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8th December 2006, 02:36 AM
The last two nights have been very active for me dream-wise. These dreams seem to have a lucid quality to them, where I am making decisions in real time, instead of just kind of going along with things, if that makes any sense.

Here's one from last night. I told a friend about this, so I just copied and pasted what I wrote them. (Please excuse the grammatical and spelling errors, I wrote it first thing this morning and was rushed):

I had almost a nightmare last night. Someone came to me, in the form of my ex-boyfriend, except hideous looking. It was very mad at me and tried to harm Rockie (Rockie is my cat and I love him dearly)! Poor Rockie! I was stuck in this place with these really yucky people trying to get back home. Rockie was in his carrier and they kept letting him out - I was so scared he would be afraid and run away. They were also messing with me when I had to let him out to go to the bathroom. Poor Rockie!! It was horrible.

Part of the dream I was in San Diego. I missed the water so much. I was with a group of people who turned out to be jerks. I had even discovered that they had stolen some things from me. I tried to get back home and found a couple of OK people who were headed where I was going - so me and Rockie hopped in their car and we took off. All of the sudden, it turned into a speed boat and we were going over water. I was on the bow of the boat, lol. It was a real trip, we almost hit another boat and had to do some fancy manuevers, all while I was on the bow. Then it turned back into a car and we ended up at this very strange place that tried to trick travelers. You would go in and end up in some kind of endless loop and not be able to get out again. I figured a way out, but, the way was completely slippery and unpassable because of bird poop, yes, bird poop, flowing like a river... I found a nice little skill and shot something out of my hands that made it passable, lol. It was like I froze the poop so we could walk on it and not slip. Very strange. Once the keepers of this place discovered we were trying to escape, they tried to stop us, and I froze them too. (I felt like the Ice Man in X-Men) :D We managed to get back into the car (we had to reassemble it) and then I woke up.

8th December 2006, 04:24 AM
Wow...way to resolve your bad dream! Its nice when you can turn a nightmare around :lol:

8th December 2006, 04:31 AM
Ya, my dad taught me that a long time ago, when I was really young. He told me that you can become aware and control your actions and decisions in your dreams (Lucid Dreaming I think) and to do that whenever I had a bad dream. I remember a few bad dreams that were really scary where I turned into some kind of super human and flew up in the air and defeated my attackers.

This dream had a different quality to it, a lot of my dreams have been feeling different to me lately. I feel aware in the dream more often, it's hard to describe. I haven't read much on dreaming, so...

The part that was the scariest was when they were trying to hurt my cat. The other parts of it I was sort of like just doing what I thought I should, not very emotional at all, really.