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2nd October 2006, 01:11 PM
Hi - I've been having strange health issues for the last 2 months. Numbness and tingling across my whole body. They detected nerve damage in my legs last week. This is depressing because I am only 33 yo and I was very active before this started. They're doing more tests to determine what the cause is.

Any energy or advice anyone would like to send me would be greatly appreciated - any energy work (manipulating my energy) - please contact me first.


2nd October 2006, 01:33 PM
hey, i had injured my disc (L5/S1 sector) and it caused swelling inside my spine that irritated my nerve to the point of agony, numbness and tingling at first
as far as i can tell u NEED to make magnetic resonance of ur spine for the full info, i had been misdiagnosed for 3 months >< and took inapropriate therapy, it happened in january and i still wait for proper therapy (took laser, magnetic field, and 2 kinds of electro therapy that partially worked, but mostly on negative entities in my body, it messed them up wonderfully, exercises damaged me but i dont know ur case)

also been very active, actually i suspect the injury occured during kung fu training, it turned out i had several problems with that sector already

as far as energy healing i can only advise caution since u dont know the source of the energy and it may lead to possesion issues, regardless if human or entity is conducting it, catholic religion prayers i can account for
as very rewarding

2nd October 2006, 02:20 PM
my doctor is working with the insurance company to get an MRI on my spine. My insurance co refused it at first because I had not done physical therapy before the request - as per their guidelines.

I know I have a moderate curve to my spine so I am very careful with my workouts. But actually I'd stopped working out for a month before I started showing any symptoms and I had not experienced any type of injury when my symptoms started.

Thanks for the advice but my Higher Self will only let positive, healing energy in for my benefit and that's why I asked for people to contact me before they attempt to do any time of energy work that invovles energy manipulation. I have a very strange 'energy setup' and if someone attempts to change my setup to what they consider 'normal as other people's setup' it could be disasterous for me. By contacting me first we can determine if their work is appropriate and positive for me.


2nd October 2006, 03:47 PM
You might want to look into Quantum Touch. The reason why I started to learn it was because it seems to be very good at allowing the body to change the alighment of the bones by relaxing the muscles connected to them. It is an energy based system.

Also, there is frequently energy being shared during the day in the chat room at http://www.onenessforall.com/ which they call the meditation room. You have to register with the site to get into the meditation room, but I think that is just to avoid duplicating screen names and so they can provide personal message options like at places like this. I like the energy a lot over there and have been suggesting it a lot recently.

2nd October 2006, 04:18 PM
Thanks Tom!

I'll relook at Quantum Touch and visit that chat room. I could use an energy boost. :)

2nd October 2006, 05:12 PM

I visited the chat room - absolutely blissful! I thank you with all my heart. :D


3rd October 2006, 05:54 PM
well, my higher self seem to be dead in such case :/
peculiar energy setup => ur achieving a project ?

i paid for my MRI due to large ques in public health service, i do not regret that decision, the difference in time was 3 months

3rd October 2006, 06:03 PM
Hi - I've been having strange health issues for the last 2 months. Numbness and tingling across my whole body. They detected nerve damage in my legs last week. This is depressing because I am only 33 yo and I was very active before this started. They're doing more tests to determine what the cause is.

Any energy or advice anyone would like to send me would be greatly appreciated - any energy work (manipulating my energy) - please contact me first.

I urge you to pray to Blessed Alphonsa of India. Her intercession is very powerful, for she suffered herself. I shall pray as well.

Blessed Alphonsa, praise the Lord...
For His mercy endures forever!
See Blessed Alphonsa in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blessed_Alphonsa)…

5th October 2006, 10:43 AM
thank u, God through her eased my pain considerably
i start to hope for miracle

5th October 2006, 03:29 PM
A friend of mine had similar issues and was diagnosed with West Nile Virus - something to keep in mind if more obvious causes aren't uncovered.

I will send a little healing energy your way!

5th October 2006, 07:21 PM
I certainly can empathize with numbness. My feet have been giving me problems for years.

Omega 3 fatty acids can help with nerve damage. The brain and nerves are made of large quantities of fat. (It's actually a compliment when someone calls one a fat head. It means your brain is what it should be.) I've heard that about half the fat in the brain is Omega 3, and about half, Omega 6. The problem with Omega 3 is that many people in modern societies consume about 15 times as much Omega 6 as Omega 3.

And avoid partially-hydrogenated oils like the plague. It ought to be illegal to sell them, since they are essentially poison. Unfortunately, they are so pervasive in modern society that it is really hard to avoid them.

Also, activity is essential. Don't stop moving about because your body is hurting.

5th October 2006, 07:30 PM
thank u, God through her eased my pain considerably
i start to hope for miracle
I understand that many healings have come about through her intercession. Her tomb at Bharananganam has become a center of pilgrimage and many miracles have reportedly occurred there.

5th October 2006, 10:16 PM
Sophronicus- what originally made you have interest or connections with her?

6th October 2006, 01:23 AM
Sophronicus- what originally made you have interest or connections with her?
With whom? Blessed Alphonsa? It is a complicated story.

Since 1985 I have been intensely interested in the Eastern Churches. In that year I discovered the Byzantine Catholic Church. Since then I have been fortunate enough to be able to attend the Divine Liturgy in each of the six major apostolic churches, Roman, Byzantine, Coptic, East Syrian, West Syrian and Armenian.

I have long been interested in the story of the Christians of Saint Thomas. According to sacred tradition, Saint Thomas the Apostle traveled to India where he suffered martyrdom. The church which he is credited with founding was all but forgotten in the West until 1498 when the Portuguese traveled to India. They were completely amazed to find a church which was completely isolated and unknown to the West. So she and I had something in common, our foot problems.

In any event, back in 2005 I learned that there was a Sryo-Malabar church being established near where I live. They are called Syro-Malabar because they follow the East Syrian Holy Qurbana of Addai and Mari, and because they are from the Malabar Coast.


In any event, I started attending their church, which they had named for Blessed Alphonsa.


I'm the white guy who keeps trying to sing along with them even though I don't understand a word of it. I think of it as my own way of praying in tongues. I'm sure the Holy Spirit understands me, even if I don't understand myself.

In any event, I became intensely interested in Blessed Alphonsa’s life. Perhaps also, I am interested in her because I suffer from numbness in my feet. She had injured her feet as a child from which injury she never completely recovered.

6th October 2006, 01:43 AM
Sophroniscus wrote:
have long been interested in the story of the Christians of Saint Thomas. According to sacred tradition, Saint Thomas the Apostle traveled to India where he suffered martyrdom. The church which he is credited with founding was all but forgotten in the West until 1498 when the Portuguese traveled to India. They were completely amazed to find a church which was completely isolated and unknown to the West. So she and I had something in common, our foot problems. Could you point me to something I can read about this history? It is fascinating, and I'd like to learn more.

6th October 2006, 04:29 AM
Thank you very much for sharing that story and info (-:

6th October 2006, 11:20 PM
Sophroniscus wrote:
have long been interested in the story of the Christians of Saint Thomas. According to sacred tradition, Saint Thomas the Apostle traveled to India where he suffered martyrdom. The church which he is credited with founding was all but forgotten in the West until 1498 when the Portuguese traveled to India. They were completely amazed to find a church which was completely isolated and unknown to the West. So she and I had something in common, our foot problems. Could you point me to something I can read about this history? It is fascinating, and I'd like to learn more.
Well, what can I say?


It is important to recognize that East Syrian Christians see themselves as Jewish-Christians more so than as Greek-Christians. That is to say that -- just as the Greek and Roman churches were continuous with the Greek-speaking Christians of the New Testament -- the East Syrian Christians see themselves as the continuation of Aramaic-speaking Jewish Christians. Thus the Syro-Malabar Church used Aramaic as their liturgical language until fairly recently. It is only within the past 30 years that they translated the Holy Qurbana into Malayalam.

6th October 2006, 11:53 PM
my doctor is working with the insurance company to get an MRI on my spine. My insurance co refused it at first because I had not done physical therapy before the request - as per their guidelines.

I know I have a moderate curve to my spine so I am very careful with my workouts. But actually I'd stopped working out for a month before I started showing any symptoms and I had not experienced any type of injury when my symptoms started.

Thanks for the advice but my Higher Self will only let positive, healing energy in for my benefit and that's why I asked for people to contact me before they attempt to do any time of energy work that invovles energy manipulation. I have a very strange 'energy setup' and if someone attempts to change my setup to what they consider 'normal as other people's setup' it could be disasterous for me. By contacting me first we can determine if their work is appropriate and positive for me.

If it turns out that your doctor recommends surgery... I hope you will keep in mind that it is best do try non-surgical options before surgical options, since once a surgeon does something it may be very difficult to reverse it. I would consider a chiropractor long before I would consider surgery, for example.

Also here is a link that might help...


7th October 2006, 01:54 AM
Thanks Sophroniscus. This is very interesting. It's going to take me a while to read through all the data and links- St Thomas in India! It's exciting to me, since he is my favorite apostle.

17th October 2006, 02:17 PM
If it turns out that your doctor recommends surgery... I hope you will keep in mind that it is best do try non-surgical options before surgical options, since once a surgeon does something it may be very difficult to reverse it. I would consider a chiropractor long before I would consider surgery, for example.

Also here is a link that might help...

How's it going, Krystal?

17th October 2006, 04:36 PM
thanks for checking up on me. Pretty much the same...

I still have the daily symptoms - I actually have a mild limp now, I believe the nerve damage is spreading.

I see my neurologist again in a few weeks. My insurance company is being difficult about letting me get an MRI on my spine. And the chiropractor will not touch me until he can look at this MRI on my spine.

But overall, every day I have to assess how I feel. Too much stress can increase my symptoms at times. And I have a stressful job - it's a high paying job and I can't just quit, we need the income and quitting won't stop my symptoms....

I was pretty depressed last night (I'm not depressed today, it's amazing that I'm not depressed all the time). I was all worried that this nerve damage will just keep spreading, that the doctors won't be able to stop it and that I don't have long to live (if nerve damage spreads to the organs, it can shut them down, which can be fatal). And I was thinking about the fact that I just celebrated my 3 yo wedding anniversary and my 2 yo son's birthday.

I really wish I knew who I could contact that could tell me what I need to do to turn this around. What can I do energetically to stop this and reverse it?!? I'm at a loss...

18th October 2006, 12:09 AM
thanks for checking up on me. Pretty much the same...

I still have the daily symptoms - I actually have a mild limp now, I believe the nerve damage is spreading.

I see my neurologist again in a few weeks. My insurance company is being difficult about letting me get an MRI on my spine. And the chiropractor will not touch me until he can look at this MRI on my spine.

But overall, every day I have to assess how I feel. Too much stress can increase my symptoms at times. And I have a stressful job - it's a high paying job and I can't just quit, we need the income and quitting won't stop my symptoms....

I was pretty depressed last night (I'm not depressed today, it's amazing that I'm not depressed all the time). I was all worried that this nerve damage will just keep spreading, that the doctors won't be able to stop it and that I don't have long to live (if nerve damage spreads to the organs, it can shut them down, which can be fatal). And I was thinking about the fact that I just celebrated my 3 yo wedding anniversary and my 2 yo son's birthday.

I really wish I knew who I could contact that could tell me what I need to do to turn this around. What can I do energetically to stop this and reverse it?!? I'm at a loss...
Well, I don't claim to be a healer. But I do feel for you. I know the feeling of numbness, myself.

Many doctors would have you believe that nerve damage is irreversible. But that is not true.

Take time to smell the flowers. Life is beautiful. Smile at people. Certainly you can smile at your husband and son. Well, smile at a stranger. Even better yet, smile at your boss.

27th October 2006, 01:34 AM
Krystal, have you been doing NEW? Robert had serious back injuries for years and believes he would be in a wheelchair if it wasn't for all the energy work he's done on himself. I would recommend spending an hour a day raising energy using NEW, placing your hands over the most damaged nerve area and "pushing" the energy into there. I use it on my feet, where I have a lot of nerve damage. I went off the prescription that reduced the pain for two weeks because I didn't have time to pick it up. I was amazed that the pain has disappeared.

27th October 2006, 12:45 PM
Hi - update for all.

I had a session yesterday with a psychic healer and she helped to put me back together. I was in an automobile accident right before all this started (no damage to our car, I had whiplash that quickly went away). And I was being overwhelmed by stress.

My body took advantage of the automobile accident to put alot of my vertebrate out of alignment to cut off blood and nerve flow. She performed long-distance chiropractic adjustments on me. it REALLY worked - I'm sore just as I've been in the past after seeing a chiropractor.

My symptoms are 95% gone!!! :!: And I'm loading up in Vitamin B to lower my stress levels.

She is an angel! She really helped me.

I feel GREAT! :D

27th October 2006, 01:28 PM
Yay!! That is good to hear. :D Distance Chiropractics?? Wow! :shock:

27th October 2006, 02:12 PM
Yea, she calls is "Directional Non-Force Muscle-Skeletal Balancing" but basically she adjusted me like a chiropractor from over 1,000 miles away!

I felt instant relief and today I'm sore just as I would be in the past from seeing a chiropractor - exactly in the places she told me that she was working on me!

Very cool stuff!

27th October 2006, 02:14 PM
Yea, she calls is "Directional Non-Force Muscle-Skeletal Balancing" but basically she adjusted me like a chiropractor from over 1,000 miles away!

I felt instant relief and today I'm sore just as I would be in the past from seeing a chiropractor - exactly in the places she told me that she was working on me!

Very cool stuff!

That's just amazing. Sooooo glad you're feeling better! :D

27th October 2006, 02:31 PM
Me too!!! Even though I'm not completely over my cold and I'm sore, I feel better than I have in MONTHS! :)

28th October 2006, 12:07 AM
Yay!! That is good to hear. :D Distance Chiropractics?? Wow! :shock:
I heard of some chiropractor who might lose his license because he started doing distant healings. So I guess legally defined chiropractics and distant healing don't necessarily mix very well.

30th October 2006, 01:07 PM
I know it depends on the area that you live in, in the USA, in some States, you have to hold some kind of religious office or you can be arrested for healing someone (person to person, or long distance). But an easy way around that is that free website that offers to make you a religous title.

Oh that website slipped my mind... but you just register there and then you can show this to anyone to not be arrested because then you're performing a religious service.