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View Full Version : cat sight - what are they after?

19th January 2007, 07:58 PM
So many times I've watched my cats observing something I cannot see. Sometimes I think it's jsut a gnat flying about, but when their concentration is centered in one specific spot (generally towards the ceiling) I wonder.
So, today two of my cats have been intrigued by something on top of one of my book cases. They keep reaching up, stretching toward it. Finally, one of them went for it; knocking my incense burner and other things off to the floor.
It is so frustrating. I know if I had the 'sight' I could see it too! My intuition tells me it is a beloved kitty that was run over a few years ago. Intuition is good, but I want to SEE it like they do.
How do we develope that ability - to see what is apparently not there? There are so many techniques to get OB, why aren't there any drills, lessons to acquire this second sight?

19th January 2007, 08:04 PM
My kitties do the same. I've tried 'looking sideways' at the spot, but to no avail. I always think it's 'astral lizards', since mine always 'go for it'.

19th January 2007, 09:03 PM
Yea, that's a more reasonable idea - astral lizards or whatever.
Don't you think cats are a little magical? I do. I've sent my number one on a mission or two before and feedback suggest he's been perceived in the astral. Of course, I may be dreaming. :P

15th February 2007, 11:12 PM
I had a kitty that used to scamper about all night as if she were playing with something. I thought maybe an astral 'lizard' to at first but then I noticed something one night.

I was watching her and she would run across a lit area of the floor into the shadows and then dart back. I suddenly realized that I was seeing her form one direction and then that of another kitty from a different direction.

I chalked it up to being over tired and a busy imagination. A few nights later as I was falling asleep, I saw a sad looking kitty walking down the hall. She was sad as could be. Immediately I jumped out of bed and ran into the room she walked into and turned on the light to look. It had been a clear manifestation of a departed kitty of mine from before the kitty I had at the time.

It wasn't the only kitty manifestation I have ever seen but it was the saddest.

16th February 2007, 02:26 AM
I have seen my kitties not only when I go astral, but sometimes when I'm meditating for hypnagogics I see them in them- like fast remote viewing. I do think that they are very perceptive, maybe because their type of vision.

16th February 2007, 02:29 AM
Try visualizing objects and adding energy to them. Make them as vivid as possible and move them around. My cat thinks it is creepy, but he definitely watches the objects float around where I'm sending them.

16th February 2007, 02:37 AM
Try visualizing objects and adding energy to them. Make them as vivid as possible and move them around. My cat thinks it is creepy, but he definitely watches the objects float around where I'm sending them. That's awesome for practice. I'll definitely do that.

17th February 2007, 02:30 AM
Nahh. Really?

but he definitely watches the objects float around where I'm sending them.

I have a black cat that is very in tune with me. I've sent him on a "Dream Experiment" and when I couldn't even make it HE showed up, at least according to a fellow experimenter who encountered a large gentle cat which he carried around. This idea is like a stepping stone. Intriguing...

25th February 2007, 02:17 AM
I have a very close connection with my dog, Milo. He is also perceptive of energies. He watches me intently if I do any sort of energy manipulation in front of him. If I can keep his focus long enough I can "show" him ideas telepathically. For instance, I can develop in my minds eye, the act of us getting ready to go out for a walk. If I stare into his eyes and energetically push this vision to him, he's gets all excited and ready to go for a walk, just the same as if I tell him it's time to "GO" <-- a word he recognizes.

Milo has also accompanied me on projections where we flew through a wooded area together. The funny part of it was, while I was still uncomfortable with flying and afraid of falling, constantly grabbing onto branches like I was going to fall, he was unafraid and flew around effortlessly.

27th February 2007, 01:01 PM
I recently wondered - one of my cats was happy, curios, and then suddenly, without possible interference from us or its mother it went very frightened the rest of the day.

The weird thing is we went immediately afterwards on the road and found a ran-over kitty close to our home but completely out of sight.

I wonder since... Some sort of Obiwan Kenobi phenomenon? ;)

6th March 2007, 07:54 AM
My cat Bodhi likes to sit on my lap when I do energy work / meditation and when he does, I've caught him looking intently over and above my shoulder at the corner of the room above us. It's a bit distracting.

"Dude. What ARE you looking at?"

13th June 2007, 12:58 AM
When I was about 15 I was walking through a graveyard in the middle of the night and sat down against a wall and rolled a joint and I noticed there was a bunch of cats running around hissing jumping in the air. It was mad.

13th June 2007, 12:17 PM
I use to practice that cat game (with chi balls) but applied to infants. They use to move their eyes seeking the ball, but not always.

Anyway I'll try with my two female cats, but I think they're just crazy, ha, ha.

16th June 2007, 06:01 PM
I think most cats are very pyschic. I think cats can see energy in a way that most of us cannot without alot of development. Animals definately have a sixth sense. I swear, Jesse(my cat) has astral sight. Whenever I project, she sometimes follows me around the house in the RTZ.

13th July 2007, 07:13 PM
I think several non-human inhabitants of this earth are way more 'attuned' than most of us, since they (probably, I can't tell for sure) don't get through this brainwashing process during their childhood, which fills their heads with all sorts of ideas of right and wrong and true and false.


there really has to be some sort of "thing" in my room. or several. I guess I can't feel them very much, since they have been there forever and I've been used to having them around me on an subconscious basis - sort of like you can't really notice your nose - it has always been there, you just know it. but anyhow, I have a grey beauty living with me, and he, from time to time, while on his way to my room, will just stop, freeze almost, and look at an exact spot on the wall / ceiling and just stare at it, sort of like his eyes are communicating or trying to understand what it is. he will look intensly at this spot (I've got like nothing special on that spot, perhaps it's a framed painting with japanese writing on it, but it seems from the angle that it's something in the air he's looking at), and then look at me sort of like "what do you think?" or more like "idiot, why can't you notice that thing?", and then he will either walk into my room or walk back the way he came.

haven't counted, but it has happened around seven times.

also, I bet it's been written over and over here and in the books, but it's always fascinating, the way cats LOVE when you're doing energy work, they won't leave you alone two seconds.

cats <3

13th July 2007, 08:22 PM
I think several non-human inhabitants of this earth are way more 'attuned' than most of us, since they (probably, I can't tell for sure) don't get through this brainwashing process during their childhood, which fills their heads with all sorts of ideas of right and wrong and true and false.

I agree except for the above quote. I think cats are equipped physically to see things that we are not, like heat signatures and movement sensing, and other type of things that could be classified as 'energetic', while we have constant reality-checking, not because we are brainwashed by society, but because we're just built that way. Since we do so much conscious decision-making (instead of instinctual behaviour, like so cats, for example, do). If we were able to see every reality fluctuation that our senses pick up, we'd be paralyzed and never do anything. For more input on this, look up 'depersonalization', and you'll get what I mean. Even though we can train ourselves to perceive that which we naturally ignore, it is apparent by now that this doesn't always result in happy and succesful living, and is why we have to do so much meditative and introspective work before we try to open our awareness (or should, anyway).

As a side note, my cats always warn me when there's trouble of the ethereal type brewing; now I'm trying to teach myself to discern what's harmless trouble and what isn't. Not always easy.

14th November 2007, 08:58 PM
Curious! It makes me wonder about my boyfriend's sister. She's a control freak and has a lot of problems, and she's always got health problems out the wazoo.

I know she treats her pets well, but every pet she gets ends up spooked all the time with major issues. She had a dog that camped out in her bedroom and wouldn't leave. Her two cats hide under furniture most of the day.

It makes me wonder if they're seeing the negs she's got to have living in her space.

14th November 2007, 10:01 PM
I think that cats are also very attracted to plain energy in general. When I raise energy, my cats are there. Even when I do rituals, (which always involves energy) my cats are there. All of my cats favorite place to sit is on my altar, which is very annoying, but this is probably the highest place of energy in my house. I guess we can all agree that cats are natural energy sensers, but why are they so attracted to it?

14th November 2007, 10:07 PM
After taking a short trip with my cat in my lap, I think I have an idea: Who doesn't like a good caress? (Don't know how else to put it). I think when cats are content they transmit a very pleasant frequency and it's a two-way thing- they feel it too (like the mommy purrs and the kitties all cluster up against her and enjoy it)- so the high energy in your altar is probably a source of 'maternal comfort'. In other words, it probably feels like love.

30th April 2008, 04:09 PM
wow thats amazing, you think smaller animals have this ability too? like hamsters/mice/guinea pigs i've always been a big fan of having alot of animals but i just can't take care of them all.

30th April 2008, 04:54 PM
My cats are the same way, they are more aware than I am. But my wife's dog isn't. She has a Bichon Frise, which keeps a strict schedule of playing hyper-actively, then sleeping. so, I wonder if part of the reason that the cats are more in tune than me and the dog because they sit still for so long.

30th April 2008, 05:58 PM
Perhaps they're meditating? :)

1st May 2008, 05:49 AM
now that's something, meditating cats. would bring in the possibility of cats being more spiritually advanced than most humans, i always found cats as strange creatures but still favoured dogs more.

16th May 2008, 10:51 PM
Cats - now ever since I was little they have freaked me out. I always feel like they can see into my soul, they know what I am thinking. I have overcome my fear of them but still like to keep some distance between me and them, my friend had a large cat and he would ignore all the others in the room; those trying to tempt him with treats or caresses; and perversely head for me, who was doing her best to ignore him and he would plop down on my lap, flexing his claws and snuggling himself down. I am sure he had an evil glint in his eye.
Dogs on the other hand I love and I KNOW that mine knows what I am thinking. All I have to do is think B A T H, without any form of body language and she's instantly quaking and dives under the bed. Think chicken and she's there begging, think a biscuit would be nice with this cup of coffee and she's over by the cupboard door waiting for me to get the tin out. At the moment she is looking at me confused :lol: . She always knew when my hubby was on his way home from work (at different times) and whenever he had a MS attack a few days before she would sit close to him and never leave his side (something she never did normally), the week before he died she never left his side. He joked that she knew something he didn't.
For the past few nights I have been aware of a white shape around the house - smallish but bigger than my dog, she has been freaking out and refuses to go to her favourite spot to bask in the sun. Three nights ago as i let her out a white shape streaked past me through the open door and I actually felt as though I had been gently pushed out of the way. After that my dog settled down.

17th May 2008, 06:56 AM
The fact is there are real things human eyes can't see. We can't even see radio waves or TV waves, for crying out loud. These waves are real things, shooting up into the air around us. And lets not forget other types of waves, the wind, etc.

It's possible cats see a number of different things, including spirits and astral bodies.

21st May 2008, 03:24 PM
ahaah i think that for many people who live with domestic animals never realise how intelligent animals can be. I saw this video of a hippo saving a deer from a crocodile, for me who always thought animals were just simple survival creatures, that amazed me. the hippo scared the crocodile away and dragged the deer back up shore and nurtured it for awhile until it died, and there are so many more examples. just what is that? morals, sympathy, spiritual? did humans progress negatively in spirituality? Everyday people become less and less satisfied yet animals don't seem to care at all.

21st May 2008, 07:31 PM
I saw once a report of some cows who saved a farmer from a mad bull. He had passed out due to diabetic shock (or hypoglycemia, I don't remember) and they surrounded him and made noise until they caught his wife's attention and she was able to go outside and get help.
Of course these were dairy cows, and they loved him. The situation may have been different if they were 'food' cows and mistreated like it happens in modern farms nowadays.

Anyway, I don't think it has anything to do with morals or right and wrong or any of that stuff- for ages we have been taught we are 'superior' to animals, based on religion mostly, and even science started out with that assumption (making homo sapiens the pinnacle in evolution). I don't think any of that is relevant. We evolved (I don't even want to say the word progressed) a prefrontal cortex, as did some species of chimps, by the way- and that allows us to look at stuff and say 'this is bad' or 'this is good'. That is primarily what makes us different. We can use a voicebox to tell each other what we think of each other, and we can decide that something is wonderful or that it is not good enough.
In my life I have seen data that shows that everything else we think makes us smarter, such as toolmaking or brain size is seen in other animals- once again, other animals make tools, like chimps or beavers, (and others, I don't want to make this a boring list-of things other animals can do) or brain size: Elephants and dolphins, for example, or other things that we think we have exclusivity over.
As to animals not seeming to care, there was an article on elephant suicides sometime last year, and no one knew why they were doing it. So there is another one that may not apply. At least not to all animals.
And no, I'm not making any real point, other than many animals are different than us and others are a lot like us. But I do not subscribe to the idea that we are 'better'.

21st May 2008, 11:28 PM
my friend had a large cat and he would ignore all the others in the room; those trying to tempt him with treats or caresses; and perversely head for me, who was doing her best to ignore him and he would plop down on my lap, flexing his claws and snuggling himself down.
This is a peculiarity of cat psychology. Cats are threatened by certain kinds of movements, certain kinds of eye contact. Generally, people calling a cat will do it entirely wrong (from the cat's perspective). They have big eyes and an open mouth and they put out their hands (claws). To a cat, this looks threatening.

On the other hand, the person who is avoiding eye contact, who isn't waving their hands around, who is sitting quietly, that's the person the cat wants to be with, because that person is obviously safe and not at all threatening.

No evil intent all. It's just the way cats see the world.

And I'm pretty sure that my cat CAN see my soul, which I find comforting. She's a big part of the reason I'm still alive, and that's not an exaggeration.

Neil Templar
21st May 2008, 11:57 PM
i just rescued a 5 year old cat from being passed from owner to owner,not being looked after very well.
she's been with me a week,and she seems very settled and happy now.
i'm looking forward to many years of fuzzy love from my wee puss.she's so sweet!

22nd May 2008, 01:42 AM
This is a peculiarity of cat psychology. Cats are threatened by certain kinds of movements, certain kinds of eye contact. Generally, people calling a cat will do it entirely wrong (from the cat's perspective). They have big eyes and an open mouth and they put out their hands (claws). To a cat, this looks threatening. And let's not forget the stupid human-talk which probably sounds like some sort of angry ape speech to them "Hi, look at that pretty kitty, you're so CUUTTTEEE!!!!!" Now wouldn't that want to make you run and hide? I know it does me. But I am cold and aloof. :wink:

23rd May 2008, 04:47 PM
I find animals fun to watch when they're acting out of their own free will, well atleast when they're doing something, like exploring their curiosity not just eating.

31st May 2008, 11:40 AM
I recently purchased the "cat whisperer". Havent got round to reading it from the beginning, I flicked through a few pages and found it very interesting.

I'll get onto it this week though.

Cats seems very much in the "here and now" and that's it. Apart from spending 23 hours a day "meditating" :D

22nd July 2008, 09:23 PM
This thread is probably a good place to post this.

Last night, as I felt my way through the dark hallway to get to the bathroom, I saw what appeared to be about a 30-35lb cheetah-looking cat sitting nobly at the top of my staircase, quietly peering down. As i stumbled closer, I woke up my house cat (about 6lbs) who was sleeping nearby, and ended her projection. Apparently, last night, she projected as a much larger (but equally noble) version of herself.

i thought it was very cute. I have to remember to tell my wife.

23rd July 2008, 10:48 AM
Last night, as I felt my way through the dark hallway to get to the bathroom, I saw what appeared to be about a 30-35lb cheetah-looking cat sitting nobly at the top of my staircase, quietly peering down. As i stumbled closer, I woke up my house cat (about 6lbs) who was sleeping nearby, and ended her projection. Apparently, last night, she projected as a much larger (but equally noble) version of herself.
I've always thought that cats have a secret identity. Sometimes you can tell what it is. I knew a cat who was a lion, one who was a panther, and my own cat is a goddess. :)

23rd July 2008, 01:28 PM
Yesterday my son took our cat (the one that projects with me) to camp. I thought she'd be freaked out, but she loved it. When we got back home, she went to the front door and cried to be let out (she's an inside cat). She really wants to do it again! And here I thought she'd rather stay home.

10th September 2008, 08:04 AM
cats are the most unpredictable weird creatures out there. I could never guess what they're trying to do or if they're happy or not. They say cats are curious creatures but the cats around my neighbourhood just sit there and watch, almost feels like they're organised.

10th September 2008, 10:41 AM
cats are the most unpredictable weird creatures out there.
Yes. :)

the cats around my neighbourhood just sit there and watch, almost feels like they're organised.
They are. I'm convinced that cats actually run the universe. *serious nod*

:P :D :lol:

Neil Templar
10th September 2008, 04:33 PM
I've noticed in the last few evenings, that when i'm sitting relaxed, our little kittie is very interested in the space just above/behind my head.
i thought maybe she was watching mosquitoes or something, but it happens alot, and on occasions when there are definitely no insects buzzing around....

it's like she's looking at something just over my shoulder.. :?

10th September 2008, 07:24 PM
Mine do something similar. They'll look behind me and then won't get near. When that happens I do a clearing. It's been a while, but that freaks me out.

24th November 2008, 05:30 PM
I have always had 1 or more cats around me for most of my life, and have no doubt that they are psychic! This post would get loo long if I posted all of my psychic cat stories, so I will only post two things here.

Occasionally, at the house where I used to live, I used to see little bright white specs of light that would move quickly out of the corner of my eye. These would only persist for a fraction of a second, and of course as soon as I automatically turned to look directly at them they were gone. I just thought it was some kind of "eye noise" thing and didn't think anything of it.
One day one of these specks that was brighter than normal sped right past the center of my vision, and my cat lunged after it! If that wasn't enough, my Mother said "what the hell was that, did you throw something?" She said that to her,it looked like she saw a crumbled up ball of paper flying across the room. This was the only time I have ever had the opportunity to see something strange that my cat saw.

Most of my cats have always either looked directly into my face, or scrunched their eyes closed when I hold and caress them. One of my new ones (now I have 3) intently stares at something a foot above my head that seems to move or change slightly. It freaks me out, and he constanly makes me look up there, and I never see anything!

CF, he doesn't appear to be distressed by what he sees, but how do you do that "clearing"?

Every cat I have ever had, has either chased or followed objects that I can't see.

24th November 2008, 05:48 PM
Depends on what else happens (usually other stuff happens, I see stuff off-range, or have nightly manifestations) then I just use some incense (either dragon's blood, sage, or a combination) holy water, and bless the house. That usually clears stuff out. I'm a 'go with the flow' kind of person, so I taylor what I do to what I'm getting.

24th November 2008, 11:24 PM
My gut feel says there is nothing to worry about. Probably just my own aura.
Can't hurt to burn some sage though, and then go for another 'cat scan' and see if there is any difference :)