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6th October 2006, 01:05 PM
I received this prayer and I thought I'd share it for those religiously inclined:

"God's Temple is Holy, and that temple you are."- 1 Corinthians 3:17

This moment is the moment I accept Divine Idea of radiant health as true for me. I think about health not only as possibility, but also as a reality. I expect to be healthy and whole in mind and body, as God created me to be.
As I focus on health and wholeness, I am guided in ways that support and maintain my health and well being. As I think of health instead of what seems to be wrong, I am building a consciousness of health. My awareness of health grows stronger and more complete with each passing day. My mind is filled with God's truth of radiant health.
Dear God, I pray that I fully, completely, accept the Divine Idea of radiant health as mind in body and mind. I pray that I see this as manifest reality that will continue for the rest of my life.
In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Adapted from a prayer written by Rev. Ian Chenoweth.

6th October 2006, 01:46 PM
CFTraveler, what kind of biblical background do you have? Just curious. I have read some intersting interpretations of some texts of the Bible recently.

6th October 2006, 01:54 PM
I grew up catholic, went to a catholic school and actually liked religion. (While everyone else was sleeping, I was arguing with the priests, lol.) Then in college I minored in Anthropology, and my favorite subject was comparative religions. (My major was Art History and my favorite subject was prehistoric & protohistoric art, which led me to study the more ancient versions of some of the religions we have today). I have gone to a variety of churches, but the one that has fit me best is Unity, which is a metaphisical christian church. So far so good. For 3 years I worked at my church in the bookstore, which gave me ample opportunity to study religious history and keep up with the latest discoveries through mags like Bible Review and Science and Theology.
I love the stuff.