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5th January 2007, 01:50 AM
Hello everyone!

I've had several OBEs over the past half months, picking up AD in probably July or something. Most, if not all of them have been false awakenings. It didn't seem I was fully conscious in them and they could be called more or less astral wandering experiences. They involved trying to levitate objects and myself and just moving around my house clumsily. I experienced and OBE a few days after picking up AD. The first two ones were scary because I felt a force pulling me from behind that I couldn't fight off, which I realized upon coming to that it was likely just myself. The second one was kinda funny because there was this cheesy sheet covered ghostly image behind me in the mirror in the bathroom It hardly looked human, let alone ghostlike, but my arms became dead and I couldnt get out of its grasp so the fear took me back.

Almost all of them have been done with the saltcube method of setting your alarm earlier than normal, or falling alseep in a chair and projecting unintentionally. I think thats mainly the reason why I've been so clumsy and out of it in my OBES. I've hade more awareness and lucidity in dreams recently oddly enough.

I've been using NEW for months now, and had good results thus far, although my sacral and solar chakras dont give me nearly the same level of sensations as my others.

Day 1
Energy: Tired(~6hrs sleep).
Clairvoyance: Strong afterimages appearing after split seconds and purple "vortex" haze occuring in a minute or two, noticely faster than normal.

Had to go to class in 20 minutes and wasn't prepared, with my room being messy from getting back, and forgetting the hard backed chair at first.

I had more stimulation in my feet than I've felt in a while, probably because I really took my time tracing the movement and scratching them, two things I typically overlooked in the past months and sped through with just rapid back and forth movements.

The pre stimulation really makes it easier to feel and drag the sensations, which otherwise takes me some time to get the vibrations and tingling going on less active and sensative areas.

6th January 2007, 12:53 AM
Day 2

Did exercises later in the day that planned as I woke up later. Only 1 class today.

Energy: Over rested(lazy)
Clairvoyance: Average. Closed eye sparks and lights beginning to become more in sync with open eye images, which I am pleased with. I always thought it would be the other way around for some reason.

Felt some throbbing and tingling effects in legs from the muscle tensing and relaxation portion, something that is not normal for me and adds enthusiam to mastering relxation. Both feet are about equal in sensitiivy, but everything else on right leg up I feel more intensely, especially the throbbing and trickling sensations. It sounds similar to CFTraveler's blood throbbing sensations.

Thumb felt slightly more active than normal, with some sort of slightly warming non moving energy being felt, moreso at the base of the thumb. I've felt a powerful throbbing release sensation there before once out of the blue, like a thumb spasm. Maybe it's mostly balanced already or I just need to work with it more to feel the sensations. Brian's tips on day 2 were helpful and eased my mind to recreate the motion.

7th January 2007, 02:11 AM
Day 3

Energy: Well rested
Clairvoyance: Clearest sky visions I've ever had. Saw lots of small flashes and small blue orbs doing loops and other crazy movements across the city sky. Very awe inspiring and soothing to watch during susnet. I think I'm beginning to pick up on the surrounding energy/auru of these things and a overlay of the sky, like a big bubble/forcefield almost, although it could be in part due to afterimages and the highlighting effect.

Doing some cardio and exercise helps a lot with clairvoyance I find. I often come out of the gym at night and instantly see the white afterimage/auru of the trees against the night sky.

Toes and feet responded well, but hands and fingers still have little response. However after coming back from the gardens my hands got cold and I found it easier to feel the energy as I moved my awareness up and down.

8th January 2007, 01:28 AM
Day 4

Energy: Overslept
Clairvoyance: Better sky visions than yesterday. More detection while moving it seemed. When I did sit down and focus my gaze the blue/purple haze that I see most often with closed eyes appeared over the sky in roughly 10 minutes. It was an outward moving expanding movement, which I think is oppostive of what I typically see with closed eyes.... I'll have to check.

I wasn't able to individually feel my toes when doing the brushing and sponging, probably because of my socks. Definately some buzzing and energetic sensations. The last time I remember there being any real painful or intense sensations was when I first picked up AD nearly half a year ago, so I think the intense stuff is mostly done with.

Last night I decided to lay in my bed with my head propped against the wall(to keep me from falling asleep) and tried to put my body to sleep and get the energy moving. I was feeling my heart chakra more than average that day. I did feel some different sensations and pressure in points of my feet where I typically don't feel anything, which is great cause it's been pretty much the same ol spots for the last half year.After probably 45 minutes I decided to try and move my astral arms and legs around and see if I couldn't get some buzzing going. My legs were probably only 25% asleep but trying to move my astral legs around caused some noticeable sensations. I really tried to clasp my astral hands together and move them back and forth and the subtle vibrations in my arms really started up quickly so I stopped.

I tried the gravity press where you feel the gravity pulling you down and I did feel different. I think I did feel my heart chakra ramp up just a little. My neck was starting to crap around an hour so I stopped.

Is it "bad" to use methods normally aimed at getting out of your body to start up the energetic sensations so you can move them around? Oh well.

9th January 2007, 06:07 AM
Day 5

Energy: Overslept
Clairvoyance: Didn't do much sky gazing, but the trails from people was definately more noticeable today. Being in a crowd I'd see more than one trail, especially around the head area, which was white. Afterimages don't drag unless I move my eyes, so I'm pretty sure thats a part of their aura I'm seeing when I keep my head and glance fixed. Either that or I have zero delay on seeing afterimages on moving objects near my peripheral vision now? I'm really looking forward to seeing the aura full blast and how lovely God's kingdom is with auric fields everywhere.

Wow I'm really starting to feel the feet now. Slow and steady really helps out. My prediction was off about having my feel already well balanced, because I'm feelin the sensations much more quickly and powerfuly now, and the left leg is catching up. I felt a nice cool feeling in toes of my right foot today, and its becoming more common in my body, like a nice cool breath of fresh air filling your whole middle section. It seems like my lower body falls asleep faster while sitting around in class, and/or my legs are just getting better conditioned to respond. I remember in the summertime I'd sit down in a chair and within a minute, or even a few seconds I'd start to feel powerful sensations, but it was sporadic and I couldn't figure out how or why it was happening.

Feeling spiffy!

10th January 2007, 04:04 AM
Day 6

Energy: Normal. Underslept then took a nap
Clairvoyance: closed eye afterimages slighly stronger. Beginning to take in most shapes and colors in from a room in, instead of just a few large and/or bright objects. Seeing more blue/purple little sparks/entities and they're slightly easier to see with their trails visible again, though there are still gaps in their movement path, like a slow speed video camera.

Right leg is really becoming active more throughout the day, and whenever I stop or sit down I start feeling sensations. Left leg still behind on the power of the sensations, but strong none the less. When I go to sleep at night I typically sleep on my right side and have been tracing awareness up and down from my legs to arms as I drift to sleep for quite some time now. My whole right side will get some strong sensations and often I'll have a few energetic jerks. Left side is also catching up.

Stomach area has more frequent physical pulsations and energetic movement throughout the day. I haven't been really able to feel my sacral and solar chakras but I think that is changing quickly.

Heart chakra becoming stronger and more quickly stimulated throughout the day.

If I could feel the same powerful sensations I felt in my legs while tracing and circling awarness, I bet I'd be quickly on my way to getting kundalini flowing up the spine, and I predict I'm getting close.

11th January 2007, 08:28 AM
Day 7

It's been a great first week!

Energy: Average. Underslept then took nap
Clairvoyance: I could have sworn I saw a ghost or some small whispy cloud outside moving at head level about 10-20 feet in front of someone. It was dark with some street lights and I thought it was somebody's breath...but it was moving and not dissipating. I then saw another similar thing with another person. I was so taken a back like "Oh yeah ghosts!" and I didn't feel so afraid anymore lol. Could have been some etheric cloud? Wall images were the strongest they've ever been, with dozens of white blurry shapes and whatnot appearing.

Last night I slept on my back for a bit stimulating things and slipped in and out of consciousness, coming back into this thoughtless and energized state like 3 times. Gave me some interesting dreams.

Getting good with doing the bouncing/wave action, especially with the feet. I'd like to be able to do that will the whole of the legs, and eventually the spine and chakras! Can feel the pulsing in my whole right leg now and left leg is equalizing more.

This program is working great!
Looking forward to week two!

12th January 2007, 09:06 AM
Day 8

Energy: Slightly drained
Clairvoyance: Auric images are really beginning to become the norm on everyone while sitting in class. Every time somebody moves there is a drag effect it seems. At night I saw a very faint 2 inch or so whitish glow around my hand and arm with the light off. No etheric clouds today or whatnot heh :(

Hands responded pretty well. Stirring action didn't do much for me though. Sat in a recliner chair to meditate and it made a big difference in my relaxation level. My legs really start having sensations right away if I kicked up the leg rest. I got that head buzzing alert energy feeling that I got while I slept last night in about 10-20 minutes. I'll definately be using it to stimulate my energetic body, as I find it much easier in such a chair than on a hardbacked one or even on a bed.

19th January 2007, 11:10 PM
Internet wasn't working for a while but I typed up my experiences offline.

Day 9 Average Day

Day 10

Energy: Average
Clairvoyance: Average. However I remember waking up after 7 hours of sleep and saw this bluish purple glow around my hands as I moved my hand below head level to turn off my alarm.

Felt a pressure on my lower back while doing the spinal bounce. Can't feel the bounce much from the arms and legs aren't responding as powerfully.

Day 11

I think I need to do session it earlier in the day. Don't get as much stimulation it seems later in the day/night.

Purple inward haze built up and I was able to sit up then walk around a little with it pulsing. Wasn't able to see myself in the mirror with it though as it faded away.

19th January 2007, 11:11 PM
Day 12

First OBE?

Had an experience where I went down and traveled through some really thick and dense stuff and I remember the feeling most I remember seeing reddish yellow fragments particles all around me. It was really tough going and I tried to move upwards but I didn't end up escaping the ground or whatever.

Clairvoyance: Afterimages were the most sharp today. The blue wolf wallpaper I have on my laptop turned into a blurry orangish
wolf. Saw more abstracts and white thingys while sitting around today in class, something I typically don't see.

Legs started to go off later in the night. Particularily my right foot, it built up as tingling when I payed attention to it and when I focused on it for some more seconds it "released" and I could feel the wave effects.

19th January 2007, 11:13 PM
Day 13

Energy: pretty exhausted and worn out today.
Clairvyoance: at an all time high. Seeing turqoise, green, blue, and red/yellow colors against the wall when I squint my eyes to a certain degree. If noticed that the flashing rods when one shuts ones eyes really hard also continutes to occur if you keep your eyes open. Dragging my hand over the space between myself and the wall produce a afterimage/sliding blur effect that was most strong. Perhaps the colors I am seeing are in fact from my own auru, namely my nose and eyebrow regions. None the less it is quite beautiful. It's like painting with auric colors with the drag effect. Pretty!!

Standard session. standard stuff. Felt good sensations with just bouncing alone.

21st January 2007, 08:19 AM
Must have had 2 similar MAP days cause I lost a day in my makeshift journal. On track w/ book though.

My left wrist is slighty fractured and in a sling. pardon any mess
skipped 2 days of map because of awkwardness of injury and tiredness

Day 15

Energy: avg

havent done energy raising in a long time. could never feel it before. Felt pretty good this time, like going into a deeper trance and my closed eye vision turned 3D like for a second or two.

22nd January 2007, 07:50 AM
Day 16

Energy: avg
Clairvoyance: avg

Whole left leg started to num/tingle all over while doing energy raising and continues after session. Had 1-2 stomach jerks/fliches. Felt little something near navel during energy storage. Bwgen wk3 pulse meditation very good at making me click out after a few minutes and lose my train of thought for what's next.

23rd January 2007, 11:48 PM
Day 17

Energy: average sleep but above avg energy
clairvoyance: best yet

Clairvoyance is reaching a new level for me and things are a bit freaky again lol. I think I can see my astral creations slightly. I imagine extending my fingers like a big rake and I move them back and forth across my upper view (hands below my eyes) and I can see discernable movement that isnt from afterimages. Seeing more unique sparks, with a red spark on my arm last night when I made a statement about my energy(stating my ownership etc). Occasionally at night when I close my eyes it's like there are hundreds of tiny dots in my view, and I when I'm tired/tranced enough I can see slight afterimage effects by dragging my hands. I'm getting closer to seeing w/ eyes closed as it keeps getting more powerful and moving beyond doubt and "well maybe its.."

Left leg is probably a few days off from being even with right.
Having trouble with keeping my mind clear for the number exercise, but the weight of the random words in my head arent as strong as my focused ones anymore

24th January 2007, 05:27 PM
Day 18

Energy: underslept (6hrs)
Clairyoance: best yet

the sparks and movement in the sky yesterday were strong and pristine as if I had been sitting going into trance for 5-10 minutes. Saw lots of white auric buildup and trails around heads. Could have sworn I saw two colors on my teacher in class, with orange on the inner and blue on the outer. The blue was likely from the afterimage of the big red lines floor, but I've never seen orange around a whole head. I thought it looked kinda "dirty" but I havent seen other aurus clearly much.

Fell into a pretty good trance last night, although I may have just been quite tired. I find it easy to quiet my mind by focusing on breath, but its harder to count numbers and prolong the silence that way because I'm always thinking about the next or I start fighting the technique. I skimped on the 10 minute spot focus though.

26th January 2007, 05:53 PM
Day 19
skimped on another day 3 days off track:oops: but still going strong.

Energy: avg
Clairvoyance: slightly below avg. Last night I really saw a strong afterimage buildup on my cast in my side vision. Seemd pretty bright for an afterimage...

Left foot is almost the same as right sensation wise. Felt some stronger sensations while raising energy in the stomach and chest area, but could just been this bad bout of gas I've had that day. Felt some nice cool sensations a few times when raising it though.

27th January 2007, 10:02 PM
Day 20

Splitting clairvoyance into multiple categories to better track my progress.

Energy: underslept then took nap
Clairvoyance: avg with some new developments
++++Auric sight: I think I saw my first true auric colors. For my early morning class I stared around my instructor for a bit while the yellow/whitish afterimage like
substance built up. Then I saw a two color outline with orange on the inside and blue on the outside(same as on tueday), but the aura was still around the same size
(2-3 inches). Then on the left side of her head I started to see an electric blue/faint purple color. At first was a distint electric blue line round her hair, then it was
was if her hair itself was becoming a bluish purple. Her right side still had the yellowish hue to it while this was happening.
++++Body Awareness Sight: Avg When I went to sit in the dark for a bit after being in well lit room I have a period of a minute or two of flashing/pulsing static
with my eyes closed, and when I moved my hands there is flashing/staticly effect to them that makes them distinguisable from the darkness.
++++Astral sight: New colored moving sparks. Sat in the gardens today for an hour or two. I would close one eye and look with the other at the sky. After some time
the darkness and pink from my closed eye would come into my other eyes vision and fade away, similar to the haze effect. I saw some reddish/pink moving sparks while doing
this. I'll experiment more with this to see if the closed eye abstracts and sparks overlap with the open eye ones.
++++Abstract/Construct sight: Saw my first colored abstract today with closed eyes. It was light green with no distinguisable form/shape and appeared for only a
second or two towards the left. Also I could have sworn the background darkness became white instead of orange/reddish while sitting by the window with the sun shining
over closed eyes.

pretty average MAP experience.

29th January 2007, 03:54 AM
Day 21

energy: avg (8hrs)
clairvoyance: was higher than normal, as typically I only see strong afterimages and auric trails with a lack of sleep, so it was easier to see the blue sparkles moving aroud my room and the brigher small flashes/sparkles.

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg
++++Astral sight: more than avg for this amt of sleep
++++Abstract/Construct sight more than avg for this amt of sleep

I was vibrating a bit more during my trance session and feeling the energy bounces much more. When I did the energy raising my third eye went off strongly, with a good pressure and pulsing effect. I don't remember the last time I felt it really go off strongly. My breath became very crisp and clean with the energy cloud breathing. My left arm had a nice twitch and release when I sat up

29th January 2007, 09:03 AM
Day 22

nergy: well slept (10hrs)
clairvoyance: higher than normal considering sleep length

Clairvoyance: slightly better than avg
++++Auric sight: not sure if I'm seeing afterimage trails in videos/dvds on my computer. Could be image compression stuff as I don't have to focus to see it.
++++Body Awareness Sight: Layed on bed after session for 10 minutes or so. When I closed my eyes there was a lot more static.
++++Astral sight: avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: better than avg.

When stimulating root chakra my upper chest started feeling slightly tense as usual when my heart chakra gets going. I was vibrating a bit more and when I layed down on my bed afterwards my left hand started vibrating a bid when stimulating my root and spine more.

31st January 2007, 09:38 PM
Day 23

energy: underslept (5-6hrs)
clairvoyance: slightly higher than avg due to lack of sleep

++++Auric sight: avg with strong trail effects. Very noticeable in near darkness as I can smear my cast's afterimage color across the ceiling.
++++Body Awareness Sight: More flickering and staticy stuff. I'm going to see if I can't time the number of flashes/static effects somehow as it's pretty rapid at times.
++++Astral sight: was better able to see more sparks on the pavement as I was walking which a few moved similar to the ones in the sky. Still can't really get an idea of depth perception on how big they really are. It certainly seems like the ones in the sky are "bigger."
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg.

When I reclince in a chair or hang my legs over something so they are relaxed I can really feel the back and forth motion of awareness through the whole of my right foot and a little farther up, and this within seconds of sitting down.

Root area is getting stronger and is more distinguisable from discomfort and/or gas. Felt my stomach area bit more, but had to scratch it first to target it better.

1st February 2007, 06:52 AM
Day 24

energy: underslept (5-6hrs)
clairvoyance: avg

++++Auric sight: saw a small blue emination of "light" coming from the back of somebody as he walked that didn't correspond with his shirt afterimage color.
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg. flickering and static seem to be common place now when I close my eyes.
++++Astral sight: avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

I felt stronger sensations in my sacral chakra when moving left and right, but still nothing concrete. Solar plexus center had a lot more pressure, but that was likely from the light sratch I gave it.

I find its still very helpful to scratch an area I'm going to stimulate even its my feet which are easy to stimulate by awareness alone. I can manipulate the sensation much easier if its already existing. This works well with sitting cross legged and the slight numbness that comes on when body parts are overlayed in certain ways.

1st February 2007, 11:32 PM
had 2 OBE like experiences during a long "nap" from 11-3

This would be the first time I remembered in suffucient detail actually leaving my body.

The first one I remember feeling a release in my body and my body awareness sight slowly increasing to where I could see the rest of the room. I saw double of my legs as they came out. At first it was a little dark in the middle of my vision but that went away. I asked for my guardian angel to be with me. I got up and moved towards the window and was going to do a powerful jump through the roof when I decided to take it slower. I floated up and closed my eyes as I went through the ceiling. It was pretty tough but I felt openesss some seconds later. I ended up in another room instead of being in the attic/top structure. There was a window here too and I looked out on the complex. I tried to float up and go through the ceiling again but it was harder this time. Maybe I didn't actually go through the ceiling?

Another time I was having a dream or something of the sort and was at the base of a green hill and I decided to glide/fly. I immediately felt some sort of wave/sensation in my body.

I remember feeling a pulling sensation in one of these experiences and also think I remember experiencing some pain in my spine or something but told myself to keep going and to "not be scared' hoping itd be communicatd to my body. I think it worked.

Day 25

Energy: tired (5-6hrs)
Clairvoyance: avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg.
++++Astral sight: slightly above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

Typical MAP and new session. Only gave my solar plexus a good finger push but I experienced stronger pressure sensations than yesterday. Heart area started to get the a little blood pumping/vibrating effect when stimulating feet.

4th February 2007, 02:27 AM
Day 26

Energy: avg (8-9hrs)
Clairvoyance: avg

++++Auric sight: slightly above avg. I was watching the History channel and they were presenting Battle of Guadalcanal. They had some military shorts in black and white and I thought I saw white trails above the soldiers heads when they werent wearing helmets.
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg.
++++Astral sight: slightly above avg. When I did my MAP session and closed my eyes I was seeing the sparks and blips of light much more clear and more in 3d. One spot of light in particular was pretty bright for closed eyes and I felt like it was definately "out there" somewhere and not just a 2d overlay.
++++Abstract/Construct sight: slightly above avg

Didn't do session till like 2 in the morning so I was tired. Was buzzing more over but didn't feel a whole lot of powerful primary center stimulation. Sacral center was a bit more detectable but still nothing as strong as root, heart, or third eye.

6th February 2007, 09:17 AM
Day 27

Energy: overslept (9-11hrs)
Clairvoyance: above avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: slightly above avg.
++++Astral sight: above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

Staticy vision is more frequent now. I spent some minutes looking at the wall in near dark with a nightlamp on, and when I turned it off it was like there was a hundred of those little blue sparks flying around the room.

Good relaxation and overall tingling during MAP session. Left leg responded better than right for a first, and was tingly throughout.

Day 28

Energy: overslept (9-11hrs)
Clairvoyance: above avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: higher still
++++Astral sight: higher still
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

Had a very strong if not my strongest day for seeing afterimages. Could see the whole scene afterimage with closed eyes, something that doesnt happen too often. The MAP session increased afterimages noticeably, a first. Body Awareness sight higher than average as well, though still no overall shape of my hand taking form yet, just impressions of what seems like one.

Felt some overall sensations in the stomach region again, and a small spasm at my sacral and upper solar plexus chakra, so work is being done. Throst chakra responded better and I could almost feel the awareness movement there. Third eye and crown did quite well. Sacral and solar plexus chakras are the ones I have most trouble feeling sensations at.

12th February 2007, 02:35 AM
Feb 9th OBE

I remember myself being in the kitchen overlooking the sink. My body started to fall asleep and I found myself unable to move standing up. I decided to go with it and project out. I tried really hard to move my astral arms inward and closed my eyes to see what they looked like. They was white flourescent cords and such forming what looked like arms and hands, but by no means as clear as normal sight. It was as if the muscles had become white tubes or something. I opened and closed my eyes at least twice seeing this. Everything else was pretty dark.

Later I was explaining what had happened to someone, how I had fallen asleep standing up and whatnot.

Perhaps some overlay occured between me and my double, or maybe I was seeing a more refined form of hands emerge from my already projected double?

I saw a similar effect a month or two ago when I fell asleep in my chair and saw my hands with real-time sight as stringy and green, as if painted.

12th February 2007, 02:40 AM
An interesting finding with body awareness sight:

seeing through objects!

Now I have proof that it's not just small quantities of light+minutely transparent eyelids.

I was in bed at night on my side and my left arm covered my view of the right. However when I closed my eyes I could see the faint moving shape of my right hand's fingers. Furthermore the next day(29th) I put my arm under the desk and was able to see the darkness moving just as I could if my arm was moving in front of my face. I'll experiement with thicker
materials soon!

Day 29
Energy: tired(5hrs)
Clairvoyance: above avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: slightly above avg.
++++Astral sight: above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

Saw the hint of my teachers auru again in class, with the electric like blue outline and yellow. When she turned her head the colors swapped to the other side. It was only a faint outline this time though. Furthermore while in class I also tried breathing deeply and expanding my belly using the techniques I'm learning from Chi Gung. I took like two big expanded slow breaths and I started to see a few small sparks zipping around the room like the speed of the ones in the sky. Never seen those movements before indoors.

Seeing more sparks(aura sparks?) and more quickly moving blue/white sparks outside on pavement and other moslty monocolor surfaces when traveling about on foot.

Day 30
Energy: overslept (9-11hrs)
Clairvoyance: avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg
++++Astral sight: above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: slightly above avg

Really felt the heart chakra most strongly during my MAP session. Once it was "on" every time I drew awareness past it I felt a pressure against my chest. It's more localized to the left side of my chest though.

17th February 2007, 02:16 AM
Day 31

Energy: tired(6hrs)
Clairvoyance: avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg.
++++Astral sight: avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

pretty uneventful today.

Day 32

Energy: tired(4-5hrs)
Clairvoyance: avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg
++++Astral sight: above avg.
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

Got into a better level of trance and felt what I can only describe as the buzzing feeling after a while, which I haven't experienced in some time.

17th February 2007, 11:16 AM
Day 33

Energy: rested(10-11hrs)
Clairvoyance: slightly above avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg.
++++Astral sight: avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: slightly avg

Really relaxed and comfortable MAP session. Felt more stimulation in my stomach area, third eye, and crown. Saw two bigger and brighter flashing orbs/sparks in my near side vision today surrounding the session. One seemed a good two inches or more in size against the wall.

Couldn't get into the whole falling feather though and was focused more on the semi burning energy near the base of my spine. I usually feel it when I'm sitting on the couch for a good amount of time. Could be kundalini or just the back of my chakras energizing.
I layed back on the bed for a bit afterwards with my hands resting beneath my head, and they got numb/fell asleep after a bit. When I got up I felt that vibrating blood pulsing type feeling in my right shoulder for a bit. Saw some very strong afterimage dragging after I got up.

20th February 2007, 04:18 AM
Day 34

Energy: rested(10-11hrs)
Clairvoyance: slightly above avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: above avg.
++++Astral sight: above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: slightly avg

I like the smoke technique and I think I'll be using that or the elevator. I have trouble with really getting into the feather, rope, and stair ones.

Day 35

Semi-OBE and 3rd Eye Flash
Energy: rested(10-11hrs)
Clairvoyance: above avg

++++Auric sight: above avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: above avg
++++Astral sight: above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: above avg

So yeah I've basically been nocturnal these last few days waking up after the sun has gone down :wink: College you know.... :roll: Last night the afterimages were quite strong. I would stare at the corner of a wall sticking out and when I moved I'd see the blue/purple drag. That hardly ever happens with white images. Astral sight was high also.

I think I had my first 3rd eye flash. I was doing Kriya yoga and after doing the locks I had a white/blue flash in my upper right vision with eyes closed. I was a little startled and opened my eyes expecting to see some orb or being there, but there wasn't. I don't believe it could have been my eyes slightly opening because I tried to replicate it that way and couldn't with the light available.

Felt a jolt/jerk in my perineum while sitting down. Haven't felt that in a while.

I also remember awakening feeling my body humming a bit and my left arm was a dark blue. I thoiught I was going to get as quickly onto the roof as I could and fly this time, not getting hung up like previous OBES, but found I was unable to simply will myself up. I asked my angels to help me out but I don't think that got anywhere.

21st February 2007, 08:54 AM
Day 36

Energy: okay but little to no sleep
Clairvoyance: highest yet

++++Auric sight: best yet
++++Body Awareness Sight: best yet
++++Astral sight: best yet
++++Abstract/Construct sight: above avg

I've been up for nearly 30 hours now with no sleep. Clairvoyance is of course at its best. The sky and pavements were just lit up with the astral sparks zipping about and the clarity and duration of each one was at its best. I tried to sleep at 3-4am last night while on my back, but because I had awoken so late the previous day I coudn't sleep. This turned out to be a blessing though because I worked on raising and moving energy for the next 3 hours while on my back. I'm closer to being able to do a full body wave to say the least.

I proved to myself the benefit of heavy breathing and noticed the vibrations would increase as I made effort to really draw out and expand my breath. My whole head was buzzing/moving around with my awareness as well my arms to some extent. I was able to move it down to my throat and then focus on my heart center to stimulate it. I bounced awareness in my legs very quickly and they were hyper responsive, jerking quicker and more frequently than normal.

I noticed heavy breathing increased my clairvoyance to where it was noticeable and did this while in class and got my head buzzing again. I was then walking around after with energy sensations, something that just hardly ever happen with a lot of movement.

MAP session was avg. Afterimages were at their strongest though. I could look at my legs for but a split second and the afterimage would be a whiteish blue that would last for a few seconds and fade out like water deforming from a surface, trailing back in waves and such.

12th March 2007, 02:59 AM
Well I see it's been a little over two weeks....

Got a little caught up in schoolwork, anime, and general time wasting things.

The day or so after the 36th my clairvoyance reached an all time high and I was able to quite clearly make out my hands with my eyes closed while sitting in near dark conditions. This was probably largely due to my lack of sleep. Evertyhing was blue and there was lots of static. I didn't have to move my hands around to see the change in darkness or drag effects or anything. They were bluish also, like the blue haze was wrapped around them and they looked pretty similar to the OBE "dreams" I had earlier. I couldn't see much else though, just my hands mainly. It was pretty cool, but I knew I'd be seeing more of that to come and just went to sleep.

Day 37

Energy: well rested
Clairvoyance: above avg

++++Auric sight: avg to below avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg
++++Astral sight: above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: above avg

Afterimages are much stronger than two weeks ago, and I get the shrinking white/purple afterimages when I close my eyes much more frequently when well rested. Seeing more shapes of sorts again with eyes open and closed which are white to light green colored.

Despite not really doing a whole lof of NEW lately I didn't have much of a problem getting back into the groove again.

Right arm near elbow area started to twitch/pulse involuntarily when I started stimulating it and continued for 10-20 seconds. Pressure felt in solar/heart region quickily. Subtle effect in my stomach area when I ceased raising energy and focused on that spot with light breathing.

14th March 2007, 04:38 PM
Day 38

Energy: tired
Clairvoyance: above avg

++++Auric sight: avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: above avg
++++Astral sight: above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: above avg

Hardly had any sleep when I decided to do MAP last night, but I didn't see my hands nearly as clearly when I closed my eyes. Some pulsing in my root center and a sudden jerk occured in the night.

The day before I was able to incude the purple haze effect while standing for the first time. Maybe I just never tried? I think this Chi Kung thing is going to really help out. If I can release the tension in my body standing up then it should be a piece of cake to do it sitting down and I think I'm already feeling it. When I sit in my recliner now it's like instant motion sinking effect that is similar to what I was feeling before this last summer.

17th March 2007, 08:59 AM
The day after I posted day 38 there was a great deal of fog present when I went to class in the morning. Visibility was probably 150 feet or so. Combined with lack of sleep lending to heightened clairvoyance, the blanketed scenery meant I saw sparks flying nearly everywhere. It made me feel like I was peering through the mist of the veil or something. Maybe there's the possibility I'll be able see unicorns and all those other mystical creatures one day if I work at it heh.

Day 39

Energy: avg
Clairvoyance: avg to below avg

++++Auric sight: below avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg
++++Astral sight: slightly above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

Being tired from the previous day I accidentally feel asleep at 8pm and woke up at 12am. I stayed up till 5 or so then got another two hours of sleep. Despite a weird sleep schedule and lack of sleep, my clairvoyance was pretty weak and I was hardly seeing anything. After I sat in class for a while things started to pick up again. It was quite sunny out because of the daylight savings change and I when going back to my apartment I was able to see the sparks moving about across the background of the green field in the distance, which was something I hadn't been able to see yet too clearly yet.

Left upper leg has been having spasms for the past day or two, and it's really annoying me. I sat in my recliner chair seated indian style and the spasms stopped, but I fell. Went into a light buzzing trance shortly after I woke up but I couldnt' deepen it. Probably had more to do with my breathing though than the 3rd eye technique.

20th March 2007, 08:18 AM
Day 40

Energy: avg
Clairvoyance: avg

++++Auric sight: below avg
++++Body Awareness Sight: avg
++++Astral sight: slightly above avg
++++Abstract/Construct sight: avg

My arms are really starting to get settled quickly and subtly vibrate while doing standing meditation. I can see it's going to be a big help. Additionally when I go from standing to sitting my legs feel really weird. Even if most of my weight is being place upon the chair seat, it feels like my legs are still pressing down hard into the ground. It feels even more intense when I sit in my recliner chair, like my whole body is being pushed/pulled down.

For MAP. I got pretty bored sitting in place for nearly an hour so I made use of my bed for the trance and loosening techniques.

3rd April 2007, 10:09 PM
I haven't forgotten about MAP, but I've been putting it off for a bit.

I've been catching up on my reading, looking into tattva shuddi mainly as a means for improving my clairvyoance and working with my chakras, and especially as an aide to balancing my psyche.

I think it's already paying off with the little that I've done so far. Today with ~8hrs of sleep I got back from class and did a quick standing meditation. Saw dozens of white "shards" or whathave you with closed eyes. Abstract images seem like they are almost there in terms of taking a definate shape and form.

I had an experience over spring break where I really wanted to talk to my angels due to family problems and remember being slightly startled awake to hear a female voice say "I'm talking to him now" as if there was more than one entity present. I don't remember what else followed.

Will be returning to MAP now with being back at school again and into a more organized and regimented daily schedule.

7th November 2007, 11:41 PM

It's been a good 7 months since I last posted here it seems!

Since I last posted I've had one definite instance of clairaudience/mentally picking up thoughts before they said them, one concrete precognitive dream about an unexpected email I was to receive and quite a few interesting dreams and obes to say the least.

This last dream was quite lucid as I looked in the sky to see a colorful orb shooting towards my direction, only to see it split into 6/7 different orbs of different colors and spread out, flying over and past me. As I looked up at these fast moving objects I thought of jet planes, and the image of one of those blue angel stuntplanes came to mind. Angel pilots lol.

My clairvoyance is still getting there. Working with the tattwa cards and focusing on a point produces the inward purple haze within a minute or two and is easily repeatable. I still don't know what it means but I have a feeling it's okay :)

Xray vision is still about the same, though it''s probably a bit better at night after I've meditated a bit and have my eyes closed. The static-like overlay sometimes makes it hard to see at night for a bit while my eyes adjust to the darkness. Half a month ago I was able to pick up a deer moving in the dark thanks to a faint blue/purple static motion. I wouldn't be surprised if my vision improved to where I don't require any light to observe things at night, instead able to see the energy/light given off by objects at subtler levels of existence.

8th December 2007, 10:32 AM
OBE for Dec 7th

This OBE only lasted for a few seconds.

Decided to take a 20minute nap before I went to class. I set my alarms and plopped into bed, practicing being aware of my state as I drifted off after perhaps 5-10 minutes. I then felt as if I was being lifted upwards out of my bed and realized I was having an out of body experience. . At the foot of my bed to the right was a person standing there who I only just begun to see as my vision took hold. I think it could have been a she with medium length black hair, but it was if my vision was mostly in black and white and she was transparent/still forming. The thought of her being invisible and detecting it also comes to mind.

It must have been a while since I last had one like this because I got a bit scared that I wasn't in full control and started to say the name of my guru as if to call upon his presence. As I repeated his name I wondered if the she I saw was actually a he. My state wasn't very calm and I eventually let go of my feelings of not being in control. Next thing I know I'm in my body again waking up right before my alarm went off and feeling peaceful with that last thought of letting go still in my head.

5th January 2008, 12:24 PM
OBE on Dec 1 or 2nd

I intend to start the MAP program here in a few days when I get back school. I will also be following the lessons with "Modern Magick", starting off with the relxation ritual and then the tarot divination practice, then the lbrp after a month. I'll be using the "Hermetic Tarot" which is B&W but very detailed.

On to the OBE I had a few days back:
I was sick and slept in, and stayed in bed for an hour or two. I fell asleep again and woke up at one point, propped up. I felt different and when I tried to move my arms together they quickly responded and that's when I knew something was up and this was an obe. I then blacked out and thought the projection had ended, because I was more or less aware and semi conscious. However perhaps a minute or two later my vision and feeling returned to my projection and I was flying along a road in my neighorbood, having trouble banking to make a quick turn.

11th February 2008, 05:48 PM
Hmm seems I've slacked a bit on getting things going again.

However I think the important thing for me right now is to focus on what has and continues to produce good results for me, that thing being Kriya Yoga. There are many things I'm interested in pursuing, but I think it is more beneficial to focus on a few things and be good/consistent with them, rather than to try to spread yourself out and do many things at once. It all sounds and looks nice on paper to have a set daily spiritual regimen of A, B, C, etc but I think you have to build it up slowly and be consistent with it before trying to pile more activities, techniques, etc on. Otherwise it will feel like a chore and your motivation for doing everything on the list may wane.

That being said I still am very much interested in becoming proficient with projection and magick, but before I really make them a daily practice type of thing, I feel like I owe it to myself to practice more Kriya yoga and really reap the results that I know are there.

11th February 2008, 06:12 PM
If my comment is annoying please let me know and I'll delete it.
First of all, I see you've been slacking. *ahem* (just kidding)
The real question: How long have you been doing Kriya Yoga? Just curious

11th February 2008, 08:52 PM
If my comment is annoying please let me know and I'll delete it.
First of all, I see you've been slacking. *ahem* (just kidding)
The real question: How long have you been doing Kriya Yoga? Just curious

Ah shucks I'm just glad somebody actually reads this :P

I've been doing Kriya yoga since I was empowered into it by Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath in September of 2006, so like a year and a half now. I've only been marginally consistent with it these last few months, but have seen very strong results with it the times I've really pushed myself to sit down for a few hours and go at it.

I forgot to mention in my last post but I've also been doing Tai Chi Yang style for some 6+ months now