View Full Version : Very large, persistent energy blockage - advice, please?

13th December 2006, 07:39 AM
When I was in my junior year of high school, I was sparring in a jujitsu class when a sudden pain shot through my back. It ran like a fault line between two points on the right side, from about the centermost rib to the upper edge of the shoulderblade. Nobody really knew what happened, because it wasn't an obvious strain or pulled muscle; a massage therapist that happened to be there pointed out, however, that my muscles in the area were tightly knotted up and spasming. After about a month, the pain died down, but it never quite went away, even now that I'm a college sophomore.

When I started using NEW, a couple years after the injury, I quickly ran into the remnants (causes?) of the injury in the form of a massive, linear energy blockage, like a subway line that's totally out of commission. Rather than being confined to the upper back, the blockage seems to run from my right big toe (which I also injured a few times) all the way up my right leg, over my right hip and back, and through the right side of my neck and into my jaw and ear. I can tell it's a very serious blockage, and it definitely impedes my energetic development. I can't complete a full-body circuit because the energy simply will not go up my right side, and when I try, I can sense it taking a roundabout route outside my physical body by six inches to almost two feet in some spots. Even then, it takes a lot of effort to make it inch up my back, and it always ends up pooling in my skull and giving me a headache. It's worth mentioning that I had a clairvoyant then-friend who said to me that my aura looked strange compared to other people's, that it was very "heavy" and moved ponderously, with globs of color aimlessly wandering around like the inside of a lava lamp.

I think this blockage may be related to a number of things. At the time I incurred the original injury, I was in a pretty bad way in terms of mood. I went through most of the latter part of high school quite depressed, in the sense of the actual psychiatric disorder, and I think that this blockage is related to the negative emotional experiences I had at the time. I also think that my "picking at the scab" with my aggressive, forceful energy movements through the area may have made it worse. I'm also wondering if maybe I should work more on the left side of my body, which I've been neglecting in favor of patching up the right. The final concern I have is that I have read that the general flow of energy through the body is up the back and down the front and up the right side and down the left. Naturally, my energy seems to want to flow in the reverse directions, and I've been pushing to get it to go the other way.

So... Now that you've read all this (for which I thank you and compliment you on your tenacity), would you mind telling me what you think I should do about this? Specifically, I'd like to clear up the issue of which direction the general energy flows should take, if any; how I should divide my time between attending to this massive blockage and the rest of my energy body, and how I should even approach the treatment of a blockage this huge. And of course, if anyone can diagnose what that aura pattern may signify, I'd be much obliged. I'm prepared to work for a long time on this because it makes meditation, and thus OBE induction, much more difficult than it needs to be. Thank you all for taking your time to read and respond to this message!

13th December 2006, 09:23 AM
Have you tried "energy bandages?"

Robert mentions something about them in Astral Dynamics, I'm not sure if it's in the online version, but you can basically do a "wrapping" awareness action, like a bandage over damaged areas to help strengthen and heal "holes" in the energy body.

Though, since your problem seems serious, you might want to look into acupuncture and/or reiki, perhaps.

14th December 2006, 11:24 AM
First and foremost, don't try to "force" energy. Forcing energy, much like overusing muscles, can cause damage that takes time to heal. Just like lifting alot of weight only a few times is more likely to damage muscles than lifting a lesser amount many times. You're better off lightly brushing along the area. Don't worry if you lose the feel of movement over an area, with time and practice blockages will eventually breakdown.
Press firmly and rub in a small circular clock-wise motion, if you can do awareness stirring motions then attempt to do so as well, on the following points. Do both sides of the body.
- The inside of the big toe.
- The inside portion of your leg, above the ankle bone. From the center of the ankle bone, slide up four finger widths, just off the back of the bone.
- About 2 thumb widths above the top, inside edge of the knee you will feel a bulge in your thigh muscle. It's on top of the bulge.
With this last spot do both stirring and physical pressure.
- Three to four inches straight down from the center of the armpit. If physical pressure causes a kind of sharp pain that you might call a "good" hurt then you know you've found your spot, though it doesn't have to cause pain.
Try that for two to three weeks and see if there isn't any improvement. Just remember, slow and light at first.

14th December 2006, 09:30 PM
Thanks, both of you. Nitchel, how do you know about these precise spots? Training in acupuncture, qigong, or some related body of knowledge?

Aunt Clair
15th December 2006, 12:48 AM
I would suggest past life regression first to understand the reason that you came into this body impaired like that . It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to do that . If you can trance and meditate , you can do it yourself with some help . Artemis made a CD which I love for this . I have used it in circle many times since a teacher introduced us to it . Here is a aussie advert . Just google it from where you live instead .
http://www.pygmypossum.com.au/products/ ... ml?id=1456 (http://www.pygmypossum.com.au/products/view/Discover%20Your%20Past%20Lives%20with%20Artemis.ht ml?id=1456)

Secondly , I would heal this past life garbage thru meditation and projection . Ask to be shown what you need to carry as lessons learned from past lives and to move on .

If you can project consciousness you can go to the violet flame of St Germaine in the Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek . Enter the cleansing flame and ask to be removed from past life karma and walk on .

Thirdly , I suggest yoga , swimming , biking , walking to tone the physical body into good flowing circluelation of chi and zen trancing .

Drink lots of water and meditate daily . Right thought , right words , right actions . Avoid what brings you down and hurts you . Spend each day helping others .Thru service , we grow and heal ourselves .
Open in protection

Deep Cleanse Breathe from crown down
pull energy into the crown chakra
swirl it around and down
and exhale out from palms heels ,heart , mouth
then pull energy down to the next chakra
and repeat
until you get to the pink chakra below the red one

Raise clean energy
bring energy up the bare feet on the floor
bring energy up the ball of the foot the instep and the heel on both sides
bring it to the ankles
and groin
now pull the energy up to the heart
by sucking in the abdominal wall
and pulling up the pelvic floor
hold your breath and pull this energy over your shoulders
and exhale

This should open you daily . Then I would do energy exercises to force the circuit to purge the block . Sitting in an armchair

1.arm to foot ouroborous
take the right foot and place it in your lap while the left foot remains on the floor . Bring the left hand to the sole of the right foot and send energy from the crown to the heart down the arm to the foot and pull it up thru the leg to the heart . Continue to do this until energy runs quickly cleanly clear and fast . Then do the opposite foot .

2.palm to palm
bring the palms together at the heart and pass the energy from the crown to the right arm thru the palm to the left palm and up the left arm to the heart . With each breath bring more energy from the crown to the heart and repeat until the energy runs fast clean and clear . Then reverse the flow and run it again until it is clear .

3.sole to sole
Sit on the floor and prop the back against a wall . At the gym they may have mats hung on the wall which will ease this for you . Bring the soles of the feet together and send energy down the crown and down the heart to the right leg out the sole of the right foot to the left foot thru all 3 centres if you are flexible enough
the balls of the feet
the instep
and the heels
send this energy up the left leg to the heart and repeat until the energy runs fast and clear and clean . Then reverse making it flow from the left leg to the right

4. Lie on the stomach and pull energy into each chakra from the ground
. You might want to stretch first or do this after a yoga workout .
If you can manage to send the energy in a snake like loop this will be of great help to you . That is , take in a deep breath and hold it
send energy
into the back of the head at the crown
out the third eye
in thru the nose out thru the back of the head
down thru the neck out of the throat
into the heart
out the back of the heart
into the hips
out thru the groin
exhale fully
repeat it until the energy runs fast and clean and clear

5. lying on the stomach , if you can, grasp your heel and very slowly rock
and stretch then send energy from the crown down the spine to the feet
up the hands to the arms to the crown
breathe in again
and continue until the energy runs fast and clean and clear

continue with NEW to build up the energy body .

Here is a method to try call raising the dragon too ;
http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/ ... 333.0.html (http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php/topic,333.0.html)

27th February 2007, 11:39 AM
Rather than being confined to the upper back, the blockage seems to run from my right big toe (which I also injured a few times) all the way up my right leg, over my right hip and back, and through the right side of my neck and into my jaw and ear. "

Congrats on your perceptive skills regarding internal energy. What you seem to describe is a blocked up (acupuncture/Qigong) meridian. Many start up at the head and terminate into toes.

Beyond usual energy work there are usually specific Qigong treatments for any of the meridians, since each is associated with organs you want to treat. Maybe I can look it up for you which one it seems to be.

This could even - only a possibility - indicate something about an internal organ associated with that meridian. Long-term blockages on meridians can cause illness, so beware. Maybe have a checkup at the doc (cannot hurt, anyway).

Depression is associated with the five element theory as well (and with organs) - this is a resource I just found, that describes kinds of depressions and which element/organ they could denote:


The natural energy flow is up the back and down the front for the torso/head complex. This is the "Small Circulation"/"Microcosmic Orbit" known from India and China. There is no evident harm when it is reversed, at least if it is done on purpose. Circulating reverse is known as "Water Path" - the "Fire Path" is better known. The Fire Path is known for circulating your energy strongly, while doing the Water Path can reduce overheating in the body caused by excessive Chi. This could be an act of your body to balance your Qi to cool down your organs to avoid damage. A Qi healer or Qigong master should know more about it, if you have access to someone like that?

As for treating the blockage - I recommend starting at top and going downward. Try to clear chunks of the blockage on top as cleanly as possible, and drop the residue below your feet. This may sooner or later trigger a cascade of blockage resolutions that may sweep the meridian clean, or you have to work through it top to bottom. See my posts on "Sinking Chi" and the "Outer Dissolvement Process" (maybe I wrote "Dissolving"), and perhaps refer to the Qigong/meditation books "Relaxing into Being"/"Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body" by Bruce Frantzis (yes, I know, I always recommend them, but one has to name one's sources ;) )

Good Luck.

27th February 2007, 11:57 AM
Oh, and BTW:

Martial arts practise can trigger Qigong phenomena. In T'ai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Chang, Hsing-I Chuan, etc. this is done on purpose, therefore they are known as the "internal martial arts", which rely on energy work, tendon springiness and often relaxed strength to produce power.

Jiu Jitsu, Karate, and everything Shaolin may, when intensely trained, create quite a bit of muscle tissue contrasting to the tendon "springiness" of the internal arts. Muscle tissue plays a major role in the "Muscle/Tendon Changing" practise of the Shaolin, which produces superior strength and health through Qigong.

But the reverse is true as well - well-developed muscle tissue with a healthy blood/oxygen supply when exercised emits Qi which is led back into the torso for healing purposes in Wai Dan Qigong (External Elixir, in contrast to focus/meditation-centric Nei Dan - Internal Elixir).

If you are a persistent and disciplined sportsman you could have triggered this when practising your form with concentration, and led energy along the meridians back to the body's center, and *wham* it hit the blockage, insufficient to flush the major blockage, it caused pain, because that is what a block feels like. (You know, anyway ;) )

27th February 2007, 07:58 PM
By looking at several Qigong manual none of the major Qi channels or vessels can be it alone, but since they interconnect at certain points it is hard to say what your points indicate.

The right big toe is the start of the Liver Channel and connected to the Gall Blader Channel. The Gall Blader Channel is connected with the right ear. It has a connection with the right shoulder blade, but does not run down the back, instead it runs down the right body side, through the right hip and down into the toe 2nd from the outside of the foot.