View Full Version : foot chakra massage

15th September 2006, 01:36 AM
I was reading the article on massaging the energy centers of the feet and legs but am unclear about a few terms. Could someone please describe what these mean: brushing, sponging, wrapping, stirring.
Thank you!

15th September 2006, 02:00 PM
I was reading the article on massaging the energy centers of the feet and legs but am unclear about a few terms. Could someone please describe what these mean: brushing, sponging, wrapping, stirring.
Thank you!
Imagine a brush stroking the skin of the area you are working on. Try to feel it. If you can't, get a paintbrush and physically do it. Then try to remember what it feels like. Continue to mentally cover all areas, moving the feeling around the targeted areas. That is brushing.
Sponging- Imagine a wet sponge, on the inside of your target limb- imagine what a wet sponge would feel if your limb was hollow and you were 'cleaning' the inside of it. Continue to work and spread the feeling.
Wrapping. Imagine you have a bandage, and are wrapping a limb or other appendage- feel the wrap touch your skin or area. Feel the pressure, the texture, the movement.
Stirring: Imagine you are touching an area of your body with your finger. Use the finger to stir the area (circular massage). That's stirring.
You're welcome.