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View Full Version : Very Odd and Different Fear

4th September 2006, 05:32 PM
Dear Mr. Bruce,

I have an overwhelming fear of Hell. It seems to be from my childhood belief system of christianity and perhaps my mothers beliefs that doing any OBE work is not of God. I know the that beliefs are a strong force in ones experience. I feel torn. My energy work / OBE/ development are very important to me, but when I begin to progress, fear grips me, as though I am doing something "wrong" (wrong as in Im not supposed to be doing this stuff and its against God etc..) I want to know the best and most effective way of clearing out belief systems (beleifs) and turning them into knowns, if that makes any sense. These thoughts and feelings seem quite negative to me (the beliefs that I am going to hell for eternity) and negativity , to me, doesnt sound/feel like it should be synonymous with God. I hope I wasn't to vaugue in my writing and that you understand what I was attempting (i think rather poorly) of expressing.

Thank you,


ps. I answered this in the 'Down Under' forum and left this one here. If you want to see my answer- CF.

Robert Bruce
18th January 2007, 09:59 AM
OBE is mentioned many times in the bible.

This is a natural process with a natural purpose. Everyone, including your mother and the pope, experiences OBE every time they sleep. They just don't remember it. And anything that is natural, is natural, and therefore part of God's plan.

Modern terminology for these things, eg, astral projection, have a lot of baggage that spark baseless but emotional reactions in religious people. A change of terminology can help ease this problem.

Computers are not mentioned in the bible at all, but religious people use them all the time. This does not mean they are evil.

What you describe is programming, like brainwashing. I suggest you consult a good psychologist and or qualified hypnotist and get their help to overcome these fears.

Robert Bruce