message (this time for sure)

22nd January 2019, 11:29 AM
Intelligence is new thought.

People haven't got a reason not to think. And if they want to think of something that serves them, they will. Ultimately, it is for the individual to either obey or abide in truth, in the context of this. This means don't just sell your name. If you have one thought in your head it will get to Heaven anyway. Just selling your name, the joke is on you!

So, all who do not understand the concept of thought will proceed upon an easier tangent - the authority. Anybody - we mean anybody - who wants to aim higher than television and mainstream radio is called, chosen for the purpose that is God's . Not to be "easier than faith," but to be "realer than fear." This is who is announced, for the purposes of this message: You are not a problem species. The opportunities were announced today, yesterday and tomorrow as well.

Think of love and wonder, thank you. Angels.

divined by olyris

12th May 2019, 01:13 AM
This just in: Insanity has been reproven the thought that you were born with. That means - 1. The thinking mind could be illuminated to the "state of no-mind" + 2. What people/you want is sexy (er, on earth as it is in heaven, or something).

Happy hauntings...


edit: "love is not fake" <-- to make yourself new

18th June 2019, 07:58 PM
Passion Vie Order [444]

Nobody has to suffer the great names, for the great lives suffered on their own. Buddha would say, choose suffering. We angels, as well, suppose that life itself must learn love first. You may choose between self and others permanently. It is true that the ones who respect instead of provide, are as holy.

You have a heart of glass, a soul of stone. We are bringing love to dissolve the - by now insignificant - differences.
