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2nd September 2006, 09:15 AM
Hi everyone!

I had an unusual kundalini experience tonight I think. As usual I woke up half asleep with the sushumna (spine) very energized and the feeling that the kundalini was about to make some spikes, but this time instead of the huge pressure and heat of the K, what I felt was a very cool, even cold, energy as strong as the K but situated between my shoulder blades and in my neck (maybe coming from top). It is the first time I pay attention to the temperature of the energy in fact as it has always been kind of "hot" during the past years. This time it was clearly cold, not a faint feeling at all, more like if someone was dripping cold water on my back (but it was a pleasant feeling).

Has anyone had a smiliar experience with cold kundalini? What could it be?

2nd September 2006, 06:35 PM
Hello K,

Are you sure this is Kundalini? It seems people use the word kundalini to describe a variety of experiences.


2nd September 2006, 06:42 PM
Hi Pilar,

indeed I agree people tend to use the word Kundalini to describe every energy sensation nowadays, but I'm pretty sure of me here. I have had very strong K experiences during the past 3 years, the last of which ejected me from my body when the energy entered the crown chakra although I was fully awake the instant before. It was exactly the usual feelings associated with night kundalini spikes for me but with a cold 'energy' instead of the heat I feel usually (I have never felt such a cold energy in daily energy work by the way).

Thanks for your input :)

2nd September 2006, 07:25 PM
Aren't cold and hot sensations related to imbalance between ida and pingala? I don't remember which is which, but one is sun/male/hot, the other is moon/female/cold ; not sure, but I would think that you experienced an imbalance between the two circuits?

It could be a sign that your feminine side is coming out :lol:

2nd September 2006, 07:47 PM
Cold Kundalini is entirely possible. When I received Shaktipat, I felt like I'd been thrown in the ocean. Waves of cold water kept flowing over me.

2nd September 2006, 08:31 PM
Cold Kundalini is entirely possible. When I received Shaktipat, I felt like I'd been thrown in the ocean. Waves of cold water kept flowing over me.

That's very similar to what I experienced in fact Tom, it was like cold (yet pleasantly cold) water flowing over my back (with the other usual symptoms of kundalini).

kiwibonga => A few months ago I had a kundalini spike in the right nadi (pingala I guess) which was terribly hot, so you might be right, I could be experiencing the other major nadi now. I think I remember something about this in Gopi Krishna's book on kundalini.

Aunt Clair
22nd September 2006, 05:10 PM
There was a recent global event, in September of 2006 , during which a number of people experienced a kundalini phenomenal event which was felt as if a waterfall was running down the back from the top of the head thru the shoulders and down the fourth rainbow pillar . It is water and male kundalini . The primary kundalini is internal and is called the mother although the energy is fire and flows into the throne of God in the Earth Stone. However, Earth and Fire are hermetically male . This is simplifying the journey greatly because Mother kundalini also descends from the air into the crown but she comes to the body as fire still .

Later a series of kundalini events occur which are more external and flow from energy pillars outside of the body and into it not coming directly into the throne or crown of the energy body as mother kundalini does . This is Father Kundalini and it develops the energy body about .5 metres around the physical body in a series of hermetic pillars .

Mother and Father Fire Kundalini dance together many times and the body becomes strengthened thru their travel thru the spinal chakral column .

But now for something completely different :D

This new kundalini is water and air . Its first event occurs as an akashic rain down the back and it is thrilling to experience . When we saw this in alchemy circle , it was introduced to us by Buddha . A beautiful blue , white and green water dragon undulated across the sea floating up thru the air and submerging once again thru the water . We projected upon its back to an ocean realm and there Christ showered us with this silver akashic cool heavy wet energy which ran down our head thru shoulders and fell on the rear of the spinal column and not down its central channel .
We were instructed that this was Father Kundalini sending akashic or water energy . Akasha is the 5th element it is a higher form of moonlight , water , female , magnetic , wet , heavy and silver . The primary Mother Kundalini brought male fire . This Father Kundalini brings female water and she entered thru the newly opened Air stone .

I could feel the energy under the skin inside my back and around the outer part of the chakral spinal column .It felt as if an outer ring on the spinal column had just opened . Also the energy seemed to be only on the back fourth of this outer ring .

Our hair felt as if it was drenched just as if we had been under a waterfall . It did not get physically wet but the feeling was as though we were soaked . In this mystical initiation, a crowd of human projectors ,entered the fourth and rainbow pillar .

flow of love
23rd September 2006, 01:34 AM

My sensations are verry intense,i have been doing new and psionics for a few weeks now and what i have been feeling is like wet waves of water flowing through my body, especialy my thighs and back. I also feel it in my sub navel but more in the behind section rather then in the front.I also have been doing alot of grounding and noticed sensitivity of energy in my feet.

Its interesting becuase my sun sighn is leo,wich the part of the body ruled is the back,and my ascendant is in sagitariuse so that rules the thighs,and for my moon in pisces rules the feet.

any one has any insight on this?

(I also would like to say, now that i can make these strong vibes and waves of energy come in me if i visualize and listen to songs in my head.
It also happens when i hear actual songs.)

Aunt Clair
23rd September 2006, 03:11 AM
My sensations are verry intense,i have been doing new and psionics for a few weeks now and what i have been feeling is like wet waves of water flowing through my body, especialy my thighs and back. I also feel it in my sub navel but more in the behind section rather then in the front.I also have been doing alot of grounding and noticed sensitivity of energy in my feet.
Its interesting becuase my sun sighn is leo,wich the part of the body ruled is the back,and my ascendant is in sagitariuse so that rules the thighs,and for my moon in pisces rules the feet.
any one has any insight on this?
(I also would like to say, now that i can make these strong vibes and waves of energy come in me if i visualize and listen to songs in my head.
It also happens when i hear actual songs.)

Imho the astrological birth signs are irrelevant to this water kundalini but your symptoms are similar and your description makes me feel it is the same kundalini phenomenal event .

30th January 2007, 06:46 AM
I also get cold sensations coming my spine. It feels like water running down my back.
I am new to this whole K thing but basically you guys are saying women are supposed to get cold and men are supposed to get hot? I am confused. :?:

30th January 2007, 10:50 AM
hmm. I have had few times now pulsing feeling in the spine (also in different parts of the body, like arms etc) after meditation and during last two weeks, I can't say if it's related Kundalini or if my chakras are getting open, but I get these big and warm energy waves starting from talebone (end of spine) to shoulder.Not higher so far. There is also tingling sensation in the 2nd and 3d chakra area, which means sacral and navel chakras, muscle twitches etc.
I'm also quite new to yoga, generally speaking, although I have a lot of knowledge....So maybe Aunt Clair can make things more clear for us? :wink:

Aunt Clair
2nd February 2007, 11:45 PM
I continue to monitor descriptions on various metaphysical forums . I record my own symptoms and experiences , and the descriptions of my circle peers in a journal . CFT , PHG also write journals. I suggest sitting in daily meditation and learn to hear and see the highest source . Open the body fully with NEW , projection , meditation and healing . In this way , you can allow the energy body to develop smoothly without adverse affect and anticipate the next stage . I am experiencing these new events too but remain curious about them .

3rd February 2007, 04:49 PM
I had some experiences just a few days ago like this. I was meditating and some old memories resurfaced. Along with a burning sensation near the very bottom of my spine.

Although it wasen't major I think its a good sign.

Aunt Clair
4th February 2007, 01:25 PM
A huge red cobra came over the body last month and smaller ones came up the arms . This culminated at the full moon of Feb a group of us also had cold kundalini come up thru the male kanda and continued over 3 days . A medusa head of fire snakes came out of the hair on the last day . This was cold moon water up and hot fire snakes down . The base of the spine burned intensely at the end .

4th February 2007, 10:33 PM
I also get cold sensations coming my spine. It feels like water running down my back.
I am new to this whole K thing but basically you guys are saying women are supposed to get cold and men are supposed to get hot? I am confused. :?: No. In hermetic and other kinds of mystical systems the elements are separated into cold, hot, magnetic, electric, etc. The elements of water and fire are classified as water(female)Yin,magnetic; fire(male), Yang, electric. In Kundalini the female energy goes up the spine (as the serpent) to meet the crown, but there is a complementary movement, male energy going down at the same time. In a Kundalini event, some feel the hot/up, some feel the cool/down, and some feel completely different sensations altogether. It just depends on what part of the metaphysical systems are active and how sensitive/what type of sensitivity, if any, the subject undergoing the process is/has.
Some females (like me) have a strong masculine energy, and some males have a strong femenine energy. It's not about sexual orientation or even gender, it's about energy systems and how they develop.

Aunt Clair
5th February 2007, 12:00 AM
The elements of water and fire are classified as water(female)Yin,magnetic; fire(male), Yang, electric. In Kundalini the female energy goes up the spine (as the serpent) to meet the crown, but there is a complementary movement, male energy going down at the same time. In a Kundalini event, some feel the hot/up, some feel the cool/down, and some feel completely different sensations altogether. It just depends on what part of the metaphysical systems are active and how sensitive/what type of sensitivity, if any, the subject undergoing the process is/has.
In ancient works it is called Mother Kundalini . The feeling typically runs up the spine as fire and is called a flame .
Fire hermetically is hot , light , bright , dry , electric , active , male energy
Water is cold ,heavy , dark , wet, magnetic , passive , female energy
Kundalini , imho , is predictable in that the energy body passess thru stages and this will determine as CFT how the kundalini is percieved . I feel that the pattern is seen in the nadis
1.golden fire sun male father God
2. platinum blue water female mother Goddess
3. pink earth Earth male son avatar
--------------------------------------------------------Tri Fold Flame
4. green air Heavens female daughter avatar
5. silver akasha Spirit Moon female
6. golden amoris Sun male
There are 14 major nadis , the first 3 are the primary nadis in the tri fold flame .
Kundalini has been percieved and discussed 20,000 or 5000 years depending on your view if the vedas were truly that old in oral tradition or if you want to go with the younger but documented written sources . Somewhere in between lies the truth lol.

In all that time , humans have only described Mother Kundalini and the fiery serpents . Imho , the Father & Son kundalini is water & air and it is new to the planet . I feel it is the big push towards the next shift in consciousness and that it begain for the massess in 2007 . I suspect that avatars were well beyond this and that the limitations of the frail human vessel in which they incarnated still constrained their ability to develop further at that lifetime , even though they were able to go much further than the masses have today .

Consider this , Christ projected four angels from himself as documented in the apocrypha of Judas and Pistis Sophia . His apostles , trained by him could not manage to even OBE except Judas who was able to project one angelic form and follow Christ to Barbello .

Imho , the kundalini is the energy which heals and perfects the energy body removing blockages , increasing the vibration , allowing for greater clairience , healing and projection .

Father Kundalini appears in imagery as a male leviathan with a beard in a sea .I know it is converse to the elements but it makes sense I think.

Female is water and air but Mother Kundalini is fire and The Daughter Kundalini will be earth .
Male is fire and earth but Father Kundalini is water and The Son Kundalini is air .

This is like the female who projects a pink rose earth astral body
and the male who projects an indigo sapphire water astral body .

I feel that it makes sense and that the chronicling of this cold kundalini is very important to a future esoteric understanding of the energy body development of humanity as a whole .

As evolution proceeds and the life forces flow ever more freely along the "nadis" and through the centers - major, minor, and minute - the rapidity of the distribution and of the flow, and the consequent radiance of the body steadily increases. The separating walls within the enclosing sheath of the tiny channels of force eventually dissolve (under the impact of soul force) and so disappear and thus the "nadis" of the advanced disciple take a new form indicating that he is now essentially and consequently dual and is therefore an integrated personality. He is soul and personality. Soul force can now flow unimpeded through the central channel of the "nadi" and all the other forces can flow unimpeded around it. It is whilst this process is going on and the forces within the "nadis" are being blended and thus forming one energy that most of the diseases of the mystics make their appearance, particularly those connected with the heart.

[quote:oxjf058l]Simultaneously with this appearance of duality in the "nadis", the disciple finds himself able to use the two channels - ida and pingala - which are found up the spinal column, one on each side of the central channel. There can now be the free flow of force up and down these two "pathways of the forces" and thus out into the "nadis", utilizing the area around any of the major centers as distributing areas and thus galvanizing, at will, any part of the mechanism into activity, or the whole mechanism into coordinated action. The disciple has now reached the point in his development where the etheric web, which separates all the centers up the spine from each other, has been burned away by the fires of life. The [595] "sushumna" or central channel can be slowly utilized. This parallels the period wherein there is the free flow of soul force through the central channel in the "nadis". Eventually this central channel comes into full activity. All this can be seen by the clairvoyant eye of the Master.~ Alice Bailey [/quote:oxjf058l]
http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/ps ... c2235.html (http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/psychology2/psyc2235.html)

...an overview of main scriptures on Kundalini Yoga, the 5 states of mind, the 5 related pranas, the 24 categories of non-sentient existence, the 5 sheaths of consciousness, the 14 major nadis,… as well as clear information on the awakening of Kundalini energy through purification of body and mind through daily Kundalini Yoga practices and meditation techniques. http://www.sanatansociety.org/chakras/k ... i_yoga.htm (http://www.sanatansociety.org/chakras/kundalini_yoga.htm)