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3rd September 2005, 12:41 PM

Could anyone recommend a breath work technique or even a full program?

Has anyone had any positive experiences with breath work?

Many thanks in advance :wink:

p.s. - if anyone has integrated any breath work techniques with NEW???

3rd September 2005, 01:42 PM
Maybe this simple exercice.

Close your eyes. Focus your mind just under your nose to feel the breath; and in the same time, try to feel your diaphragm climb (rise) up and down. You don't have to represent you with a color breathing. Just feel your breath which tickle your nose and witch get into your body.

I suppose you have already done this exercice. The problem is the same Thougt... thought... thought...

3rd September 2005, 02:32 PM
There are a few books that I know of that might be of interest.

Breathwalk : Breathing Your Way to a Revitalized Body, Mind and Spirit by Gurucharan Singh Phd Khalsa, Yogi Phd Bhajan
"...a series of easy to follow, transformational exercises that combine breathing and walking in very specific ways for specific benefits..."
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... ce&s=books (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0767904931/qid=1125755436/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-4023011-3901615?v=glance&s=books)
I bought this book a couple of years ago, but so far haven't read much of it. The authors spend quite a lot of time at the start of the book trying to convince you of the benefits of Breathwalk and trying to convince you to actually try Breathwalk which seems a bit pointless - I bought you're book already, just tell me what I need to do!! But, once you get past that part it does look like a very good book.

The Breathing Book: Good Health and Vitality Through Essential Breath Work by Donna Farhi
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... ce&s=books (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0805042970/qid=1125756737/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-4023011-3901615?v=glance&s=books)
I also bought this book a couple of years ago, but so far haven't read much of this one either. However, what I have read is very good. It starts off with some exercises that heighten your sensitivity to breathing. You start noticing how your breathing affects the way your body moves and how your body movement affects your breathing. Most people don't breathe properly (they breathe too shallow, for example) and this book seems to focus on correcting the way you breathe and finding what the author calls the 'Essential Breath'.

p.s. - if anyone has integrated any breath work techniques with NEW???

This next book isn't exactly NEW, but it is very similar and emphasises a lot of importance on breathing techniques. I've never tried it, but some people swear by it.

Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal by Richard Gordon
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... ce&s=books (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/155643393X/qid=1125757703/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-4023011-3901615?v=glance&s=books)

4th September 2005, 01:22 PM
Thanks very much for that :wink:

4th September 2005, 04:07 PM
One of a very good technique is to just relaxedly keep your awareness on how your breath goes in and out. Just observe how you breathe without controlling the breath in anyway. Do this for over an hour and I guarantee you will have euphoria :)

Remember that most breath techniques should be done with a very relaxed and natural way.

4th September 2005, 04:50 PM
Thanks Amur. :wink:

4th September 2005, 06:01 PM
The breathwork I do is definitely in conjunction with energy work. It is my primary way of clearing my body out, and it's worked very well for me.

On the in breath, I feel the breath coming in to a particular area of my body, filling it up. A lot of the time I concentrate on a place where it feels bad that moment, which helps cleanse that area. I'm literally breathing into a part of my body, whether it be my knee, my head, a part of my back, anywhere.

On the out breath I'm doing the same thing, except it feels different. The in breath is very cool, the out almost feels hot. I'm breathing out of an area this time. When I do this I sometimes feel cracks coming from that area, and after a few of these types of breaths the area often feels much better.

What I imagine myself doing is that on the in breath I'm bringing healthy energy in to do battle with the bad energy resident, and on the out breath I'm exhaling the staleness, to be replaced on the next in breath.

I usually extend these breaths quite a bit, and what I'm concentrating on is usually the discomfort I feel in that area. I've found that concentrating on a discomfort helps the body heal it.

This type of breathing has done wonders for me.

4th September 2005, 08:01 PM

Could anyone recommend a breath work technique or even a full program?

Has anyone had any positive experiences with breath work?

Many thanks in advance :wink:

p.s. - if anyone has integrated any breath work techniques with NEW???

I have posted a powerfull breathing exercise in the energy forum located here: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=621

People have noted long term effects as well as short term effects. There is more to this exercise here: http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/cha ... jsp?t=3274 (http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/chat-forum/viewTopic.jsp?t=3274)

People have noted some health benifits :)

4th September 2005, 08:31 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated. :wink:

5th September 2005, 01:30 AM
A very simple one. Breather in 8 seconds, and hold it four seconds. Then breathe out eight. Repeat. Eventually when you can feel your heartbeat, replace seconds with beats. This can induce lots of cool things, most especially (for me) auraic sight. It relaxes your physical body SO EFFECTIVELY that moving side to side caused my lungs to expand and contract without interference, which means that my entire abdominal muscle range was completely motionless and unresisting. This is excellent for projection also if you twitch.

Hope that helps.

Aunt Clair
5th September 2005, 01:04 PM

Could anyone recommend a breath work technique or even a full program?

Has anyone had any positive experiences with breath work?

Many thanks in advance :wink:

p.s. - if anyone has integrated any breath work techniques with NEW???

deep cleansing breath
hermetic element breaths
prana breaths
sarcophagus wrap breath
kriya yoga breath techniques

breathing is fundamental to magic
it can ;
ease meditation
alter consciousness
ease trance
be used in bio pk to moderate blood pressure etc in bio feedback
be used to raise the kundalni
to charge the body up for energy work and manifestation
to restore health
to fully take in and use prana
to transform the body in alchemy

i would google it
and then ask specific questions
if i can help
i will

5th September 2005, 04:17 PM
As Aunt Clair says, breathing is absolutely fundamental to magic and meditation. Simple awareness of breath is a very powerful thing. Try breathing as far out as you can, trying to release all the air held in your lungs, and then all the way in, filling them as far as you can. Searching around for air trapped in parts of your lungs you didn't expect can have nice results.

5th September 2005, 06:33 PM
Thanks for the tips :wink: There's plenty here to experiment with. Cheers again. :wink: