View Full Version : Schedule to do the MAP Program

25th April 2007, 07:18 PM
I'm about to start the Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days, and the program says to do the main exercises in the afternoon at a location within your home (a meditative environment). I work during the afteroon on several days a week, so can I do the main exercises on those days in the late evenings or earling mornings? Or is it better to do it in a parked car within the afteroon?

25th April 2007, 11:47 PM
I recommend to do them in the mornings if you can't do them in the afternoons. I do my energy work sometimes in a parked car, but I finished the program around a year ago, and now just do it when I can. I don't recommend to start that way. It's ok to do it in the evening also, just not so late that you're dropping from exhaustion. Once you get deep into it you'll decide 'what goes where' the best.
Good Luck!