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View Full Version : When I try to project my hands, my physical hands start lif.

31st August 2006, 11:30 PM
Hello. Whenever i try to project only my hands, instead of my astral hands rising, my physical hands start rising. i remember one time i entered a deep trane state and i felt vibrations. i then used real-time sight (or whatever you call it) and i saw both my physical hands lifting off of my lap (i slept with my hands on my lap) but then i blacked out and continued sleeping. Why is this happening and can i stop my physical body from reacting? thank you

Robert Bruce
18th January 2007, 09:45 AM
If you felt vibrations at this time, the hands you saw would be your astral hands and not your physical hands. They would look identical to your physical hands with astral sight.

This can be related to what is called 'false awakening' where persons wake up, get out of bed and go to the washroom or etc, not realizing that their physical body is still in bed.

This will become clear to you with further practice, as you have more experiences.

Robert Bruce