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19th April 2007, 02:03 PM
Hi there,

I've been following MAP and I am up to the first week in section 2 "liftoff" I've actually focused on this week for the past 3 weeks as I feel I keep falling asleep during trance meditation or due to lack of focus - I feel I'm not ready to move forward just yet.

Anyway, last night I meditated for about 1 hour (10:30pm - 11:30pm). Night time is the only time I have spare due to other commitments. Although I could hear noises around me (fish tank water, pet bird etc...) I kept 'blinking out' and loosing track of time. I eventually woke up after an hour because I had pins and needles in my arms (which were resting on the arm rests of my chair). I felt disappointed that I had probably fallen asleep again and went to bed.

I was lying on my tummy for a couple of minutes (not sure how long) before I felt an incredible swirling sensation around the axis of my body. I could also 'sense' the vibrations that I've read so much about rather than hear them. The swirling sensation increased before finally after probably less than a minute it all stopped and I woke up. During this time I was attempting the rope technique. I usually imagine a rope tied around the moon and I am slowly climbing up it. When I woke, I was pretty tired and some part of me feels this was more of a dream than an actual conscious experience. I was only awake for a few seconds before I went back to sleep, though I think waking up was key to me remembering the experience. Unfortunately, it's all a bit blurry. I hope to replicate it sometime soon and follow through!

Is it possible to have OBEs induced while lying on your tummy? All the literature I've read indicates it is best to lie on your back - though I've never had success with this and find lying on my back uncomfortable for long periods. Have many people exited whilst lying face down?

Anyway...I've been trying to AP for a number of months now and this is probably my first real experience I've had so far...


19th April 2007, 02:11 PM
Hello, Robbie.

Lying face down seems to be not a real obstacle, at least according to what I have read. Especially not for tranceing and vibrations.

I personally had experiences where OBE-related techniques introduced themselves in a dream or surreal state of mind, manifesting by themselves, sometimes long before I could induce them consciously myself. This is IMO a sign that training is working.

For example I woke one night with an inner projection after a Monroe tape session that failed short of my expectations. That night I had an inner projection. I later could induce a similar state while awake with the same Monroe tape, but it took some time.

Take good care,

19th April 2007, 03:09 PM
To add what Korpo said: Different people project in different positions. Aunt Clair projects while on her side while I project while reclined. Do what works for you.

20th April 2007, 01:12 PM
Thanks for your reply. Could you please clarify what you mean by IMO? I am so glad that something finally happened.. I have been meditating nightly for months now and was starting to think this was all a bit silly really.

Nice to know that I am heading in the right direction! I shall persist!

20th April 2007, 01:29 PM
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my humble opinion
IMNSHO = in my not so humble opinion

It's good to show perseverance. Your intuitions and your Higher Self will reward that piecemeal, i.e. feed you more bits of information and experience of what to do. Trying out new things for a while and listening inside what the inner stuff has to say about it does not hurt either. Try for openmindedness and stilling the mind, and the ride will be much smoother, IMO. ;)

These things need time to grow, and you are properly prepared if they sometimes start "kickin'". :)


30th April 2007, 11:01 AM
It happened again!! It has been 12 days since my last experience. This time, I did not have time to meditate at all during the day. I went to bed late after a busy day and started dreaming not long afterwards. In my dream I was sitting in my chair at work discussing a letter with a colleague when suddenly I said to the person "Hang on a second, I feel a bit light!" at that point I was conciously aware of a "buzzing" sound around me and in my head and again I felt the swirling somersault action. I somersaulted twice before everything just stopped and I woke up. Again, I noticed I was lying on my tummy when this all happened. Later that night, I also distinctly remember dreaming about astral projection.

I guess my worry at the moment is that while I meditate in a chair, I haven't felt any of these sensations. Will this start to happen during my meditation sessions where I have some more control over the process, or will this continue spontaneously when I sleep? I find that I become uncomfortable in a reclined chair after awhile - it it possible to exit whilst sitting in a straight backed chair?

I also seem to be having trouble 'letting go' and not worring about the sensations. I remember thinking "oooh! it's happening!" just before it all stopped.

Anyway, I feel I am making some progress at last and hope that anybody who reads this and has not yet had any luck with projection gains some enthusiasm after reading this post.


30th April 2007, 12:13 PM
Hello, Robbie.

Good stuff! :)

I'm not sure about the meditation thing. Meditation, trance and OBE are not necessarily the same.

I personally believe you had an inner projection or etheric body projection while conscious - the one that never moves much away from the physical because "it" can't and you can do stuff like this with it. Monroe called it the "2nd body", and when he exited from that he was in his "3rd body", more commonly known as the astral body.

So, you're getting there, I am sure.

Being a bit uncomfortable helps making a conscious OBE as it avoid going directly through trance into sleep. That's why tranceing in a chair makes sense, see MAP and AD for that.

Good luck and take good care,

4th May 2007, 10:43 AM
These things need time to grow, and you are properly prepared if they sometimes start "kickin'".
> great sentence, Korpo !

Hi, This seems good Robbie.

"oooh! it's happening!"

> With experiences like that you will get used to this and no reaction will be in the way.
There is a proverb in my language which says ''SLOWLY BUT SURELY''.
That'all all what I mean !!!

You can go further away one step at a time. I do think that OBE is a path that you can walk at accelerated path (direct external/astral projection, which is the most importantly or stressed path in MAP) or one step at a time (getting used to vibrations, then to internal projection, then becoming more and more efficient at launching internal projections, then etc, etc, etc...).

YOU are the actor of THIS(=YOUR) story. Robert and Brian brought you the fire, the wood, and IMHO I might like to nickname them "the Catalyzers". :P

4th May 2007, 12:55 PM
I'm very happy you had this experience. I OBE all the time from a recliner, but it's a very comfortable recliner. However, I usually do it within a two hour period. (Beyond that I would get too uncomfortable.) Btw, it is easy to OBE from a dream: First, you have to cultivate awareness (reality checks and the like) so that when you have exit sensations in a dream (which is what happened to you) you can then think about your physical body (or ask to 'go to it')- When you become aware and are still somewhat asleep, wait for sensations again, which should come almost immediately, then try an exit technique. If rope isn't working, try to 'get up' or 'roll off', or imagine you're in a swing.
Good luck!

24th May 2007, 01:40 PM
Hi there again,

I don't have anything new to report. Nothing else has happened lately - I am getting over a cold + have had a fairly busy couple of weeks at work and haven't been able to devote as much time as I would like.

Having said that - I often worry that if I am unable to find time during the day to meditate / trance etc that I will fall behind. Is this likely from your experience? or do you get to a point where your body simply remembers and you pick up from where you left off when you get the chance to devote more time again? However, I always spend at least 20 - 30 minutes weekdays mind taming, energy body stimulation and full circuit breathing while I am travelling to work on the train. Sometimes I go as far as stimulating my charkras too.

My other question is that to prevent being too tired when trancing I have started meditating earlier in the evening. I will sit in my chair in the lounge room and go through the routine whilst my wife is watching TV. At all times I can hear exactly what is happening on TV + my surrounds during this time but often when I "wake up" my wife tells me that I have been snoring - something that I am not aware of. Is this a sign that I am in fact in trance? I know it's not ideal but I don't think I am doing myself any favors waiting too late at night for things to be a little quieter because I am then too tired. So I guess my question is - can you OBE / trance etc with distracting sounds in the background?



25th May 2007, 03:00 AM
Having said that - I often worry that if I am unable to find time during the day to meditate / trance etc that I will fall behind. Is this likely from your experience? or do you get to a point where your body simply remembers and you pick up from where you left off when you get the chance to devote more time again?
I'm fairly new at all this, so my opinion is not a 'seasoned' opinion, but I find that there is usually some catching-up to do, but that it goes fairly quickly, and I'm soon back in the groove. I'd say even if I miss 2 weeks due to work, etc., that in only 2 or 3 days I'm back to where I left off.

Especially since you say that you are still able to do mind taming, energy work, and breathing every day, I'd say you don't have anything to worry about as far as occasional interruptions in trance work.

So I guess my question is - can you OBE / trance etc with distracting sounds in the background?
I'll preface my answer again by noting that I'm a noob, but my understanding is that if the sounds are actually distracting you, then you'll have difficulty, but if you are at the point where such-and-such a sound is not distracting, then there's no problem.

In other words, there aren't any sounds that are inherently distracting. Whether or not a given sound is distracting depends on who is doing the trance work.


6th June 2007, 12:00 PM
Ok, obviously I have had some success in the past, but I am finding it difficult to repeat. I am concerned that I am not doing my energy work correctly. How do you know if you are? It is so very subjective and I have nothing to compare against. Say with the full body circuit, is simply imagining the energy moving around your body enough for it to be happening? And what with trance? How do you know if you are in trance? At any stage I am fully aware of what is going on and could wake up if I wanted to - does this mean I am not trancing deep enough?

6th June 2007, 12:20 PM
Having said that - I often worry that if I am unable to find time during the day to meditate / trance etc that I will fall behind. Is this likely from your experience? or do you get to a point where your body simply remembers and you pick up from where you left off when you get the chance to devote more time again? However, I always spend at least 20 - 30 minutes weekdays mind taming, energy body stimulation and full circuit breathing while I am travelling to work on the train. Sometimes I go as far as stimulating my charkras too.

If possible, practise every day, or at least 4-5 days a week meditation and energy work for it to be truely effective. If you do not find time for all I'd personally prefer the meditation over the energy work - building concentration is an important prerequisite for energy work.

I did energy work on my travel to work as well, now only breathing meditation and similar. Even that may be sub-optimal because of possible distractions. Reserving your mental "strength" for a session in the morning and the evening might be optimal, if both is not possible go for the early evening. Separate yourself and go to a different room, that is preferrable to a room with a TV and another person.

Doing energy work on a train becomes a very strained exercise IMO if you start to notice how people entering and leaving the train touch on your aura, or when your concentration gets "wobbly" because someone has a nasty loud voice and speaks loud. There are endurable distractions, and there are some less endurable distractions. In meditation and energy work you go from the "gross" to the "subtle", and how can you hear single violin playing in front of the stage of a heavy-metal concert? It's too hard for being worth trying. ;)

Meditation can be your pre-day and post-day cleanup - the begin of your work day and the precise end of your daily stress and begin of relaxation. It strongly depends on how you can make room for it.

Ok, obviously I have had some success in the past, but I am finding it difficult to repeat. I am concerned that I am not doing my energy work correctly. How do you know if you are? It is so very subjective and I have nothing to compare against.

Well, you are dealing with the energies of your soul here. I'd expect that to be personal, don't you? ;)

Say with the full body circuit, is simply imagining the energy moving around your body enough for it to be happening?

To a minimal extent, yes. But actually Body Awareness Actions like Robert describes for NEW are not about imagining things, but feeling and influencing things. If it translates into a more or less subtle body sensation, then you know it works.

And what with trance? How do you know if you are in trance? At any stage I am fully aware of what is going on and could wake up if I wanted to - does this mean I am not trancing deep enough?

See AD-Pedia for trance: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=8157

Actually your last question - if you are not in control of it, it is not really the mind awake / body asleep state. So that seems to be okay. It is not about going asleep. It is about sending the physical body to sleep while staying in control.
