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View Full Version : really funky dream

21st January 2007, 03:56 AM
so i had a kinda crazy dream the other night, i discussed part of it with my friend and we pulled some meaning out of it, but i thought id post it here because its kinda neat(and creepy)

so heres the creepy part:
Theme: Its in an old rickety house that has been abandoned, old furniture and random blood stains everywhere, if you look out one of the windows you can see a field. Im a detective and im working on some case with my female detective counterpart.
Im walking around the house checking stuff out, then my radio buzzes and i hear my partners voice, "hes making a run for on the field, he has a chainsaw"
so i pull out my gun and run out to the field and meet up with my partner, the guy stops, hes in torn white clothes which are stained with blood, we tell him to stop and drop the chainsaw, he does. Then it gets weird. The chainsaw disapears and he laughs *our guns are pointed at him* some long horns grow from his forehead and curl around a little, he seems to conjure some evil looking dude to behind his shoulder, the second guy is watching with some evil smile.
i cant quite remember what the guy with horns says but its similar to this.
*laughing* "who do you think you are? Do you know who i am?"
at this point i think i said some smart remark
he then says "i can control anything and do anything! look at your partner, i can tell her insides to eat themselves!"
*i glance over*
shes doubled over in pain, then her stomach rips open and guts fall out, no doubt shes dead.
for some reason im not really troubled
then he says, "now its time for your insides to eat themselves!"
*his companion laughs, so does he*
amidst their laughing i fall to my knees, grab my stomach and feel my insides trembling, but i resist, they are still laughing, my eyes start to water, and it becomes a little blurry, i try to watch what happens and it looks like him and his pal crawl into a firey fissure, then i get up and drive somewhere i forget...

the other dream is pretty neat, not as weird as that but has some cool things in it, ill post it if you want me to

21st January 2007, 09:24 AM
So, Cs, what did you make of this one?

21st January 2007, 11:52 PM
This dream has some powerful representations.

Often we do not realize that people only have authority and power over how we feel and power over our energies if we believe they have this power. Notice the agressor powerfully stated his power over you and did things to convince you of this power before he did anything - likely before he was able to do anything. We must be first convinced of something before it will work upon us - the mental buy in.

Are our thoughts and beliefs what gives permission for external energies to control us? Very probable, I think.

For example: If someone who did not know us, were to say something mean it would have little to no impact. But if someone who has seeming authority over us and seeming powers then the impact can be huge. Often this is where the discussion of permission comes up.

Well, what is permission anyway?
I interpert permission to be when we buy into someones power over us. This can be parents, authority figures, entities. To reclaim our strength in a situation it is good to clear the mind and if the mind will not clear then move the mind to what you want to think and feel. Act as appose to react. Place your energies into what you want to think and feel not be influenced by another - any other. We have to think someone truly has power and fear what they can do to us, before they can impact us.

Will, willpower, control of ones own mind and thoughts, clearing of the mind are all critical things so we can stay clear and calm even if all hell is breaking lose around us. Everything is a drama if we buy into the play but if we can stay clear headed no matter how horrible the experience we can act and move into our own center of power and not react feeling controlled by the situation. An experience can still happen but we are not reduced by it, instead we learn and grow stronger through it.

Try in the next similar dream, to claim your power. State you have no power over me because I know you are just energy and consciousness and my energy and consciousness will not be controlled by you. Then go into and find your strength point inside your being so no matter how buffeted you feel by what is occurring outside you stay determined and strong inside. With each experience like this you will gain strength and confidence. With practice all hell could break lose and you would feel the whirling winds on the outside but stay calm and clear headed inside.

Our thoughts and beliefs hugely impact our energies - until we realize we no longer wish to live like this. Then we go through the mighty battle to take control of our mind and tame it - clear it. It is an epic battle but well worth it. Energy can then flow through us properly without all the muttled thought filters that normally muck us up and limit our energies to the point where we feel vulnerable and controllable by external influences.

22nd January 2007, 02:23 AM
thank you for that post violet

@beekeeper: my friend and i just thought of possibilities of what things could mean, who the people could represent and different emotions i could be feeling, like betrayal etc...

but violet, i have had other dreams where people have power over me, then when im concious i go over it. come the next dream its completely different, i can turn things around and its quite neat, you are correct about clearing your mind, it works wonders.