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Kuang Mu tian
9th September 2006, 01:47 PM
Hi folks,

I've been to the urologist and he told me that I have kind of hemorrhoids. He isn't sure. The fact is that I got sharp pains in my butt anytime I sh-t.

Could you guys send me a healing ... right, you just know where.
I'm serious. I'm going to see the doctor next week again. If I am not killed by the pain in ... I'll report back in 2 weeks or so.

Yours sincerely

Kuang Mu Tian
(btw, the location I live in is Malaysia and I'm 25 yrs old!!!)

10th September 2006, 01:54 AM
Hi folks,

I've been to the urologist and he told me that I have kind of hemorrhoids. He isn't sure. The fact is that I got sharp pains in my butt anytime I sh-t.

Could you guys send me a healing ... right, you just know where.
I'm serious. I'm going to see the doctor next week again. If I am not killed by the pain in ... I'll report back in 2 weeks or so.

Yours sincerely

Kuang Mu Tian
(btw, the location I live in is Malaysia and I'm 25 yrs old!!!)

I urge you to pray to Blessed Alphonsa of India. Her intercession is very powerful, for she suffered herself. I shall pray as well.

Blessed Alphonsa, praise the Lord...
For His mercy endures forever!
See Blessed Alphonsa in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blessed_Alphonsa)…

10th September 2006, 02:35 AM
Kuang Mu Tian,

Would you be willing to look into some internal cleansing to assist with your situation? I highly recommend a colon cleanse in addition to the medical advice you are getting.

It is not common knowledge, unfortunately, that a great deal of our elimination problems are caused by the foods we are eating, which are no longer natural. Think of the other animals in nature. Do you know any other animals that tamper with their food source? No, only humans. All other animals eat only the food that Nature provides in its raw state. We are both mind & body and healing must occur in both mind and body.

If you are willing to do a colon cleanse, it will help your body release built up toxins in your colon that are contributing to the pain you are now experiencing. Hemorrhoids are a sign of prolonged constipation--when waste is dry and hard, it cannot be passed smoothly. This puts unnecessary pressure on the sensitive veins around the anus, and causes the symptoms you are experiencing.

There are many types of internal cleanses available, through the internet or health food stores, and they vary a great deal in price. Typically a cleanse includes herbs that are laxative in nature, to soften the stool, as well as herbs that kill parasites, along with probiotics to restore healthy intestinal flora and an agent such as psillium to sweep the colon walls of accumulated mucus and debris.

Ejuva is the most popular, but is very expensive. Arise and Shine is also good, and you do not need to buy the entire package. If you do not have experience in this area, I would recommend visiting your nearest health food store and getting the advice of their resident herbalist.

It is something not too serious that you can address and prevent further problems down the road.

Good luck

Kuang Mu tian
10th September 2006, 08:03 AM
Pilar, Sophroniscus, thank you very much for your answers.
Pilar, I've read your reply carefully and will consider your suggestions. I am not experienced in the field, so seeking advice where you suggested I will. Just have to find one of those herbalists you mentioned.

Kuang Mu Tian,

Would you be willing to look into some internal cleansing to assist with your situation? I highly recommend a colon cleanse in addition to the medical advice you are getting.

It is not common knowledge, unfortunately, that a great deal of our elimination problems are caused by the foods we are eating, which are no longer natural. Think of the other animals in nature. Do you know any other animals that tamper with their food source? No, only humans. All other animals eat only the food that Nature provides in its raw state. We are both mind & body and healing must occur in both mind and body.

If you are willing to do a colon cleanse, it will help your body release built up toxins in your colon that are contributing to the pain you are now experiencing. Hemorrhoids are a sign of prolonged constipation--when waste is dry and hard, it cannot be passed smoothly. This puts unnecessary pressure on the sensitive veins around the anus, and causes the symptoms you are experiencing.

There are many types of internal cleanses available, through the internet or health food stores, and they vary a great deal in price. Typically a cleanse includes herbs that are laxative in nature, to soften the stool, as well as herbs that kill parasites, along with probiotics to restore healthy intestinal flora and an agent such as psillium to sweep the colon walls of accumulated mucus and debris.

Ejuva is the most popular, but is very expensive. Arise and Shine is also good, and you do not need to buy the entire package. If you do not have experience in this area, I would recommend visiting your nearest health food store and getting the advice of their resident herbalist.

It is something not too serious that you can address and prevent further problems down the road.

Good luck

22nd September 2006, 11:04 PM
Kuang Mu Tian,

Would you be willing to look into some internal cleansing to assist with your situation? I highly recommend a colon cleanse in addition to the medical advice you are getting.

It is not common knowledge, unfortunately, that a great deal of our elimination problems are caused by the foods we are eating, which are no longer natural. Think of the other animals in nature. Do you know any other animals that tamper with their food source? No, only humans. All other animals eat only the food that Nature provides in its raw state. We are both mind & body and healing must occur in both mind and body.

If you are willing to do a colon cleanse, it will help your body release built up toxins in your colon that are contributing to the pain you are now experiencing. Hemorrhoids are a sign of prolonged constipation--when waste is dry and hard, it cannot be passed smoothly. This puts unnecessary pressure on the sensitive veins around the anus, and causes the symptoms you are experiencing.

There are many types of internal cleanses available, through the internet or health food stores, and they vary a great deal in price. Typically a cleanse includes herbs that are laxative in nature, to soften the stool, as well as herbs that kill parasites, along with probiotics to restore healthy intestinal flora and an agent such as psillium to sweep the colon walls of accumulated mucus and debris.

Ejuva is the most popular, but is very expensive. Arise and Shine is also good, and you do not need to buy the entire package. If you do not have experience in this area, I would recommend visiting your nearest health food store and getting the advice of their resident herbalist.

It is something not too serious that you can address and prevent further problems down the road.

Good luck
There is a wonderful colon cleanse recommended by Roy Masters...


To make it, combine...

1/4 cup wheat bran,[/*:m:zxyqfxdq]
1 1/2 tablespoons rice bran,[/*:m:zxyqfxdq]
1 heaping tablespoon lecithin,[/*:m:zxyqfxdq]
1 heaping teaspoon apple pectin and[/*:m:zxyqfxdq]
1 cup liquid.[/*:m:zxyqfxdq]

Mix them well. The liquid I use is kefir...


But another other liquid -- drinkable yoghurt, milk, fruit juice, water, etc. would work.

If you are diabetic, of course, watch the blood sugar...

29th September 2006, 11:37 PM
Hi folks,

I've been to the urologist and he told me that I have kind of hemorrhoids. He isn't sure. The fact is that I got sharp pains in my butt anytime I sh-t.

Could you guys send me a healing ... right, you just know where.
I'm serious. I'm going to see the doctor next week again. If I am not killed by the pain in ... I'll report back in 2 weeks or so.

Yours sincerely

Kuang Mu Tian
(btw, the location I live in is Malaysia and I'm 25 yrs old!!!)
Well, it's been two weeks (or so). How's it going?

31st October 2006, 01:42 AM
This weekend I heard on Health Talk Atlanta that hemorrhoids may be caused by blockages in the liver. The host, Dr. Joe Esposito recommends that one should use a liver detox program to help with that problem.


31st October 2006, 04:08 AM
Thats terrible, I will pray for you. Are you under a unusual amount of stress? I know when my father was under a lot of stress from work he complained of something similar. Once things got better at work, it cleared up... Whatever the situation/cause may be your in my prayers. Take care!