View Full Version : Real healing - what is it
13th November 2019, 06:06 PM
Modern medicine, focusing on the physical body, has actually nothing to do with the healing. It is all about the treatment - and it is a very different thing.
Healing simply means restoring the (multi-level) balance, the connection to your deeper self. The reason why it is not widely known and accepted is the fact that the knowledge on who actually is human being is not commonly recognized yet. Treating a human as a purely physical mechanism results in the medical treatment applied onto and restricted to only physical part.
What is the physical body - actually the end-effect of the wider process of our creation. (So putting it simple, we create our bodies).
Being deeply aligned with who we are allows energy to flow down to energetic and physical bodies undisturbed. Restoring this balanced state of alignment is healing. You can feel whether you are restoring your natural state (called "health" in todays language), or you are in the opposite direction: bringing issues to your psyche, aura, energy and physical body. Physical treatment won't restore your energy and alignment, in short. It'd only fool you that you (temporarily) defeated an illness, "hiding away" or minimalizing (if possible) the physical symptoms.
Healing means therefore returning to your true self. It brings calmness of mind, positive attitude, creative ideas, openness, control and excitement to living. This way any, even incurable illness, can be diminished to the total removal.
Treatment means therefore increasing your true issues, by getting you away from your true self by temporary removing the symptoms. It brings anxiety, uncertainity, not positive feelings, lack of clarity, lack of sense of direction and purpsoe, no control etc.
8th May 2020, 06:44 AM
Compare human to a building: you have the most visible layers (elevation), the hidden layers (walls), and deeply rooted layers (fundamentals).
How treatment may work in this complex system?
On the lowest level, pharmaucetics may work: but they nothing more like an improvement to the elevation only.
If the walls are breaking, elevation improvements may only hide the actual cause for the disease: psychological pitfalls that are somewhere flawed and wait for taking care of them. You do this with the power of consciousness.
But if there is not enough consciousness to improve the walls, the fundamentals on much deeper level need to be examined. It's the spirit connection - the root for whole personality and mind. You do this not by dealing with the personality and known mental side directly, but by getting into deeper states where you can examine your normal personality from that level.
Then one thought and improvement may cause a change which would ultimately heal the whole building from the bottom to the top, from the deepest to the most external side. Then a change in elevation becomes so easy that it has not to be constantly take care of by make ups of any kind. This simple perspective, if realized fully, may cause a revolution in today's thinking.
In this way, healing becomes an exploration and unfolding journey, not a struggle or a burden.
14th August 2020, 06:59 AM
With the recent 12 months or so I made a surprising breakthrough in healing.
Looking back, I may say what are the essential things on healing... Well, I was then reading, among others, Edgar Cayce's books on healing, and the truths inherent there turned out to be very helpful. Of much help were also the ideas inherent in TCM and Ayurveda: details on doshas and keeping balance.
The most important idea is that the mind creates reality.
The most important single element is energy.
And the most important physical aid is experimenting with different foods*. Do not take "artificial" foods - even if it is cheap, it comes not without a huge cost for yourself, your energy, your mind, and of course your health.
Creating reality includes the body. I.e. you may not believe it, but your body is less what you eat, and more what you think. When you do not think so, your body is a result of "not thinking so".
Health, and illness, is just a concept. In my humble opinion, and an incorrect one: it takes you away from what is really going on. "Illness" is nothing but concept - the idea of the mind. Changing your mind changes your reality (your body, your energy system, your psyche, and so on).
I know that sounds abstract for some. This is because they live out of reality - people are taught to live in their intellectual fields, very small and restricted areas of their full mental potential.
Increasing intuitive sides of the mind, sensing energy, looking out for natural sites, these all lead to the breakthrough that I am talking about.
All organs can be healed and improved. They require energy (qi, prana). Energy requires proper thoughts. Building an aura (called Ka by the ancient Egyptians) is the way to create a strong bridge between your mind and your body. With strong qi, you have a strong basis for doing anything in the world of energy - i.e. creating reality, including re-creating and re-generating your body.
Other essential tips for healing:
- energy building and vibrations control
- thoughts directing
- spirit focus
- sleeping
- water
- diet
- exercise
- frequent natural environment visitations (1h at least)
I particularly take green tea typically once or twice a day which is good for cleansing. If possible, I try to eat breakfast late.
To generalize, natural healing can be summarized as dealing with 5 elements:
Earth (quality foods)
Water (proper fluids)
Air (quality oxygen)
Fire (proper tempture)
Aether (energy, mind and spirit care)
As you might noticed, there are no any medicaments included on the list. They may help in some cases, however they are not essential. According to my view and expierence, the essentials are enlisted above. Edgar Cayce recommended not to rely on them too much, as the organism should restore its own healing modalities.
* Update: body and mind are connected within by use of electromagnetic means, which results in food (matter) influencing mind, and mind (soul) influencing the organs through the energy centers and the glands.
1st September 2020, 08:06 AM
Yesterday I've bought a new interesting book on Ayurveda. The author, Indian woman Acharya Shunya, states that the most important factor in healing is life style. She even do not use herbs for healing! I must say that I came gradually for recent months to the similar conclusion. Changing your life style means changing your thoughts, and changing your thoughts means changing your perspective and convictions on reality (from the daily small things to the most fundamental ones), and changing them transforms your creation and alters your future, including the condition of your body and psyche.
19th September 2020, 05:44 AM
It is all about behaviour in the field and study of healing, and basically, what you love doing you will do, and what you must do in the meantime, is energise yourself.
12th October 2020, 06:19 AM
It is all about behaviour in the field and study of healing, and basically, what you love doing you will do, and what you must do in the meantime, is energise yourself.
In other words: expression. I.e. doing anything according to yourself (love rules), or against yourself (energizing is required). The former leads to immortality (the latter leads to death).
On herbs (sleep > health)
Herbs are plants with specific, typically strong characteristics. They are used as an alternative, or aid, to the conventional treatment. They provide vitamins and minerals.
In the field of natural medicine they are viewed as a mean for treatment by many people. But consider that excess in anything is always against, not in favour of your health.
My opinion is: they should not be used too often. Such herbs as sage are sometimes very helpful, but I agree with Edgar Cayce who strongly recommended restoring natural regeneration functions of the systems in the body, rather than getting it used to any external 'pills'. Of course, so intensively advertised pharmaceutics are even worse than natural plants.
When the real health is regarded, sleep (natural regeneration) is better than herbs.
By real health I mean body getting stronger and stronger when time passes, not weaker. People should understand that organism can be strong throughout their whole life. Look at the ancient and even some modern Chinese people who really care about their health and the healthy life style.
12th October 2020, 11:32 AM
It is all about behaviour in the field and study of healing, and basically, what you love doing you will do, and what you must do in the meantime, is energise yourself.
In other words: expression. I.e. doing anything according to yourself (love rules), or against yourself (energizing is required). The former leads to immortality (the latter leads to death).
It matters to be human and not pushed&pushy=distressed.
On herbs (sleep > health)
Herbs are plants with specific, typically strong characteristics. They are used as an alternative, or aid, to the conventional treatment. They provide vitamins and minerals.
In the field of natural medicine they are viewed as a mean for treatment by many people. But consider that excess in anything is always against, not in favour of your health.
My opinion is: they should not be used too often. Such herbs as sage are sometimes very helpful, but I agree with Edgar Cayce who strongly recommended restoring natural regeneration functions of the systems in the body, rather than getting it used to any external 'pills'. Of course, so intensively advertised pharmaceutics are even worse than natural plants.
When the real health is regarded, sleep (natural regeneration) is better than herbs.
By real health I mean body getting stronger and stronger when time passes, not weaker. People should understand that organism can be strong throughout their whole life. Look at the ancient and even some modern Chinese people who really care about their health and the healthy life style.
Yes it's true, to sleep and be in balance with one's universe is greater than to take pills and presume that the universe wants to be new (or old). Really, the dividing line (balance) between new and old is fervour... To do what you do with fervour (including taking meds) and not to undertake what is called sardonism (the sarcastic denial of the realised earth). This is called wisdom, in the ancient perspective.
The pills that I take tell me that "love is grateful" - er, when I take them with the right attitude.
12th October 2020, 12:14 PM
Pills are the sign of imbalance (hence balance restoring need felt). Sleep is the sign of balance (no action needed), i.e. wu-wei. No need to hear pills, as well (you do not have to listen about love then from like anything).
12th October 2020, 10:28 PM
I have done several things with my pills including reiki them. An astonishing finding I have made is the you can expect with them and scientifically or whatnot, they will do what you did need to know. For example, if I call them lollies, they try and prove my life fun. But calling them biscuits makes the truth seriously normal. They might be good at telling the self that the self is wise, but it seems to be true that the intent you take them with should not be self destruction. So, I have days where I feel I cannot take them - for now.
13th October 2020, 04:20 PM
This is called meta-psychic homeopathy.
This guy gives one of the 2 preconceived choices. A typical matrix of so-called today "democracy".
Going beyond pills gives you the control back, i.e. clear mind (clarity consciousness) above the 'pill mind' (pill consciousness, see below).
You think it is just a label? Here's an interesting excerpt from the book relating to a man who dedicated his life to medical solutions ("The Edgar Cayce remedies"):
According to Cayce, a person may need ... penicillin - if he is in a penicilling consciousness.
(Otherwise, you stay in the matrix, being in fact psychiatric hospital, and watching there the Matrix movie endlessly. Sounds appealing? :cool: If not, quit this matrix hospital).
13th October 2020, 11:07 PM
(Otherwise, you stay in the matrix, being in fact psychiatric hospital, and watching there the Matrix movie endlessly. Sounds appealing? :cool: If not, quit this matrix hospital).
I have some Neo-like powers developing, such as euthanasing the voices - a sort of internal surrender - by taking the benzo their will sublimes to judgement is natural. By taking the antidepressant, they let go with candid is alright. No one is surviving this but me and my cat (Morpheus).
14th October 2020, 05:03 PM
I have some Neo-like powers developing, such as euthanasing the voices - a sort of internal surrender - by taking the benzo their will sublimes to judgement is natural. By taking the antidepressant, they let go with candid is alright. No one is surviving this but me and my cat (Morpheus).
Good to hear! :) Prodigies are everywhere. Just a matter of looking around.
19th October 2020, 03:48 PM
I think the Matrix is athiest religion ("thie" meaning "dei" meaning a man is there). I do accept that Einstein and Jung knew God but were scientists, another athiest foundation. I have heard God and angel voices, don't have to believe in them. Do have to believe in self instead really... all the divine beings know this well.
What is the Matrix about? Fun can be proven to be the meaning of life - doesn't matter if a "matrix agent" walks past you on the street and is not real life, or dead, if its fun it's still called life... technically.
19th October 2020, 08:15 PM
I think the Matrix is athiest religion ("thie" meaning "dei" meaning a man is there). I do accept that Einstein and Jung knew God but were scientists, another athiest foundation. I have heard God and angel voices, don't have to believe in them. Do have to believe in self instead really... all the divine beings know this well.
What is the Matrix about? Fun can be proven to be the meaning of life - doesn't matter if a "matrix agent" walks past you on the street and is not real life, or dead, if its fun it's still called life... technically.
In fact, in that everything this forums teach/learns me is beyond politics and religion (silence is the law in both), what could be the Matrix but an athiest concept beyond the earth knowing. If Christians have a heaven, and Islam has Paradise, Athiesm has Utopia, and the question would only be - is the technology sound - not am I going to get there... o
edit: question is, how do you heal silence, though.
19th October 2020, 08:26 PM
edit: question is, how do you heal silence, though.
27th November 2020, 08:23 PM
I think the Matrix is athiest religion ("thie" meaning "dei" meaning a man is there). I do accept that Einstein and Jung knew God but were scientists, another athiest foundation. I have heard God and angel voices, don't have to believe in them. Do have to believe in self instead really... all the divine beings know this well.
What is the Matrix about? Fun can be proven to be the meaning of life - doesn't matter if a "matrix agent" walks past you on the street and is not real life, or dead, if its fun it's still called life... technically.
Matrix is just a hypothesis. No need to go any further with ideologies, I think. 8)
27th November 2020, 10:02 PM
Interestin' a case of a matrix agency with an ideology - smart and savvy females, pass or fail. This is the short shoot I am trying with these days. Some such shoot never made sense... :roll:
28th November 2020, 05:12 PM
Here is the next one (hypothesis formed): Australia is who to be - this one failed itself for being 40% soul 60% garbage... but that's OK.
30th November 2020, 05:21 PM
Here is the next one (hypothesis formed): Australia is who to be - this one failed itself for being 40% soul 60% garbage...
Why do you think it is so?
30th November 2020, 09:28 PM
I honestly think "the universe" and the spirituality that promises it could just be people working with tact to heal the peace of the free world. The inner side of spirituality is, of course, valid. Religion doesn't know this - you don't just call yourself "I am Australia" - you at least use the concept of self. :O
8th December 2020, 05:23 PM
you don't just call yourself "I am Australia" - you at least use the concept of self. :O
An interesting idea to identify yourself with a... well, country (nation? territory? environment? economy?...). However, I heard some of the - especially totalitary oriented - country leaders (rather than nation-) who stated something like "the [country name] is me; I am the [country name]". :)
8th December 2020, 10:26 PM
If there is an identity beyond family, the name you were born into, well... maybe. Buddha and Jesus, called this the buddha nature and divinity. I don't know what to make of my own, but probably some such as "holy" would/will do. Philosopher? Magician? Talent? There must be a science to this...
10th December 2020, 12:25 AM
Mine is the art of illusion.
Being divine never, is being honest now - this works as though sound enough.
If there is an identity beyond family, the name you were born into, well... maybe. Buddha and Jesus, called this the buddha nature and divinity. I don't know what to make of my own, but probably some such as "holy" would/will do. Philosopher? Magician? Talent? There must be a science to this...
15th December 2020, 02:17 PM
Quitting - "I quit:" Euthanasia is the theory that there is a human right to a natural death. So while many people will confuse each other with "be like me," advocates are about original and that is about strong.
This sort of healing is cosmic.
15th December 2020, 02:35 PM
Quitting - "I quit:" Euthanasia is the theory that there is a human right to a natural death. So while many people will confuse each other with "be like me," advocates are about original and that is about strong.
This sort of healing is cosmic.
The all time favourite of euthanasia is... a cup of tea.
23rd February 2021, 07:16 AM
The health and the healing concepts are just a tip of an iceberg and do not tell the whole story.
What is a human being, should we ask first?
Soul (mind) -> the mental processes (desires, emotions, feelings, thinking processes etc.), yang in nature; hence related to "heaven" as its natural environment; in the ancient Egypt: Ba
Energy (qi, prana, ki...) -> a mediator, amplification of thinking, in between; in the ancient Egypt: Ka
Body (physical) -> a passive receptor of the stimulus, yin in nature; hence related to "earth" as its natural environment
You have a body (i.e. you are not a body). You have energy. But you are your mind.
This is the basic framework.
All of disturbances on the receptive level (physical body) comes from the disturbances in errors in thinking (basically, soul level).
In other words, illness is a reflection of errors of the soul unable to and learning how to deal with the physical matter. (And this way, it learns how to be immortal, i.e. free from illness and disturbances). Let me recall once again the E. Cayce's statement about the mind being a builder and the body being a result. Cayce said that body does not need to die, and that most of the problems (including physical ones) come from past incarnations.
Therefore, treatment of the physical (no matter how advanced technologically) is in large part a waste of time. The western medicine with its mechanical axioms cannot help but decline in the upcoming centuries.
(And here comes in play alchemy, closely related to medicine in the ancient times, which deals with the psyche-logical transformation at deep - not shallow - levels, i.e. a transcedential dive is needed; astrologically it is mostly connected to the Moon-Sun / yin-yang and all their references, particularly the 4th house and the Cancer zodiac sign, which have a lot to do with karma, psychology, and therefore cleansing the old, 'illnesses', mostly rooted in the previous incarnations).
15th March 2021, 05:05 PM
The Miracle of Healing...
A magnificent healing method is to break up the constitutents of soul, ie third eye chakra is not base chakra and thoughts are not feelings. You can literally heal with the good part no matter how small be that. It just has to be clean.
A more commonly known healer is the miracle, which supposes that all of this you are is going to show itself and likewise everybody else gets to be whole.
Choices... great fun or "no."
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