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31st August 2006, 07:17 PM
So here's a fun dream I had last night, you may take a stab at interpreting if you like, as an exercise in fun, I guess :D

I am holding an oval brooch, that is sort of ugly, with a diamond in the center. It was given to me by my grandmother. I am getting ready to hand it over to an appraiser to get an idea of its value $$.

As I look at the brooch closely, I see some material flaking around the diamond. Curious, I take a pen-knife and pick at it, and to my surprise the whole face of the brooch comes off and reveals another piece of jewellry hidden inside. This piece is clearly more valuable--it has large diamonds cut in a big square and is quite pretty.

I pocket the nice piece, put the ugly thing back together and hand it over to the appraiser.

Okay, so...background info. My grandmother just died within the last year. She did give me a diamond ring which I am supposed to pick up from the appraiser today.

I am pretty sure I already know what you are going to say about this, but...open! free for all!

Okay, Beekeeper, you just let us all have a say on yours, now you can say on mine :D


31st August 2006, 09:28 PM
okay, I'll bite!

Here's my take. The brooch is much more valuable to you than you let on to the appraiser. You already know that the sentimental value cannot be measured, which is why you pocketed the 'more valueable inside piece'.

inside = inner

1st September 2006, 04:44 AM
Oh, wait. Did I mention that I have been toying with the idea of selling it and I'm feeling torn on the matter?

I picked it up from the appraiser today and now I have the paperwork I need to sell it. It isn't worth very much, but I could sure use the money right now to attend a writing program I was just accepted to. I'm feeling attached to it because my grandmother gave it to me and it is all I have of my connection to her, which I valued. I also think at times that it might be good for me to break this attachment.




1st September 2006, 03:52 PM
I'm not much of a dream interpreter, but it's fun to toss ideas out there. Just for variety, I'll offer an opposite interpretation of Fliesatnite's.

Perhaps the value inside is the writing program that you were going to spend the money on. While you may be losing the physical item that connects you to your grandmother, maybe this writing program will be much more valuable to you. Your grandmother has left this item to you so that you may pursue your writing aspirations. Whatever you take away from the writing program, your grandmother goes with it, and so you will still be connected to her in that way.

Or maybe that's just giving you an excuse to sell it. ;)

1st September 2006, 04:39 PM
The object (The brooch) has more value than you think and only by carefully searching can you find its true value.

1st September 2006, 06:35 PM
You guys are good at this :D

I do like the excuse to sell it :) , although I suspect the last post is true.

2nd September 2006, 05:35 AM
:D This is so funny, I was analysing your dream on a word document a line at a time. (Usually I'll read the whole thing first). Then I got to the specific address to Beekeeper and I had to smile :D

Okay, so I presume the brooch is real and you're feeling a bit guilty about selling it. Maybe the brooch and the act of giving it away can be seen symbolically?

Here's what I had on that word document to paste in.

Hi Pilar,

I’m not letting myself look at the other interpretations before I write this. Sorry in advance if it’s repetitive.

An oval brooch: things going egg-shaped. Not quite round but not jagged either. A kind of feminine shape. Associated with sentimentality.

Sort of ugly but with a diamond in the middle: Good things at the heart of the less appealing aspects. How you feel about yourself sometimes? Are you seeing a symbol of yourself here? As such, are you giving away a part of yourself?

Given by your grandmother: your inheritance. The ways in which you’re typical of your family. Attachment.

The appraiser: how you or others judge yourself and your family and the place you hold in the world as a consequence of your inherited traits. Someone who will value monetary worth rather than other things.

As I look at the brooch closely, I see some material flaking around the diamond. Curious, I take a pen-knife and pick at it, and to my surprise the whole face of the brooch comes off and reveals another piece of jewellry hidden inside. This piece is clearly more valuable--it has large diamonds cut in a big square and is quite pretty.
When you are challenged by life and you think you’re falling apart, you do the inner work and find something even more precious than you initially thought within you- something that was always there and that goes beyond what you’ve learnt or inherited from family. The square cut suggests strength/solidity. Also, giving away something acquired in order to establish something of your own making. Something your family gave you which surpasses what you first imagined it to be.

I pocket the nice piece, put the ugly thing back together and hand it over to the appraiser.
You know your worth. It doesn’t matter so much what the world thinks. Such judgements are superficial. The nice piece is pure consciousness. The piece you give away is material in nature. The brooch was given in a certain spirit- it's okay to give it away because it was meant to benefit you.

Any good? :wink: That was fun. Nice dream.

2nd September 2006, 06:28 AM
Wow! You put so much effort into this interpretation! You should be charging for this service!!

(Maybe that would be better than the 'dream-job' you passed up :D


Thank you all!


2nd September 2006, 09:21 AM
Yeah, they'd pay me to stop. I'd make a fortune!

Sorry I was a so long winded- occupational hazard. :D

2nd September 2006, 06:32 PM
No, it's great!

So I'm still sitting here with the ring trying to decide whether I can let go of it or not. I hear people saying that if I sell it and use the money to go to my writing program, it is like transmuting the energy my grandmother gave me and moving it forward. I like this idea alot.

I've also been wondering about what healing properties a pure diamond might have. I read that a diamond is special because it retains a karmic imprint of the union it was used to seal. That has me wondering what kind of family history might be attached to this object, and whether I want that in my possession (good, or harmful?) Or even if owning a diamond might be a special healing tool? I'm not likely to receive a diamond ring again in my life, and I can't imagine purchasing one. So...own a diamond or not own one?

ha ha! As you can see, this ring is a complicated issue for me :shock: :D

I also need to spend some time thinking about how this relates to myself and my family, as you suggested. I liked those points you raised.



2nd September 2006, 07:00 PM
I don't think she'll mind that you sold her ring -- true, there is an "imprint" on everything she owned, including that ring, but can an object ever replace the spiritual connection you had and still have, even beyond death? (that is pretty much what Beekeeper said)

Keep a picture of her around, light a candle in her memory, those are things she will appreciate.

And don't forget to leave something for your grandchildren when it's your time to go :)

4th September 2006, 03:33 PM
First I would like to say, that I love reading everyone's insight and that I learn so much. I miss attending my dream circles because you see so many different sides to things and learn so much.

Here is my stab at things to explore.

First I would ask you how deeply are you attached to the brooch when you first see it in the dream - how much to the piece you kept? Then, what are you emotional feelings around the ring?

I would ask for reality checks for the dream - yes it was attached to an event happening in physical life - but why a brooch instead of the ring? A brooch is usuallly worn close to the heart - heart connection?

Are you giving away something that is more precious than you realize? Our you giving away your own "gifts" in physical life?

I had a dream once that I receive a sword. In dreamstate, I thought, I already have a sword, why do I need another. I was about to give it up for something I've been wanting, then I asked, why did I receive the gift? I couldn't answer so I decided to keep it for awhile. I then had another dream - months later, where I was working on soul recovery and needed that sword - I luckily had it, pulled it out and used it. I didn't realize how precious the gift was until I needed it.

Jewelry and other objects that were close to a loved one that passed could help us contact that loved one. My suggestion: If you are really torn - then put the ring on, put it under your pillow and ask your grandmother to come into your dream and ask her? Ask her what you should do with it. See how you feel after talking with her. The ring will act as a connection cord so you will know for sure - but only you will really know.

Thanks for the opportunity. It reminds me of dreams I miss with my grandmother.

5th September 2006, 01:32 AM
I don't normally comment on people's dreams because I'm not real into dream interpretation myself. But, I just have to comment on this because after reading the initial post about the dream, I got something totally different than what anyone else has posted. Not that mine is right, but it's something else to think about.

I don't think the brooch or the ring themselves have anything to do with something you are supposed to do or not supposed to do. My first thought was that your grandmother was trying to send you a message. She left her physical body (the ugly brooch) behind, made her transition, and is telling you that she has discovered how beautiful and valuable her eternal spirit is.
the whole face of the brooch comes off and reveals another piece of jewellry hidden inside. This piece is clearly more valuableIt occured to me right away that this was a message for you and not just a dream. It was so clear to me, kind of "duhhhh", that I was surprised at the other interpretations. "Course, I'm not into dream interpretation much, so I could be just influenced by my own beliefs. :D

15th September 2006, 02:24 AM
That is very nice, PHG. Thanks for sharing. I like your interpretation.

3rd October 2006, 08:46 PM
Something valuable in a crusty package reminds me of the wisdom of the elderly. It's okay to give it away, because it was meant to benefit you.

Now, here's a mind blowing question. Who do you suppose the appraiser of wisdom is?

3rd October 2006, 11:48 PM
Lion: that is a mind-blowing question. I admit this dream still baffles me because on some level I still feel that I just...didn't....get...it. LOL

My boyfriend says that diamonds (as crystals) are recorders, and that this stone contains a perfect record of all events it has observed. That would mean that in theory I should be able to use it in the astral like an Akashic record database for my own family lineage (eek! I don't think that I want to go there--the stuff I do remember is quite enough, thank you!)

But as for the symbolism in the dream, the farthest I can get is that there is something of value/worth that I am not seeing, that requires me to dig deeper. :Beyond that...I am baffled. Dream interpretation has never been my strong point. I'm far too literal.

5th October 2006, 05:13 AM
Something valuable in a crusty package reminds me of the wisdom of the elderly. It's okay to give it away, because it was meant to benefit you.

I still feel that I just...didn't....get...it

Sorry. This wasn't meant to disrespect anyone in particular:
crusty package = elderly = grandmother = crumbling brooch
Grandmother's heart = center of the brooch
age = wisdom = something valuable you can give away

The idea is that you got her to open up, and she gave you wisdom, which you can share with others.

Jesse Rose
28th February 2007, 06:50 AM
I am new to this, so, we shall see how I do, I haven't even been on a blog site before, but in my humble opinion the appraiser might be the world or anyone around you.

I think maybe the dream says that these people or whoever 'they' may be can not possibly tell the difference between what your self worth, and what 'they' think your self-worth is. The crumbling of the outside, and the fact that it was clearly not worth as much as your own diamond shows that the worlds view of you is only how they percieve you to be, not how you are. (The diamond representing the inner you in that case)

The tie to the grandmother, and the actual material diamond well, I think its a wee message saying, you will always have the diamond. No matter what anyone else thinks or says, it cannot be appraised, or taken.

yeah, might be quite far past this dream, but I love looking back on mine. Lasting impressions are for reasons me thinks. :wink: