View Full Version : Kundalini and blockages

30th March 2007, 12:49 PM
Hello, Robert.

As you had a pretty hard time when raising Kundalini, according to the post summary circulating about the topic, can you elaborate on a thing that interests me, perhaps? (I'm not into Kundalini-related practises myself, but from reading around here it seems it is always a possibility that K spikes etc. happen with energy work)

Are energetic blockages involved with the Kundalini experience is having? Will a person that has lots of emotional blockages be flooded or overwhelmed with all the energy of such repressed emotions set free at once - and is this the reason it is harder for some than for others?


Robert Bruce
28th April 2008, 11:16 PM

Kundalini related activity is always a possibility when you undertake meditation, energy work, and OBE related practices. This is understandable as they all involve increased energy flow and altered states of consciousness.

Energy blockages, and emotional and psychological problems, will definitely play a part in how kundalini manifests and the symptoms it produces. Ideally, these 'issues' should be dealt with prior to the activation of such a massive evolutionary energy of consciousness.

And yes, having a lot of blockages and issues will make it harder to do any kind of spiritual practice, especially kundalini raising.
