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17th October 2006, 01:50 AM
From where do we raise energy through our legs? Is it from the Earth? The universe below our feet? In one of Robert Bruce's descriptions he says it is highly psychic energy or something, but from where? I know the hands deal with atmospheric energies but the feet are not clear.

17th October 2006, 01:53 AM
In base chakra meditations a connection is visualized with the earth; usually in the form of a red line that connects to the center of the earth. Perhaps the feet are symbolic connections to earth energies.

17th October 2006, 02:08 AM
thats what I was thinking - it coming from Earth.

18th October 2006, 12:09 AM
hmm. But then why is it that our leg's energy passages get stronger and yet we lift energy to our root chakra individually? How could a cord to the Earth lead to our sub naval passage?

18th October 2006, 12:42 AM
The cord connection is a symbolic representation of the microcosm that our body is in respect to the earth and the universe, and it's connection to it. That's why it is visualized to the center of the earth, to it's molten magnetic core. It is a symbolic representation to the power that is represented in it. Power that translates into our body, as the instinct for survival, the drives that keep us here. In positive (creative) aspects and aggresive (negative) aspects of this instinct. So when you draw energy from the earth to your feet to the base chakra, what you are doing is energetically reinforcing your connection to the earth. So realize that a chakra is a connection of two types of existence, the transcendental and nonlocal, and the physical and local. Think of it as a doorway, or transducer (for the technically inclined.) The energy we are talking about it can be described as physical but also nonphysical. Hence the symbolic nature of it. The idea or principle of it.

18th October 2006, 12:47 AM
Oh :D