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View Full Version : Super Lifts And Crazy Lift Dreams, Driving Me Nuts, Help!!

12th January 2007, 05:53 AM

I will try to be thorough yet brief too.

I have these dreams about lifts; it’s been going on for ages, on and off. I'll describe the last 2, they both insanely crazy and frankly far too real.

The last one, woke me up a couple of minutes ago and it was the worst I have had so far.

It starts with a friend of mine and me being in a hotel. The place is huge and the layout is very confusing. We are looking for a specific room. We can’t seem to find it, and after a long search decide to take the lift back to the ground floor.

I have not seen this friend in 15 years (in reality now). The ground floor is suppose to be 2 storeys down. But when we got into the lift, and it closed, we where on floor 514. The lift accelerated down, with unbelievable G-Forces. Both my friend and I where clinging on for dear life. I was battling not to slide up all the way to the ceiling, because of this absolutely insane acceleration. I could not hold on anymore and was sliding up half way to the ceiling of the lift.

Then it struck my mind, that if this lift does not brake, and brake well, I am dead. The lift neared the ground floor and started braking. Again with unbelievable G-Forces, to the extend that I felt myself (in the dream) starting to faint.

The lift opened on the ground floor, my friend got out, I was on the floor, paralyzed because of all of this, someone dragged me out the lift, and left me just outside the lift, on the ground floor. I woke up staggered and dazed (In reality now).

When I got up after this, I was disorientated for about ten minutes. This was far too real.

In dream nr 2, which happened a while ago, The lift I got into, after closing turned completely upside down. I fell to the floor, and had to re-orientate myself again. When the lift opened, I got out.

An old lady and a young child stood there, wanting to get into the lift. I warned them about this lift, they ignored me and got in. When the lift closed, (with them inside), the lift did the same and I just heard screams.

There is many of these dreams, the ingenuity and craziness never stops.

I have no idea what this means, I have no fear of lifts and ride them all the time. This obviously signifies something else, and the fact that I wake up directly after it every time, to my mind, probably signals the importance of me remembering it.

What does this mean?

PLs Help - Anyone who can help. Will be much appreciated.


12th January 2007, 01:44 PM
Well, here's my interpretation. With you're friend "I hear" that he left you stranded in life. Did you part in friendly terms? Or did something negative happen between you where you felt abandoned to fend for yourself?
With the second one "I hear" that you feel like life 'comes at you' at times, and you don't feel heard or understood. It's possible that life changes that are happening are sometimes 'too much' and you feel that you need to vent or talk about it.

Just ideas. Does any of this ring a bell? (pun not intended)

12th January 2007, 03:56 PM
Thanx for the reply...

Regarding the friend, he never left me stranded, we parted on very good terms since he is living abroad now. No bad feelings there.

Life coming at me, that does ring bells. To be honest, I am not sure if that will be so applicable here. Reason being that this dream sequence, if I can call it that, since it occurred more than I could count, happened in easy and difficult times in my life. I have tried to connect the dream with current events but the fact that it happens all over the place makes this association difficult.

Again thanx for the input, I am struggling with this, so any input is welcome.


13th January 2007, 06:31 AM
I don't know the symbolic meaning of your dream, but I can relate to the acceleration. I have had many dreams kind of like those. For instance, I fall off an air plane and I can feel myself acclerating to the ground and I used to try to repel the fall. I didn't like the feeling at first, but as I grew older I started to relax and when I fell I knew I wouldn't get hurt because it's a dream and the falling became a great relaxing sensation. I also have other dreams where the floor in a sky scraper building would suddenly distort and I would be slipping off to the bottom floor and then to the floor after that. Before you know it, I'm falling story after story like the falling off the air plane because of an earth quake.

In dreams, you really can't get hurt, so if you can become lucid just know you can't get hurt and try to enjoy it. Falling from very high points in dreams can be very relaxing if you learn to let go of your fear of falling. It may still feel uncomfortable sometimes though.

20th January 2007, 08:49 AM
Hi there.
I've had loads of lift dreams. Hotel ones too. I think the lift transports to different aspects of our personalities/psyches.
Some dreamers will say that dreaming of higher levels indicate the higher levels of ourselves. Going down into the basement would indicate a delving down deep into our unconscious and into closed off memories etc.
I find numbers intriquing in dreams. The number you mention is 514 I think.
Add these separate numbers together and you get 1. 5+4+1=10 1+0=1
One indicates beginnings.
Don't be scared by the fast travel between floors. Sounds like just that, travel between levels within you.
In Charlie and The Chocolate Factory at the end of the book Charlie travels in the lift. This lift not only goes up and down but horizontally and diagonally. I've had dreams recently whereby I enter a lift and end up travelling across country very quickly.
I really enjoy my elevator dreams. They're always pretty exciting and interesting. It's good to hear someone else has them too. Hope this triggers something within you...
Happy dreaming!

21st January 2007, 06:52 AM
I can't help but feel these dreams are in a category with flying and floating type dreams. (I get skateboarding, rollerblading, sliding down tubes at funparks and go-carts as a variation on these). If it's true we project every night (and I believe it is) and that our memories of these projection experiences are obfuscated by the dream memories we "download," then perhaps we are just a little closer to recalling the actual projection experience when we have such dreams. Perhaps. Just a thought!

22nd January 2007, 02:30 AM
i have a few crazy ideas
Perhaps you have a subconcious fear of elevators

You should definetely look into that number 514, numbers are not common in dreams, well defined ones atleast.

im not too sure about this one, im a little skeptical on it but it could be a possibility....
you are an abductee of aliens or something, you say these dreams are frequent, and you often wake disoriented, the fact that they are frequent and similar, and the screaming you said, could also be a sign. i dont know if i believe in that, but then again, it could be very true, tis a complex world we live in

15th February 2007, 07:16 PM

Thanx for the replies. The Nr 514 really bothers me quite a bit. Mainly because it was clear as can be.

Now it could be part of the terror of the dream indicating the height that had to be descended or it could mean someting significant, which will be in the pre-run to the event.

Things like dates for eg: May the 14th has come to mind.

The scary part of this dream is that at the time the things that happened prior to entering the lift made no sense. Some of those things are starting to fall into place. Events with people I only recently met.

I am convinsed that the lift symbolises something - very drastic. And 514 is the departure point - whatever that means.

Any more ideas?

16th February 2007, 09:07 PM
If the dream is predictive, and it seems to be shaping up that way, all you can really do is stay alert.

A friend of mine sent me an e-mail with her OBE in it. I thought you'd find it interesting:

I got out last night! I was dreaming it was quite a lengthy one and i got into an elevator, i was feeling uneasy about it knowing that something was not quite right. The elevator was going down and it came to an abrupt stop and everything went black. this is when i realised i was in bed with my body asleep. I very carefully rolled out of bed (it took me ages cause i didn;t want my body to awaken) everything was still dark and i said clarity please and nothing, then i said give me vision and nothing, then i said clarity once more and i could see. It was still dark but i could see. Then i walked around the bed and looked over to see two bodies in the bed, realising one was mine as i could see the long dark hair. I tried not to dwell on it cause i know some people get scared so when i got to the other side of the bed i was thinking wow, where do i wana go? and the first thing that came to my head was go and get D. But first i thought i wana try and fly, so i did fly up towards the ceiling and woke up when i went through the ceiling. I think i was thinking too much about the roof. i can't believe it. It was unreal!

19th February 2007, 08:45 PM
A Interesting new development....

Well, the thing that kept me thinking was the number 514. It was as clear as can get. The posting on top, was made the 12 Jan. On the 21 Jan I met someone who by now has become a very significant person in my life.

This person works in large orginization, her employee number is 514.

At the time of the dream, I have not yet met her.

What do you thing of this coincidence ? Is it coincidence ?

How should the lift experience fit in here, or was the lift just a catalyst to wake me up so I could recall the dream?

What do you think?


20th February 2007, 08:56 AM
Absolutely cool "coincidence."

I still think the dream covered another experiencel and you've brought back just enough to know you had a look into your future.

22nd February 2007, 12:11 AM
I think it's lovely that your dreams have affected you so deeply.
I believe coincidence means we're in the flow where everything becomes full of meaning and so connected. In dreams, reality is heightened, whereas in waking life we often miss the wonder of the smallest things. Dreams call us back to that place of magic. The most normal situation in a dream feel imbued with power and sometimes when we wake and try and communicate that place to others, it seems to sound hollow and flat, when we know that the smallest thing had power.
Good for you for following your heart and congratulations on finding 514!
The numbers all add up to 1 - new beginnings!!