View Full Version : How long do you practise

1st September 2005, 09:36 AM
How long do you practise for? i usually do it for 15mins, is this long enough?

1st September 2005, 07:15 PM
hmm..for 60 minutes during the day I practice relaxation, energy awareness and entrain with bwgen (meditation and creativity increase presets).

For up to 120 minutes during the evening I set aside for 100% focussed practice.

To be honest, I've been having more success with songwriting than I have with conscious obe but this alone aspires me to continue. :wink:

1st September 2005, 08:30 PM
hmm..for 60 minutes during the day I practice relaxation, energy awareness and entrain with bwgen (meditation and creativity increase presets).

For up to 120 minutes during the evening I set aside for 100% focussed practice.

To be honest, I've been having more success with songwriting than I have with conscious obe but this alone aspires me to continue. :wink:

If you add clairaudience, clairvoiyance, and the rest of the senses into this practice then this will be a well-rounded practice regime :)

1st September 2005, 09:53 PM
I try to set aside 10-30 minutes during the day (breaks in school and such) for relaxation, mind clearing, and auric sight. And normally try for about 30 minutes to an hour in the evening for energy raising and other things.


2nd September 2005, 06:25 PM
For about my first year of practising NEW, I spent 3 hours per day Mon-Fri and about 4 hours per day Sat-Sun. But, over the last few months I've been lucky to get 30mins per day (work has been mental - getting up in the early hours, working all day and getting home in the early hours!!!) On the days off that I get, I'm so tired that I just fall asleep as soon as I relax). Thankfully, that work is coming to an end and I'm hoping to return to my previous routine. In case you're wondering why so many hours, it's because I've only ever had very mild energy sensations. :( Once every few months I get a strong flow of energy for about 10 seconds and that makes me realise what my energy work could be like, so I keep on practising. I'm going to start doing trance work as well to see if this helps (fingers crossed).

6th September 2005, 03:39 PM
somedays none at all, others just depends what i feel like doing. usually like 10 minutes a day. of course i get random sensations all throughout the day though and i sometimes concentrate on these.

10th November 2005, 03:40 PM
Hello everyone :)
I’ve been working with NEW system for some time.
I’d like to do 40 minute energy sessions three times a day (20 minutes of energy bouncing and 20 minutes of full body storage circuit)
I don’t want to overdo it, since too intensive energy raising is disadvantagous for general energy development.
So, would it be too much? Or can I go right ahead :)

10th November 2005, 04:32 PM
Usually an hour per day.

10th November 2005, 07:33 PM
Same here.

Personally, I'm shocked that some people can practice for 2-4 hours a day. How do you find the time?!

10th November 2005, 09:33 PM
In the morning, after I drive my son to school and before I go to work, I do NEW in the morning and/or meditate from 15mins. to half an hour. Then, just before I go to sleep, I try to do relaxation/awareness before sleep (1/2 hour + or -.) On the weekends (Fri. or Sat.) at night I'll listen to the BWGen.- In one year I believe I have had one successful (if short) projection -or awesome clarivoyant episode (yesterday, actually)- But ever since I went back to practicing my MAP techniques, I'm having a lot of clarivoyant images, and have been able to manipulate them, (with inconsistent success) but no full-blown OBE (I miss them so!)

Edit 2 years later: Thanks to MAP, on Thanksgiving of this same year I had my first conscious OBE and then went on to have around 1-2 OBE's a month. Quite the diff. in retrospect. -CF in Aug of 2007

12th November 2005, 04:03 AM
During times of frequent practice, I would say attempting to OBE around 1 hour a day. But usually in a day I will meditate (not with the intention to project) and do energy work. Usually duing times of intense practice I will also use Hemi-Sync CDs. 1 exercise is around 40 minutes, and I do between 1-2 a day.
I mention meditation because although it has nothing to do with AP practice, it seems to help it.

I would say practice for aslong as you are comfortable. If you push yourself past that, it will soon get tedious and you will stop. But, you need to be putting in a decent amount of time daily to see results. Like any skill, you only improve through repeated practice.

13th November 2005, 03:34 AM
I try to do 10 minutes of clearing and zazen in the morning when I first wake up.
Then depending on how engaging my classes are for the day, I will do energy raising in my desk. I get anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours of work right there.
Then I do from 30-45 minutes of energy work before bed.

Ideally I try to keep my energy moving throughout the day. While driving is always a good time, but just when walking around I like to try and keep my awareness moving. I am not always as sucessful at moving energy work as I would like...and sometimes I just forget. :D