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28th January 2007, 10:22 PM
i was wondering if one wants to travel to a certain place and see something that happened there on a certain night, how would this be done? is this possible through projecting? and how would things look? would you be able to hear sounds made by people? i always wondered where occurences go after they're finished and its on to the next moment. they must still exist somewhere. its something that happened ten years ago. but does that matter?

28th January 2007, 10:25 PM
I'm going to reply imho and based in some books since i never reached the projections, the answer is yes, it is possible, while you'r projecting just will it to where you want to go, another interesting thing to do is to go to the akashic wall of records :wink:

28th January 2007, 10:33 PM
when you have time, could you elaborate on the akashic records? i looked it up but i still don't get what they are or what i do with them. is it a book?

28th January 2007, 11:34 PM
i was wondering if one wants to travel to a certain place and see something that happened there on a certain night, how would this be done? is this possible through projecting? and how would things look? would you be able to hear sounds made by people? i always wondered where occurences go after they're finished and its on to the next moment. they must still exist somewhere. its something that happened ten years ago. but does that matter? Well, I'm pretty sure that you can accomplish that with hypnotherapy, since you're going back to your own memories. When you project the information you experience gets downloaded to your brain as filtered by your subconscious. So whatever you see can be distorted beyond fact. In my projections, I have never ever heard anything (apart from sounds in the hypnagogic state, or course) so I'm not sure that you can 'hear' in the classic sense. I'm sure others have heard things, but the closest I've come to experiencing sound in the astral was in 'feeling vibration'. The ears were not involved in the least. As to the akashic records, everyone experiences them differently, and mostly in symbolic imagery, so that the veracity of the information is not clearly distinguished.

28th January 2007, 11:45 PM
when you have time, could you elaborate on the akashic records? i looked it up but i still don't get what they are or what i do with them. is it a book? The akashic can be thought of as that part of spacetime (or space itself) where everything is recorded that has ever happened in said spacetime. (Imagine space being a medium, and things happening being a movie. Spacetime gets imprinted with the movie, and is there for everyone to access). The problem is that when we're in the physical body experiencing the material world, we are receiving input from the five senses, and our minds are 'tuned into' the physical. But at the same time, we are existing as spirit, and receiving information from that medium- but our minds are not 'tuned into' our spiritual essence.
When we 'tune out' of the physical, that is, go to sleep, meditate, or have an OBE, we are synchronizing our minds to that spiritual 'part' of us, and receiving input from it. The trick is, once we receive the info from our spiritual 'side', our brains have to understand that information. That's when things get murky- our subconscious minds don't 'do' verbal, but our conscious minds only 'do' verbal, hence the ways we interpret are not necessarily the same as others. Some people see books (I do) Others hear a 'teachers' voice lecturing (me again), some people see images on a TV screen, but the information usually has some significance to the person having the experience.

Akashic Records by Robert Bruce: http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.as ... eID=268#11 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.asp?Search=akashic%20records&Type=1&ReferenceID=268#11)

29th January 2007, 02:02 PM
CFT got first than me :lol: but that's basicly it!