View Full Version : how do I ground correctly - two questions

2nd April 2007, 09:40 PM
I was asking my friend, who is very skilled at energy work, about grounding. After describing NEW to him breifly, he said that the way he would ground using the NEW system is to simply take that Mobile Body Awareness point and extend it down into the earth as far as you can make it go, and that that would send extra energy down into the earth.

This is what I find most often happens when I do that - my energy body will stretch down into the ground, sometimes a foot or so, to accomodate my attempt to move the mobile body awareness point down into the earth. On smaller energy structures such as toes, they won't stretch a foot, but sometimes they will double or more in length when I try to send energy out of them. So I'm guessing energy isn't actually exiting and that I may in fact be manhandling my energy structures by stretching them so far.

Two questions -

Could this in fact be harmful or is this the right way to do it?
If it isn't, how do I actually send energy into the earth instead of just stretching my energy body around?

2nd April 2007, 10:01 PM
From my experience you are grounding if you pull energy down to the lowest part of your energy body. This has a neutralising effect.

It might help visualising your energy body as roots digging down into the earth, either roots extending from your feet into Earth or visualise your whole legs as roots extending into the ground. Now visualise how these roots exchange with the Earth, trading in fresh energy, and expelling unwanted energy.

You may want to coordinate this with your breath - out breath, expel through your feet. In breath - take in new energy. Try to feel this sensation as clearly as possibly, of fine subtle, airy, foggy, perhaps even soggy particles spreading out and coming in.

"The wise man breathes through his heels" - Lao Tse.

Take good care,

3rd April 2007, 03:28 AM
Hi Seeuzin,

I am an energy healer and do loads of grounding.

Could this in fact be harmful or is this the right way to do it?
Actually, you have no idea how far you stretch and send your energy. When you think intensely about anyone you actually send out an energy streamer to them. You are not always aware of this but we send our energy to others and affect them even over great distances every day. Distance healers use this same every day mechanism to do distance healing work. When you go deeper oddly there is no space...another story. But do not worry about the stretch thing ok.

If it isn't, how do I actually send energy into the earth instead of just stretching my energy body around?
The easiest way I know to ground without a stretch is by praying to mother earth. Eventually through positive prayers and imagining there is a soul that inhabits the earth that you wish to connect with - you will. But be prepared....you will be connecting with the mother load of grounding energy. It is quite the grounding experience. You will feel so heavy it might scare you. Don't be frightened of this. It is a very good calming energy when you relax into it. Slow vibrating energies can be very calming. Something all of us can use. Remember no contact comes if you are frightened and feel unprepared. This will be broadcast. Decide you want this experience and then go for it with gusto. Intense prayer can achieve the biggest results. Once you know how to connect through prayer you just have to think of mother earth and boom you connect.

There are loads of ways to ground. What is grounding anyways?
Well there are different opinions on this. And really it depends on your intent.

Grounding to slow down and relax:
Some people just want to slow down their vibration rate. Heck, with our busy lives it is nice to slow down and relax a bit. The root chakra is the slowest vibrational rate chakra. The energy that passes through it is very valuable in its own right. There are loads of ways to stimulate this chakra. Simply by using NEW to brush this chakra you help draw more energy through it. Jacare Elestial Quartz is a great crystal to get to hold and help activate the root chakra.

Grounding to reduce static energy build up:
When you do heavy energy work what can happen is that you start blowing out light bulbs when you walk past them. You also can damage electrical devices because you are packing too much energy. This can result in unpredictable telekinesis events also. But anyone wanting to go this route for telekinetics watch out. Cause all the burnt out electronic equipment might make it a very expensive hobby. It is also not all that healthy for the body long term. The recommendation here range from long walks in nature to imaging you are growing roots from either your root chakra or your feet or both and sending your energy down to the center of the earth then drawing this energy with intent back up to your body. I find it helps to say a prayer for mother earth. You'll know when you have grounded properly. It is am unmistakable heavy energy. Once you have felt it, it is much easier to ground cause you know the result you are aiming for.

Grounding for healing:
This is so so so important. Often during healing we have massive amounts of energy pouring through us. If we do not ground adequately before starting we can fry ourselves unintentionally. Even with good grounding my hands and arms still occasionally go numb. Depends on the case and what is being healed and the vibration and intensity of the energy coming through.

Hope this helps,

4th April 2007, 02:16 AM
Hey, thanks very much for yall's replies! Praying to the earth, wow. Sounds very powerful. I want to give it a try, but I'm almost scared to go into any sort of relationship with the earth. Cause I mistreat it so. I don't recycle much at all, I drive a small car but it's not a hybrid, I am not a vegetarian and so by extension mistreat the creatures of the earth (factory farms are terrible things)....and, I don't think I could be a vegetarian again. I did it for 10 months and it was nigh-impossible to continue after that, I just grew very resentful at the guilt I felt that kept me from eating meat. And I wasn't even a vegan, and so supported the dairy industry still. And there's probobly so many ways I'm not good for the earth that I'm not even aware of. In short, I don't see how I could treat the earth right. And if I am not treating it right, what right do I have to pray to it/her/him? I would feel very guilty asking for a connection....

Any thoughts?

4th April 2007, 02:52 AM
One way to start loving the earth is to form a conscious bond with it. You already have a relationship with it, which seems (to me) to be characterized by guilt. Why not change it to gratitude? When you do any of these things you seem to feel guilty about, why not thank the earth for her bounty and maybe this will lead you to make choices that are better for you and the earth, without feeling guilt? There are not many of us that are perfect, and even people who try to do all the things that they believe they should, are not perfect and mess up in other ways.
There is a story about native americans (don't know if it's strictly true, but it illustrates my point) in which when they hunted buffalo, they first asked permission to the earth and then thanked the earth for it if they caught it. They ate meat, but respected the buffalo spirit and were thankful for what was nature's bounty. This is a beautiful way of living in nature, imo. (I'm not native american, but find it a very wholesome way to live.) Geez, I've rambled on, haven't I? :shock: :)

4th April 2007, 02:57 AM
Dear Seeuzin,

Smile. Have have to smile about the vegan thing. I am not vegan. I eat meat chicken, fish, lamb. You may feel a lot better after watching this video.

And the earth is as interested in human guilt as God is. The more connected you get to the higher powers the better. You become more and more part of the One and that is to everyones interest....including God and the Earth.
Best Wishes,

4th April 2007, 03:05 AM
Awesome video, Violetsky.

4th April 2007, 03:09 AM
I love his sense of humor.

4th April 2007, 07:56 AM
Hey, Seeuzin.

I quit eating meat and fish some months ago, partly out of guilt, yes, but also because I have less desire for it, felt like wasting it away without appreciating it, and felt strong enough to do so. Dropping a powerful habit like smoking (been there...) or eating meat requires clear-cut reasons, inner strength and the feeling that life is still worthwhile without. Don't feel guilty if you cannot do this at this time - it took me years to implement something I knew to be true. We chose our ideals so we grow into them, we do not attain them on day one. First time I quit smoking I returned after a time again, but the second time I had the necessary strength, and because I have, I do not miss it. Same with meat. But these things happen in their own time.

The energies of Earth and Heaven interplay in you every single day of your life. Just because you are oblivious to it now does not mean you are in any way not worthy for it. Reattaching to Earth, grounding your energy and praying to Earth or your Higher Self for reattaining that connection will make you grow back into that relationship and help balance you in our "heady" culture.

By grounding yourself you may actually reconnect to the problem preventing to do so yet, solve the real issue and unleash the emotional, mental, etc. energy within that issue and stop worrying and feeling guilty. It's better to invest that energy into healing.

4th April 2007, 12:16 PM
As far as grounding goes, its really simple for me to connect with my legs. I just get the feeling that I haven't been able to move the connection very far beyond that.

Such as up past the first chakra, or to the spine. I'd love to be able to ground all my energy.

4th April 2007, 03:56 PM
Everyone has great suggestions!

I loved that video as well. I've seen him talk and I've never seen such a non-egotistical yogi or guru. A very down to Earth and grounded ordinary man.

On the subject of doing things that are good for the Earth be free of the guilt but have the intention that you are moving towards a better relationship with her. When you connect with her you can tell her this and perhaps even get some advice from her on how to proceed.

Being vegetarian is also good because of the energy saved in creating food. Animals are fed plants which get energy from the sun. for example it could take 10,000 units of energy to create enough food for a cows lifetime when we only get 1o units of energy from the co itself in terms of meat. If you eliminate the cow then we have all that grass energy. Of course we don't eat grass but it's the concept behind this. Of course like4the yogi in the video says, eat meat when you feel like you need to. Listen to your body.

4th April 2007, 07:48 PM
I will throw in some biology from my biology degree days.

Apparently, anscestory has a lot to do with the ability of someone to healthily do the vegetarian thing. People with a lot of Scandinavian background where their diet was heavy on meat would have a much harder time. If people are able to do it and feel healthy great but I definitely have not found it a must for my spiritual development. I eat either meat or eggs every day. I have cut back on meat and at times eaten more with little side effect. I find state of mind more important.

4th April 2007, 08:01 PM
I often wondered that... I guess united kingdom ate a lot of meat... nuts... I guess it is what yo ufeel comfortable with.

4th April 2007, 08:17 PM
The Dalai Lama eats meat. He tried the vegan thing when he emigrated to India, out of admiration for their commitment to their beliefs, and found he couldn't do it. Apparently in Tibet they used to pay the Muslims that lived there to slaughter the livestock, since it was against their beliefs to kill something themselves, but not to pay someone to do it. I did read this in his autobiography. He is a very interesting and funny guy.

4th April 2007, 09:10 PM
Hello, meat-eaters! :)

I do not know why everybody switched on defense-mode, because nobody attacked you about eating meat. But there are several observations I made:

If you really have no problem with eating meat, why do you instantly, like with a trigger reflex, come up with so many rationalisations why you do? Does anybody eat meat here because the Dalai Lama does or believe it is sooo hard to became a vegetarian because one is of a certain ethnic origin? Come on! That's pure rationalisation, and something below says you are not truely at ease with this, else you wouldn't come up with so many stuff to preventively defend against an argument that no one has come up with. :)

The Dalai Lama was raised in a culture that almost exclusively eats meat because in Tibet you cannot live autarkly from anything else. Same for the Inuit. But even the Dalai Lama praises vegetarism as a worthy undertaking and tries to convince people to it less meat. I've just yesterday read a citation where he said "Eating meat only every 2nd day already makes you half vegetarian. That's a start.". Parading out the Tibetans is not very fair, as they are the only Buddhist tradition that does not lean heavily towards vegetarianism. :)

There's not much from preventing people going vegetarian, because everything is contained within the vegetarian diet if you eat balanced. But of course vegetarian and vegan diet seem to have been mixed here, because animal products like eggs, honey or milk contain many of the nutrients we cannot naturally get from plants, but surely don't require killing a cow or pig? ;) BTW, even vegans can live healthy if they take in artificial vitamins to supplement those missing in a purely plant-only diet.

Besides - one can make a huge difference for the animals if one buys ecologically approved products, where animals live healthy lives with more natural conditions. This will benefit animals and you more, thought it costs more. This is even more for true vegetarians, who can completely exclude any animal cruelty from what they eat this way.

No one said it is of absolute necessity to convert to vegetarianism to lead the spiritual life. But eating meat without any actual survival need always carries a certain moral stain. There's no rational argument requiring you to eat meat today in most societies, it is and remains a question of personal morality, with its many shades of grey.

Finally, I think enough has been said about grounding to prove worthwhile and the rest is going rapdily off-topic! :)


4th April 2007, 10:41 PM

I do not think Earth will judge you, Seeuzin. Earth provides for us all. As long as you strive for not becoming a greedy individual that destroys Earth and its bounty you cannot truely become separated from her.

When you can do something, and find the strength to do so, do so. Continue growing, and you may find that strength. Do not feel guilty for being human and not being able to live up to your ideals now. Try the baby steps first and you may look back and see you've walked miles.

Connecting to the Earth will give you this possibility, not the other way round. Earth gives you first, and has so, since the day of your birth.

R E L A X! :)


7th April 2007, 02:55 AM
Hehe, yeah, I do need to relax. And I have begun to change my outlook from sometimes feeling guilty for recieving things from friends that I feel I haven't "earned", to being grateful. Both are motivators for positive action (well, guilt is sometimes that anyway), but the gratitude motivator is so much more positive than the guilt motivator. It's kinda startling how repeating that simple thought every now and then to myself - "I feel grateful and have no reason to feel guilty for recieving this" - can change the way I feel so much. I am noticing some significant differences in myself already.

7th April 2007, 04:43 AM
Wonderful :)

7th April 2007, 04:46 AM

I think that learning to accept help, kindness and the gifts of others is a very important life lesson for us all. It's great to see you making such important progress.

7th April 2007, 07:48 AM
Yes, I agree with all of the former.

As long as the guilt is not in charge and makes you incapable of action or makes you feel bad to no end, it's not really good. But if you can put it into perspective, if you transform the guilt into positive action, it can be a positive thing.

Of course, connecting with things, feeling positive and doing a good thing for your progress every day is even better, and I see you know that valuable lesson. Good! :)

So tell us how's it going with grounding from time to time, it could be most interesting.
