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View Full Version : Higher Selves

17th January 2007, 07:05 PM
Mr. Bruce,

Is it possible to use our higher selves to assist us in healing ourselves and others? Can our higher self help us achieve astral projection?
I find the subject difficult to work with, although it does seem to work. Such as with me, as a Reiki practictioner, I could ask for a specific Attunement to some system and that seems to work well enough.

Although perhaps you can give me just something to try that may be useful?

Robert Bruce
18th January 2007, 06:06 AM
Your higher self is a higher aspect of yourself, a much higher aspect. This exists inside of you, in your physical body, and all around you. It is ever present.

The answer to all your questions is, yes.

Your higher self is the most accessible aspect of God/unity you have.

The whole point of spiritual development of any kind is to engage the higher self. The higher self is a gradient of consciousness. At the lowest end is your normal conscious mind. At the other, the unity. This aspect can also aptly be called the subconscious mind, or God.

Many systems put the higher self in a ranking system, and the end result is that it is made to seem that it exists a long way away, dimensionally remote. This is not true.

The higher self is always present, waiting, trying to help. But connecting with this aspect is beyond most people, because it is too simple. you just have to realize this, to connect with your physical body, and to love your self. These things encourage your higher self to engage more in your life.

Robert Bruce