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16th August 2019, 07:46 PM
Lucid in a dream. Low level of light, trying to turn them on with affirmations and statements, but nothing is working. I find a small tv and I'm able to change the channel. Could not remember my goals and woke up.

Later night slipped into another lucid dream now I'm an airplane, but dream fell a part quickly.

20th August 2019, 11:26 AM
Non lucid dream. An older man is yelling at a child. He takes him out of my office and begins to spank him. I walk out there and make him stop. I told him that I will not tolerate his abuse anymore and that I was done warning him. I then tell the old man I know he is hurting the kids because he was hurt, but it is not ok to hurt someone else. Emotional dream and began crying. Woke up.

24th August 2019, 09:51 AM
No lucid dreams. Ended up in some kind of doctor's office or chiropractors. They were adjusting my back and asking me to walk with better posture. Everyone time I would correct it they, would say I was doing it wrong. When I did fix it, the feeling was uncomfortable and exaggerated.

25th August 2019, 02:12 PM
Spent last night in a presentation telling me that they know best. Guy presenting is in an expensive suit it and gives me the exact time the presentation will be over. I start the clock on my watch to test it. Then, the dream shifts and I'm standing in a mansion. I"m told that everything is done, but we have to find $500k first. Everyone is tearing the house a part looking for it, but I know it isn't there.

27th August 2019, 12:08 PM
At an amusement park driving a car that is kind of on a track. Someone tries to jump in the car. Then the car loses complete control. She is talking about all sorts of things unrelated and the car is going everywhere. I keep trying to get control and put it back on track.

28th August 2019, 08:56 AM
Fell asleep on couch, went to bed a few hours later. Successfully projected from bed and floated out of the window. Slipped through the night as if falling backwards and couldn't help, but remark how beautiful the night was. Stars were bright and there was a deep calm all around me. I asked "why am I falling?"

Then, I turn around and fall directly into the ocean. Immediately I realize I'm being chased by a shark. I'm not worried or concerned,but thoughtful as to why. I get the impression that I'm not supposed to confront the shark, but rather evade and hide. Eventually, I find some blocks of ice (glacier like) and climb up on.

28th August 2019, 07:29 PM
Nap. Became lucid in a small apartment. There is a young mom cooking dinner for her child. She is talking, but I can't hear anything that is being said. The little girl pulls headphones out of my ears and all of a sudden I can hear again. They tell me I'm in NY city. I lose focus and wake up.

30th August 2019, 03:42 PM
Heavy night of sleep. Small fragments in the early morning. Serial killer cutting up bodies and keeping them in small trailer. Strangely not concerned, but tried to leave anyway. Some bodies were sewn back together - pretty gross.