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View Full Version : Israel Regardie's Middle Pillar technique and projection

28th August 2006, 05:01 PM
Hello Mr. Bruce,

First off, thank you for what you've done-what the old grimoires have needlessly, jealously obscured you have made clear. We who study (and live) the Art who have been lucky enough to stumble on your techniques owe much of our progress to your work. You've saved us lifetimes. Thank you, from the depths of my heart. Anyway, enough fawning, on to the question.

I use an altered version of the middle pillar in my Art, using NEW techniques, Dr.Regardie's energy circulations, and eschewing the qabalistic mysticism in favor of direct stimulation of the traditional eastern chakras. I call it the "Altered Pillar" in my system. I've been using it for around 1 year now, and I've noticed some strange effects, and would love to have your learned input.

Directly after attempting a high powered projection, using the altered pillar followed by your projection techniques, should I fail (as i often do....but I've had some success! The first high powered projection I had changed Everything.) I follow up with a low powered projection. My problem is that my mind's eye vision acts crazily when I do. I can do low powered projection easily before i do all that energy work, but when I attempt it after, my perceptions throb, and all sense of scale is gone-things appear swollen or shrunk....it's hard to describe. I was hoping you could tell me why this would be, and what I could to to change it. Thanks for taking the time to read this-I appreciate it!


I think I may have answered my own question. I've been working my way through Bardon's Steps, and after having worked on the clairvoyance excercises for a couple of months the problem has disappeared, and I can "see" much better. Turns out it was all down to my own previously imbalanced development....ha. I suppose that's the risk one takes in attempting to train one's self. I would still apprectiate any insight you may have to that. Thank you for your time!

Robert Bruce
17th January 2007, 03:32 PM
Thank you.

The problems you describe would most likely stem from fluctuations in the higher chakras, especially the brow center. This should settle down with regular work and practice.

Yes, the early lessons in Bardon's IIH will help enormously to stabilize your projections.

The core image work given in my book Practical Psychic Self Defense will also help you with the inner work necessary to attain elemental equilibrium.

Vision problems can also be recified by commanding sight, clarity, during OBE. This evokes your higher self to fix the problem.

Whole body energy work is important to development. Do not neglect the lower chakras in favor of the higher chakras. This will cause imbalance.

Also, long sessions of energy work, two hours or more, will help. Go through your usual energy work, then start using a whole body bounce. Use a large energy ball filled with water element. Bounce this up and down through your whole body at a steady pace. Keep this up for an hour or so. It becomes automatic after awhile.

This method will help clear your energy body and bring it into alignment. It will also, if continued long enough, cause a new level of whole body energy and chakra activation. You will be able to feel and perceive all of your chakras very clearly when this peaks. Finish the practice session once you can feel and perceive the outline and shape of all your chakras, and feel them clearly throbbing and buzzing.

Robert Bruce