View Full Version : Do dolphins astrally project?

7th June 2019, 05:48 PM
I've read they don't spend time sleeping exactly like we do, one half of their brain sleeps at a time. So if at least part of why we need to sleep is so we can astrally project, then dolphins would have to do that some times as well, so does that mean dolphins could be pretty much constantly astrally projecting while also being awake as long as half of their brain is sleeping? Could they also get real-time sight from having half a brain asleep?

7th June 2019, 06:27 PM
I have heard them astrally... They echo about telling you whether your life is fun right... Kind of happy, healthy, humble...

8th June 2019, 03:11 PM
I've read they don't spend time sleeping exactly like we do, one half of their brain sleeps at a time. So if at least part of why we need to sleep is so we can astrally project, That's an interesting assumption. I don't think we sleep to project, I think projection is inevitable when we sleep because the brain isn't telling consciousness where to be, because the physical senses are 'off'. I can't imagine why we need to astral project- we're in the astral at all times even if we're not conscious of it.

then dolphins would have to do that some times as well, so does that mean dolphins could be pretty much constantly astrally projecting while also being awake as long as half of their brain is sleeping? Could they also get real-time sight from having half a brain asleep? When dolphins sleep, it depends on which half of their brain is asleep, sometimes they move and swim and someimes they don't. This tells me that at least every other sleep their senses are 'off' and they could project. They dream, so that tells me they project. But I'm guessing.

9th June 2019, 05:30 PM
Oh I wonder why I thought we needed to sleep to project astrally. Oh yeah maybe dolphins do that. If I learn astral projection one day maybe I will go and watch a dolphin sleep and report back. Thx 4 ur inputs m8's.

Border Dog
15th December 2019, 02:24 PM
I can't imagine why we need to astral project- we're in the astral at all times even if we're not conscious of it.

because our physical body (partially) works on vegetative state (metabolism)
for do this, like plants, we don't need the astral (subtil) bodies be coincident.

I agree with you, we can be projected even in awake state, but this require
the knowledge (and be aware) about Bi-Location of the same consciousness.

when we are sleeping or in a trance, it is easier to make lucid projections, and
It's not hard to imagine that conscious bi-location is a very advanced subject.

15th December 2019, 07:20 PM
There is being in your mind (closed), and being your mind (open).

31st December 2019, 11:40 PM
I don't know if dolphins do, but I have a grey torby Maine Coone mix, named Mouse, who has mad astral skills. A few weeks ago, she astrally slept with me at the foot of my bed. I even woke up a couple of times and felt her with my foot. I got up that morning and she hopped down and followed me out the bedroom door and down the stairs. I headed to the kitchen to start feeding all the beasts. It's a bit of a production because we have 7 cats and a dog. I noticed as I was putting the bowls down she wasn't at her spot. Then I remembered, she spent the night in the back bedroom with my brother's three cats. She and Budley are really fond of one another. So I grabbed their bowls and headed to the back bedroom and opened the door and sure enough, Mouse was at the door and bolted out and down the hall to the kitchen to her bowl while I gave Budley, Gracie and Petie their bowls. That cat can apparate in a fully visible (non-see through) physical-looking astral body. My daughter had been telling me for about a year that she sees Mouse when she's on campus painting late at night alone in the art building. But it was always out of the corner of her eye.