View Full Version : How to dissolve thought forms?

2nd March 2007, 09:58 AM

I have read your guide on this subject but I'm still not clear on this.

I'm researching the subject of astral thought forms. There is a lot of information available but all I have found so far concerns the creation of thought forms - there doesn't appear to clear instructions on how to dissolve unwanted thought forms. During an individual's adult life, all kinds of thought forms can be generated. Some will be of benefit to the individual or to others, some will be neutral, and some will be harmful or unhealthy.

As we go through life it is beneficial to clear up after ourselves and to de-clutter in the physical realm by clearing out our attics, garages, houses etc. How do we do the same on the astral level? How can we dissolve unwanted thought forms? How can we de-clutter any of the harmful or unhealthy results in the astral caused by our emotions, desires, or fantasies?

Is it enough just to ignore them so that they decay of their own accord? Can this process by speeded up?

Thank you :)

Robert Bruce
25th January 2008, 08:51 AM

Thought forms can be dissolved with energy and intention.

This is of course more difficult than creating them.

Focus on a thought form, if you can perceive it, and imagine and intent it to be empty space.

Keep focusing on the thought form being nothing and it will become nothing. If you are in the astral, or viewing it clairvoyantly or with astral sight, do the same.....see and intent it to be empty space, nothing....and it will become nothing.

Another way is to create a utility thought form or eggregore created with the properties that it consumes other thought forms.... like a little vacuum cleaner.... The latter is probably easier. I used a small white dragon for this.

Caution; it is unwise to create thought forms and eggregores unless you have thoroughly researched this area. Experimenting in this area is problematic and can have mixed if not disastrous results.
