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24th January 2007, 05:46 PM

Joined: 19 Jan 2007
Posts: 1

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:36 am Post subject: Hope this helps somebody...


I've been fighting Negs for a couple years. I've had them probably much longer, but I didn't realize that the Neg "wasn't" actually me until around 2 years ago. Anyway, I've been quiet until now, but I thought I would share what has helped me. Its been a long, hard journey, as the Negs make people ignore, not pay attention to me, or even treat me like crap.

Anyway, I've found 2 things really useful in my battle to close my Aura.

1. Infra-red Saunas. I've managed to "sweat" out most of the prescription and recreational drugs out of my system using an Infra-red Sauna. The Sauna seems to push them out for a bit to. They always re-attack a day or 2 later, but each attack is less than before and now the attacks are almost comical sometimes. i.e. they try to "hug" me to attach to me. You have to proceed carefully though, too much sauna time seems to throw the system off balance and can make the toxins come out too fast.

2. NAET has gradually eliminated my allergies. NAET is an accupunture/accupressure based allergy treatment system. Each time an allergy is treated, it pushes them out a bit more as well - as the allergy treatment eliminates energy blockages in the system.

Anyway, of all the things I've tried, only these 2 seem to be closing up my aura and offering me more protection and piece of mind.

I'm not a metaphysical guy by any means - I just want to have a peaceful sleep every night and have good relationships with people that aren't interfered with by negs or anything else.

I hope this information helps someone... Its been a long, hard battle for me.


Robert Bruce
2nd April 2007, 03:54 PM

Thank you for sharing.

Its good to hear someone making progress in such a difficult area.

Anything you can do to improve your health and brighten up your life will make you stronger. Anything that makes you stronger will push negs away and eventually move you out of their reach.

Keep up the good work.

Robert Bruce