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View Full Version : Loss of Love

24th March 2007, 02:53 AM
About 5 months ago, I found that my girlfriend was cheating on me, so we broke up. Ever since, I have been unable to love anyone (excluding family) In fact, I hardly have been able to trust my friends and we've been getting into many fights. Everytime some1 tries to ask me out, I want 2, but I feel like something inside me says, "JUST SAY NO!"
I want 2 at least like some1 again, but I can't. IS there any way to bring love back into my life? :oops:

24th March 2007, 08:51 AM
Forgive her. Forgive everyone or everything that you feel has wronged you in the past. It's the most selfish thing you can do, because it will free your energy that is being lost due to being tied to past events or people, or experiences. Live and learn, learn from your experiences, conclude what you've learned from them, and move on.

We've all been hurt, or been through hard times, or had people betray us. I have had an extremely traumatic childhood. But I look at it all now in a positive light, because what I went through made me stronger, it was necessary for me to learn what I know now.. it was necessary for me to find my path.

Hope this perspective, or suggestion helps you! Good luck! And give yourself time.. maybe your priorities in life right now don't include a relationship.. so only enter into one if it's what you really want.

24th March 2007, 01:55 PM
About 5 months ago, I found that my girlfriend was cheating on me, so we broke up. Ever since, I have been unable to love anyone (excluding family) In fact, I hardly have been able to trust my friends and we've been getting into many fights. Everytime some1 tries to ask me out, I want 2, but I feel like something inside me says, "JUST SAY NO!"
I want 2 at least like some1 again, but I can't. IS there any way to bring love back into my life? :oops:

Hello blacktiger057,
welcome to AstralDynamics. here u will definitely find people able to help.
I agree totally with what MalevolenT said
We've all been hurt, or been through hard times, or had people betray us. I have had an extremely traumatic childhood. But I look at it all now in a positive light, because what I went through made me stronger, it was necessary for me to learn what I know now.. it was necessary for me to find my path.
SO FORGIVE, was all meant to happen that way, so that we all learn something
and you have the answer to yuor own question in your quote: COMMUNCATION is the KEY to any problem. You sure she cheated on you? have you talked about it or you made that decision of breakng up alone and left her? I went throught breakups last year, and you know what??? I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED to me, cause it led me to where i am now ;) I thought i would never love again, but i understood that those who break up with us without trying to figure out everything well enough and make such decisions...loose great time, meaning that their love was never strong enough, or else: they never truly loved. COMMUNICATION is the key to solving any problem when deeply wanted to be solved by both sides :)

i noticed you are in a place where it always rains, hehe, reminds me of London and it's famous tower, I advise you this: daily imagine yourself FACing THE SUN AND THE SHADOWS will fall behind You, so everyday will become brighter and brighter ;) even if the sun doesnt shine where you are fisically. It will shine inside you daily if You FACE the light inside yourself... :)
Ah, another thing: ASK YOUR HEART, DID YOU TRULY LOVE THAT GIRL? and then ask your heart again: would you forgive her and allow her to live a happy life her way? Let her FREE, freeing yourself and all will fit into place BTiger...