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6th September 2006, 03:03 AM
Hi everyone,

I keep progressing with body energy stimulation. I'm on day 7 and while stimulating the left leg, I felt a very distinc burning sensation on the skin. The sensation is similar to that of being close to fire for too long. Even an hour after the exercice, it's still kind of painful, but bearable. Anyone ever felt this? I wonder if there's something I'm doing wrong.


6th September 2006, 03:07 AM
Take pictures if you get anything visible, because you won't believe it later on even though you saw it yourself. You can get rashes and burns and even blisters which will pass faster than normal. Energy raising can have strange side effects when you begin. Act quickly if you get anything visible, because you'll need it later on to show something happened.

6th September 2006, 03:10 AM
Hi Tom, thanks for replying.
I just checked and it's not visible...

17th September 2006, 12:25 AM
Once while doing energy-raising I had a burning sensation that concentrated itself on a mole on the back of my leg. It only happened once. It only lasted for a few minutes, and it wasn't painful.

17th September 2006, 02:17 AM
Something similar happened to me today for the first time. While attempting AP I got an intense burning sensation on the skin over my abdomen. Everytime it felt that I was about to exit the burning came and it literrally felt like my skin was on fire.

17th September 2006, 02:01 PM
From what I'm reading, I get the impression that painful sensations may arise as a result of blocked chakras or an excess of chi energy concentrated in one particular area.

I found some references to pressure and discomfort in the text (Astral Dynamics) beginning around page 285. Robert says, in essence, that these sensations are caused to insufficient preparation or inadequate energy work.

I could be wrong (somebody please correct me if I am!) but it seems to me that working more with the "sponging" techniques and those that involve raising and balancing energy, opening and soothing the chakras should all help to distribute and balance our energy, and so help reduce these painful and uncomfortable sensations.