View Full Version : Lack of Motivation? and Was this anything?

Mithril Dragoness
11th September 2006, 02:04 AM
Can my sometimes lack-of-motivation be due to noise while I try to meditate/attempt energy work or could it be something deeper? Is my lack of concentration possibly contributing to this problem? All responses welcome, please (I'd greatly appreciate it!).

Also, last night I was having trouble sleeping, so I decided to fool around with my mind and attempt to indcue astral projection without having reads up on techniques or even practiced beforehand. Yes, I guess I was rather bored. Anyhow, I got some light tingling with some random visualization, and my heart was somewhat racing, though not so much as to be expected. I'm not really sure if what I felt was a falling sensation, but it was something...and, having no prior experience, my mind wandered or something and I was left with rapid eye movements and a beating heart. So I calmed myself with some other random visualization, and only then could I be calm enough to sleep. Was this anything, or did my body just get worried and confused? Or was it self-induced? (All suggestions helpful).

11th September 2006, 02:17 AM
Doood, I can so relate to the lack of motivation thing. Sometimes I wonder if it is friction/resistance from some part of ourselves not wanting to evolve.

I think something was going on with you. The racing heart thing could be your heart chakra opening up or being active or whatever you call it, lol. Sometimes energy work will do that. I've also heard this can happen when you are working on learning to OBE/AP.

Sort of Unrelated Side Note : My heart pounds sometimes when folks read my posts. :shock: I've noticed it with PHG and CF in a big way *waves hi*. Try paying attention to when your heart does that and what pops into your mind at those times.

As for the tingling, that can happen with energy work too, means your doing it right. :) Random visualization? What kinds of visualization?

Funny you said you couldn't sleep last night, I couldn't either. Man that is frustrating!

11th September 2006, 02:24 AM

11th September 2006, 02:45 AM
My heart pounds sometimes when folks read my posts. :shock:

yep-I can be walking somewhere and I suddenly know someone is reading my post. freaks me out. I have since developed the habit of going back on-line and deleting them after I've written them :D is this the sign of a weak aura do you think? or just an overly -anxious person?? :roll: :lol:

Actually, it was explained to me that this is awareness opening up. :) I think it's awareness through your heart chakra.

I like it, I think it's pretty cool and a huge affirmation that this stuff is real, lol.

11th September 2006, 08:34 AM
Lack of motivation is, I have noticed, one of the very worst hinderances to getting into this stuff. At times its so odd. I REALLY REALLY want to astral project and explore the spiritual side of the universe, and yet, its always so much easier to just surf the net or play video games.

Its the reason I've decided to focus on self-change, not just the seeking of novel experiences (which, I am thinking, may be a subconscious stragedy of avoiding the full engagement in life).

11th September 2006, 01:13 PM
Sort of Unrelated Side Note : My heart pounds sometimes when folks read my posts. :shock: I've noticed it with PHG and CF in a big way *waves hi*. Try paying attention to when your heart does that and what pops into your mind at those times.

As for the tingling, that can happen with energy work too, means your doing it right. :) Random visualization? What kinds of visualization?

*waves back* Interestingly, sometimes I feel that tingly-back-of-the spine feeling when people read my posts, and sometimes when I read energy related posts too.

11th September 2006, 01:26 PM
That is so true about the lack of motivation, and I thought it was just me that suffered with it.


11th September 2006, 02:07 PM
Everyone can suffer from it. There is a trick of having a short spiritual experience that is quite powerful, but cutting it off (such as after a short meditation). This tricks the mind into wanting more and reduces lack of motivation.

Mithril Dragoness
12th September 2006, 12:43 AM
Wow, so it really might have been something! That makes me feel so much better, and I think I've got some motivation in store for later on tonight!

For a while, I thought the lack of motivation was something only I was plagued with, because of some default that wouldn't allow me to reach a wonderful world beyond my human existance. Now I know that this isn't true at all, and I am glad that I posted this topic! Success stories and inspirational moments like this help a lot when you aren't feeling motivated (to all who get the same feeling I do).

And, by random visualization, I literalkly meant it. All out of my head, plus combining my "fraud" playthings of my mind with an online techinique. I probably won't do that again, because I really need to do energy work and become proficient before I try to yank myslf out of my body.

Thanks everyone! I should be on this site MUCH more often now!

14th September 2006, 04:03 PM
It's so ironic that we can suffer from motivational issues on this subject. From an outside observer's point of view - we are RELAXING and doing nothing! And yet, sometime's it's difficult.

My biggest motivational help with any topic is to read about it frequently. My most active time with lucid dreams was several years back when I read several books on them. When I stopped reading, I lost motivation. That's why I visit this site every day - there's so much inspiration that you really want to experience what everyone else is doing.

Best of luck!


14th September 2006, 04:33 PM
Daily life and its routines and interacting with people build up their own momentum. When you sit down to meditate the first thing that will happen is that you will begin to relax and let go of that momentum. It will unwind and all sorts of thoughts and emotions will surface. The momentum will try to carry you back into the routine and away from your meditation. You can sit back mentally and let it unwind without being carried away by it and the effort involved in doing this will build up a momentum of its own that can affect your daily routine the way your daily routine affects your meditation. It is not apathy or lack of motivation. The problem is that the motivation is divided by momentum in two directions.

It must be nice to be sensitive enough to feel it when people are reading your posts. I've gone to the opposite extreme of shutting everything out and am now trying to find a middle ground from the other direction. I know that both extremes are not good, and it would be nice just to blend our tendencies so we all land in the middle with a perfectly balanced awareness.

14th September 2006, 04:46 PM
Lack of moltivation has never been a problem for me because I had to do it to survive. I was so stressed out that I got mentally ill. I started to meditate. It worked and I continued to do it because I saw it as my way to get well. Today I'm well and have been meditating daily for four years.

The thing is I never get bored of my daily meditations. It's so interesting exploring consciousness and it's endless it seems. And my daily meditations is also a way for me to recharge.

orbit1: That's true for me too. Reading about a subject can really motivate you and give you new ideas and inspiration.

14th September 2006, 05:00 PM
In one of Osho's books, I forgot the title, he said that Yoga begins when you must change or die. Until then you can study, meditate, spend hours at a time doing postures and breathing exercises, and anything else you want ... but it is not Yoga.

14th September 2006, 07:16 PM
It must be nice to be sensitive enough to feel it when people are reading your posts. I've gone to the opposite extreme of shutting everything out and am now trying to find a middle ground from the other direction. I know that both extremes are not good, and it would be nice just to blend our tendencies so we all land in the middle with a perfectly balanced awareness.

Whew. That is the goal, isn't it? It sounds wonderful. On my own path, I found that I was doing quite well retaining stability until I went through a severe awakening event about two years ago. I'm not completely clear on what happened there. I suspect it is related to kundalini, but is definitely not a full kundalini awakening. Possibly the lowest level! ha! :wink: But it caused a complete and total breakdown of the self as I knew it and destabilized me to the point that my life literally fell apart and I had to go into retreat to take care of myself. It has taken me about 2 years to recover to a place of stability.

When the event first occurred, there was no seperation at all between the information coming into me from outside. I literally could not tell who I was. I had 'no self'. But this was not a blissful Buddhic event :shock: It was all I could do to function. I had to re-build a sense of self that allowed me to interact with the outer world completely from scratch, and spent time in Buddhist monastery when I was at my worst.

Now, I am able to go into the city and be around people in very small doses, but I am easily exhausted and would like very much to be able to come to a place where I can just "shut it off" and "turn it on" at will! Being able to tell when someone is reading my posts isn't too bad, but bringing a stranger's emotions into my own home through a forum is more than I want to have to deal with! This level of sensitivity makes it difficult to interact with the world out-there much 8)

During that time, I found that routine was my life-line. The monastery was rigid but it gave me a structure to hold onto. Now I find that self-discipline through my various practices--martial arts, yoga, meditation, journalling, work, eating, etc--these routines are a blessing that can be relied upon when internal emotional or mental states become destabilizing.

...My long-winded commentary on routine :roll:

Mithril Dragoness
15th September 2006, 12:53 AM
Yes, my motivation did actually come back when I had went to reading about meditation again...for one small moment, I had some willpower, and I began to read some more...reading is good :)

I want to thank everyone for the info...it has helped me a lot, and helped my motivational porblem as well (the main reason of the post!) and I am glad that it makes a good topic for all to relate to.

Can't thank all of you enough!
I'll be on and about more frequently...whenever I have the proper time.