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View Full Version : Did I awaken kundalini? Im scared!!!

19th December 2006, 01:48 AM
Ok so I have been praticing drawing energy into my body. I have been feeling energy coming from my feet up etc. I have been trying Quantum Touch. Two nights ago I woke up to extremely hot feet and alot of energy feeling, it was intense. I also felt some enery going through the rest of my body but it was by far the most intense at my feet. It felt as if energy beams were shooting out of my feet. Last night I had a dream of a person sticking a hammer in my head and pulling down with lots of energy, it hurt and felt good at the same time. I awoke from the dream disoreinted and felt energy in my head. I have read some bad things about Kundalini, yesterday I felt drained and a little sick. Today I feel a little sick also. I have only been praticing Quantum Touch for about 2 weeks, I had like 8 healers in a chatroom send me healing energy through distant healing about 4 days ago also. Im thinking maybe I have a energy overload? I had no idea about Kundalini. I didnt feel any energy in my spine from what I remember. Please could someone tell me whats wrong with me and if it will ever go away, nobody ever warned me of the dangers of Kundalini. Maybe this is just energy blocks or something and will go away? Im just reallt confused, if I did awaken my kundalini will it continue to rise if I stop all energy work still? Im a bit scared to go to bed tonight, does this sound like kundalini or maybe just too much energy in my body? Thanks

Aunt Clair
19th December 2006, 02:50 AM
First have faith not fear . Sit in meditation and see what you learn about this . You can do that . You are your best teacher .

I do not know if this is a full K event or a pre-K event or if it is neither of these but something else . But energy is meant to move through the body . And a lot of what humans panic about in any subject is an illusion . But the frame of mind is important to enjoy the journey .

Try drinking a lot of water if you feel you have toxins and energy blocks . Try stretching and opening the energy body without pulling in new energy just to allow it to flow . A good yoga session will do wonders as will a swim or a bike ride or sitting on the beach etc.

Try walking and eating fast food if you feel you are on a kundalini high and can't get back down . Physical activity and meat will ground you fast .

On the other hand , if you are enjoying the journey then fasting , drinking water and sitting in meditation will prolong it .

Water is neutral and good either way whether you want to come down or settle into the zen of the moment and fly away .

Enjoy , life is good .

19th December 2006, 02:52 AM

My understanding of premature Kundalini symptoms don't sound like what you're experiencing, but I think that thread has some helpful information. I have never heard anyone getting physically drained from Kundalini. Maybe others may have ideas about it.

Aunt Clair
19th December 2006, 03:02 AM
CFT is right . Draining does not sound like Kundalini .But the healing session you describe sounds like Deeksha or Shaktipat and these can bring on pre k . I find the sessions are extremely helpful for aligning and lifting vibrations in general . Did you go to a Deeksha Circle ?

...Two nights ago I woke up to extremely hot feet and alot of energy feeling, it was intense. I also felt some enery going through the rest of my body but it was by far the most intense at my feet.It felt as if energy beams were shooting out of my feet.

this does sound like K or pre-K

Last night I had a dream of a person sticking a hammer in my head and pulling down with lots of energy, it hurt and felt good at the same time. I awoke from the dream disoreinted and felt energy in my head.
This also sounds like K

.. yesterday I felt drained and a little sick. Today I feel a little sick also.
This does not seem typically related to K imho, as CFT suggests .

I had like 8 healers in a chatroom send me healing energy through distant healing about 4 days ago also. Im thinking maybe I have a energy overload?
Was that Deeksha or Shaktipat ? If so , this can stimulate K and should , but it is very positive in its affect from all that I have learned so far .

I had no idea about Kundalini. I didnt feel any energy in my spine from what I remember.
So only in head and feet ? I don't understand I thought the hammer drove it down the back ? If it is in head and feet only then that is strange . How far down did the energy from the hammer dream go ?

Please could someone tell me whats wrong with me and if it will ever go away,
Yes it will go away . Whether or not it is Kundalini or another energy event , it is temporary .

Maybe this is just energy blocks or something and will go away?
Sounds like it if you get energy coming down but it does not make it all the way and if the feet are burning and energy is not going up . But it could also be that the energy travelled from the head down the spine and into the feet and that you have not recalled the entire event .

Im just reallt confused, if I did awaken my kundalini will it continue to rise if I stop all energy work still?
The human energy body is a marvellous thing . Many young people today are having multiple flames of kundalini without any adverse symptoms. You cannot halt puberty or old age . Kundalini is a natural method for the body to develop spiritually . The few people that I know who have had troubles with it have mental or physical health issues ie spine injury or mental illness . Most of us do just fine with kundalini . So do not panic .

Im a bit scared to go to bed tonight, does this sound like kundalini or maybe just too much energy in my body? Thanks
Don't be .
Fear is ;
Fear is a wasted emotion usually bringing more trouble than it prevents . A little fear of doing risky things is healthy . Too much fear only attracts negativity into your life . Try shielding and protecting . There is a lot on this site to help you and good people that will help you too .

19th December 2006, 04:20 AM
Thanks guys. I didnt feel any energy in the spine area. I felt the burning at the feet, and the hammer thing was at my head. The hammer did not go down my spine, someone in my dream stuck the prongs of the hammer in the back of my skull and pull down on my head then I woke up and felt some energy feelings in my head. Its really hard to describe actually, its kinda like a dream.....I forget more and more details as each day passes on. I was in a dream like state when both of these things happened, its really foggy memory wise. I dont wanna go insane like alot of people report when they are not ready for kundalini. I never felt anything in my spine as far as I know. What should I do guys? I didn't mean to awaken this intense energy, I didnt even know about it. I was just trying to heal my condition,lol. I mean is it not possible that regular energy could not manifest itself into symptoms like this? I mean its even possible it was some sort of false awakening, I get those quite a bit also. Im not totally sure I was awake during the feet burning one, it might have been a false awakening but it seemed real.... false awakenings sometimes are very hard for me to determine if it was real or not. The hammer thing was a dream then I woke up and felt disoriented, like a little confused on what just happened but then I went back to sleep. I had no emotions or anything during these two events like people describe with kundalimi awakenings often. Anymore advice guys? Thanks

19th December 2006, 02:08 PM
Spiritual life is not for weaklings, they better be marry,
That is a very opinionated comment.

You don't have to 'retire' from the world to be 'enlightened'. You can be enlightened and still eat and drink. Asceticism is a tool, just like any other tool, and confusing it with enlightenment is as dangerous as living your life in an unconscious way.
When you glorify asceticism, you put yourself aside from everyone else and feel 'superior', and the minute you do that you take a step back.

19th December 2006, 03:11 PM
how am I sure I have awoken it? I mean these could have been false awakening/dreams. How is one certain he has awoken it? I feel normal in the day, nothing has changed. Can someone please help me, I didnt wanna awaken it. How do I know if I have awoken it, could it be possible I have awoken it and it will not effect me really? Im sure im not the only person in the world that has had a false awakening and wake up with burning feet.

19th December 2006, 04:20 PM
If I did awaken my kundalini wouldnt I feel something different? I mean I feel totally normal. I did however when the hammer was stuck in my head feel pain and pleasure at the same time. Couldn't regular energy make this feeling also? Im just really confused on if you do have a Kundalini awakening wouldnt you feel different after it happened? It seems if I did have a kundalini awakening I would feel sometime the days to follow, like mood swings or deep emotions maybe? I feel normal though.

19th December 2006, 05:52 PM
I have met people who have awakened theirs and they have felt specific symptoms, and have felt different afterwards. It is possible that you opened pathways that were not active before, but didn't awaken it. Not being any kind of expert, I'd refer you here:
Maybe you can get something out of it.

19th December 2006, 08:24 PM
I apologize for my judgement.

19th December 2006, 08:30 PM
im really confused guys. I have asked on other forums and they say I am just experiencing intense energy that my body is not use to and enery is most active at night. How do I know if I awakened my kundalini or not? I didnt feel anything in my spine. Thanks

19th December 2006, 10:25 PM
I thought I was clear- I don't think you had a kundalini awakening. It just seems (to me) that you have possibly some new pathways opening, and are sensitive to them. It is possibly also that the 'poor' feeling is just a physical illness coming on, and unrelated to your energy work. I gave you a link to a kundalini website so you would see what the usual symptoms of it are, and I notice Erik posted a link to the same website. (I didn't notice it first.)

20th December 2006, 12:03 AM
what do new pathway openings feel like? Have you guys ever had any energy surges at night?

20th December 2006, 01:34 AM
Yes, when I was new to energy work- felt pulsing/buzzing along the feet (the feet and the hands are sensitive to this sort of thing), and heart and third-eye chakra strobes.

20th December 2006, 03:26 AM
CFTravler yea but what I got was very intense. It was really hot feet. Its not like the tingling I get during meditation in the day. It was more along the lines of when I go out of my body at night, it was at a intensity level like that. Is this what your talking about? Thanks

20th December 2006, 03:35 AM
It's hard to tell, since it's such a subjective experience. But if you get that hot feeling from AP'ing, then maybe it's one of your exit (or return) symptoms.

20th December 2006, 03:56 AM
Like you said, its really hard to tell. Its really hard to tell also if you awoke your kundalini also im sure. People feel different things you know. Thanks for the support man, I will just wait it out and see what happens. Im really starting to think I didnt awaken my kundalini and it was just my body reacting to all the new energy I had. Thanks again.

Aunt Clair
20th December 2006, 01:56 PM
Like you said, its really hard to tell. Its really hard to tell also if you awoke your kundalini also im sure. People feel different things you know. Thanks for the support man, I will just wait it out and see what happens. Im really starting to think I didnt awaken my kundalini and it was just my body reacting to all the new energy I had. Thanks again.

Although it is possible that you slept thru the remainder of the event , if the energy did not pass thru the spine , it is not kundalini . Kundalini flames so far anyway begin from the seat to the crown and after many years of development begin to come from the crown to the seat . After several flames have ascended and descended thru the spine , water kundalini begins . It also travels along the back . Since you have not continued to have symptoms and have not had visions or intense dreams and meditations then it seems it was a pre-k event to clear blockages, imho .

20th December 2006, 04:38 PM
Pre-K? Will that lead to a full blown kundalini awakening even if I do not meditate or do any energy work in the future? Right now im not ready for all this, im stopping all energy work. Will my kundalini continue to awaken or not bother me anymore? Maybe it was just a energy block? Thanks

Aunt Clair
20th December 2006, 05:50 PM
Pre-K? Will that lead to a full blown kundalini awakening even if I do not meditate or do any energy work in the future? Right now im not ready for all this, im stopping all energy work. Will my kundalini continue to awaken or not bother me anymore? Maybe it was just a energy block? Thanks

Imho , if your body was prepared the hammer at the crown and the burning at the feet indicate that you would have had a kundalini event . Your body must have blockages and the next step is to clear them . Do not be concerned about whether or not to raise kundalini . Instead be concerned on how to clear and balance your energy body . Your physical and mental health are related to your energy body health . NEW is safe it will not make you have a Kundalini event . It will make your energy body clear and clean and it will build up your energy quotient . These are desirable effects in order to prevent the manifestation of disease . All human beings store toxins and negativity and stale prana in their organs . This ages us prematurely and it weakens our immune system . If left unchecked we manifest disease . Buddha says we are the author of our own condition . We author our own disease . Imho , spend less time in fear and more time in sublime thought through meditation . I would continue with the NEW . It is excellent practice .

20th December 2006, 06:48 PM
I second that 'emotion'.

20th December 2006, 11:50 PM
I thought NEW could awaken kundalini or can it just cause kundalini spikes?How do you awaken kundalini then?

21st December 2006, 02:54 AM
but what if I just leave things alone right now? I would be ok right? I dont want to awaken or do anything to kundalini. I dont even know if I awoken it, is it really this easy to awake? I mean I just meditated for a week or two and also was in a long distance healing circle where like 7 people sent me healing energy. If it was this easy to wake wouldnt alot of people awaken kundalini?

21st December 2006, 03:19 AM
Hello Coreytucker-

It sounds, imho, like you are seriously concerned that a rising will have a negative effect on your life. The possible deleterious effects are plastered all over the internet, so this is understandable. What I, and many of the practitioners I know have experienced is the complete opposite. It has been a joyous event almost every time! When there has been pain, I would liken it to childbirth...certainly unpleasant for the mother in the short term, but yielding rich reward in the long run.

I've yet to meet a mother who, after having her child, wasn't intensely grateful for every minute of it's birth pangs.

Also, recall that there are different types of risings-the one that appears to cause people problems is a conscious, deliberate rising that you are very unlikely, imho, to experience on accident.

I personally would rather be burnt a dozen times, and rise up an inch, than be safe and stagnant. All you have to fear is fear...let it go. Kundalini won't destroy you, or drive you mad, if you approach your development in a well rounded fashion. Meditate and pray, and do your energy work. Kundalini is your tool to develop yourself-ask you're Higher Self to guide it in your best interests, and lay your fears aside.

I hope this will help a bit-this is all my personal opinion, of course. Do what you feel is right for you.

21st December 2006, 03:35 AM
Sukencity, thanks for the insight. Yea I am scared because of the mass amount of bad views and experiences on kundalini. I do not think im ready at this time in my life for kundalini. I would rather wait another 5-10 years because right now im just too busy. So if I do not try to rise it will it not rise? How does this work? I just dont want it right now, its that simple. Im not at the point in my life where im ready. So I ask you, will it rise on its own or not bother me until im ready? Thanks

21st December 2006, 05:28 AM
Frankly, from what I've experienced, it will rise when you're Higher Self knows you are ready....regardless of what your lower self desires. At the root of Kundalini is the power of Self Evolution, and were you not seeking that, and prepared for it, you would not find it. If you aren't ready to evolve and grow, imho you won't end up in situations where it's rise is even possible. That you've begun meditating at all seems to be a signal from your higher self that it's time to get the ball rolling on your growth.

That business about things being "too busy" in your life for you to bother with Kundalini is a cop out, my friend. ( I say this with affection, please don't be offended.) You will always have a thousand mundane things pulling for your attention. There is no "good time" to do your work-the only good time is now, perpetually. There's nothing wrong with being careful, but it would be a shame if you stopped the process of growing yourself due to fear.

That being said, if you stop all energetic and meditative work and focus on the mundane, you won't have to worry about risings....or any of the other beautiful spiritual experiences to which you are entitled.

....pardon me for my obvious prejudice towards you continuing the work. I'm trying to advise from the other side of the Kundalini experience. I've had a couple of risings, and was concerned the first time as well. My fears were completely unfounded...and i'd like to allay those same fears in you.

Best of luck!

21st December 2006, 02:59 PM
thanks sukencity. Im really just not ready right now, I will began back in a few years when I feel im ready.

4th January 2007, 07:53 AM
Hi there,

It sounds like you may have awaken your kundalini. I had mine in 2000, when I started meditating to try to recreate a spontaneous OBE I had. After 2 months of daily, deep meditations, sometimes for hours, I successfully started having obe's, and the first few of them started with these intense powerful flowing energies, which I just lumped together as "pre-OBE stuff".

Only about 3 years later, while playing NHL hockey with a friend, did I realize I had awakened kundalini. I realized there was always a trickle of energy flowing up my spine, and the flow increased to music, emotion, and the emotions of other people interacting with me.

After realizing that, I remember when the phenomena began in 2000, it was followed by weeks of bliss.

I would say continue on your path, and maybe if you are not involved in it at the present, involve yourself in the healing of others in some way?

I have had many fascinating kundalini related experiences. Kundalini forces you to realize you are a spiritual being, and as spiritual beings life is a continuous, uninterrupted process. So never be afraid!


Aunt Clair
29th January 2007, 02:10 PM
what do new pathway openings feel like? Have you guys ever had any energy surges at night?

I missed this one forgive me for a late post .

New Pathway openings occur with energy body development . Examples are 4 elemental bands in the arms instead of two channels . Basically , the circuity becomes larger and more sophisticated in structure and thus more capable of delivering specific energies and higher vibrations .

The space between the elbow and wrist opens drastically thru healing . The space between the ankle and the knee opens from energy raising . These half limbs are called the Steles of Seth the kandas in them will manifest when the pathways open . These steles facilitate the vibes for projection .

25th April 2007, 10:44 AM
iwas messing about with my friend asking intuition are u there, if you are give me a sign. I was lying down on the sofa at the time and after the third time of saying it i let out a gig oh my god as i realised that my intuition was when my brain goes blank, which used to happen to me alot. Anyways, on realisingit, as i said irose to get up when whoosh, i felt this surge fromthe base of my spine, lift me to upright position, LITERALLY THREW ME OFF THE SOFA., as it rose up my back, up my neck then ding, my ears felt like lift doors opening, ding, then to standing position, all of the movement i hadnt done myself. So, was this kundalini? The next evening i went into some state ,believing i was gonna die, seriously, i started having trouble breathing and was saying goodbye to my kids . I went upstairs to my sons room and curled up in aball , ready to die when up he jumps ,off his gamestation , returns with a book inever read off my close friend called LIving in the light and thew it at me. To which it opened on this page which read, you will have trouble breathing.. do not panic,, .OH MY GOD 1 it was comfort but shock of it all. My son has no recolection of doing this and hes 16yrs. Lots more things since but ireally need to here from someone what is going on? Inever heard of kundalin before and found it by putting in my symptoms and this being the answer i got. Someone please Help.
did i experience kundalini ?

29th April 2007, 09:27 PM
Hello there. Aunt Clair kindly informed me what might be going on and she is probably as usual :wink: right. I have felt, not flames but heat in my upper body many times during last 2 weeks. But I have felt also as I described to Aunt Clair, a lot of things going on.
I feel that my energy centers are getting more open and I feel that I have more energy to use. I can see that also becouse I can make ouija-board work just by myself.
I have heard that it is hard to get ouija-board work just alone. Anyway, feel free to ask if you have question or pm. I gladly share my experiences now after longer time with hatha/astanga-yoga and meditation.
I feel also I'm more alive than ever before and I start to realize my full capacity. This is all related to pre-Kundalini and I just wonder what it will be if Kundalini wakes up completely...

Cheers and enjoy life :lol: