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View Full Version : Constant waking during dreams

The Cheese
7th February 2007, 01:01 AM
Its really irritating, I go to bed early because I am dead tired only to wake up just as tired as when I went to bed. I noticed a while ago that when I dream, which is every night just about, I thrash about in bed and am awoken most of the time for but a brief moment. Now if I wake up from sleep my mind likes to pounce on me and say "oh i've been waking for you to wake up to tell you blah blah blah". I usually fall asleep again in seconds but that brief amount of broken sleep seems to take its toll on me.

Most of the time my dreams are not something that wake me out of fear, they are just so crazy and random that I must just get sick of dreaming them. All I know is I'd like some restful sleep with or without dreams and if anyone can recommend something that worked for them or has worked for others that would be great.


7th February 2007, 01:09 AM
Well, here's something I've read about in dreaming websites that may help: Try going about the whole day in reverse as you go to sleep, like a meditation- go through it, looking at what your thoughts & ideas were all day. That way you will not be woken by things that went unresolved during the day. Other than that, a strong burst of light around noontime (go outside if it's bright- do not look at the sun), exercise early in the afternoon, and don't drink alchohol or read in bed.