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30th April 2007, 02:28 AM
Hi all! :D
I'm a newbie and I must admit I truly don't know much about OBE and the like.
Please, be patient with me because I'll probably ask a lot of silly/weird questions!
Well... First of all... Why people are so interested in OBE?
Is that really that interesting?
Is that...useful?
I never had any OBEs, and I must admit I'm not much interested in having them, because I can't understand what they're useful for...
Please, don't get me wrong... I absolutely don't mean to offend anyone interested in OBEs... I just can't understand the reason why people find them so fascinating, if they haven't got any practical usefulness...

- Kitty -

30th April 2007, 04:41 AM
Welcome Shadowcat,

I think mostly people begin by wanting just to see if it's possible. Then they want to attain mastery over the experience. Many view it as a spiritual endeavour and use it for self-development and clairvoyance. Often people wish to experience the afterlife realms or access the akashic records. Others become involved in spirit recovery. Sometimes it's just recreational, that is, exploring new realms and what the etheric body is capable of.

30th April 2007, 08:07 AM
I would compare OBE to traveling abroad (on Earth). Somehow exposure to different ways of living/existing adds to your maturity and improves your success later in life. In the short term it seems to mostly give you a lot of stories to tell. Usually there are some adventures along the way.

I find it has practical value. Unfortunately, most of it is subtle. I think the main benefit comes from learning that there is more to 'existence' than what the normal senses can perceive. This can lead to several effects. First, is that you gain a larger (in scope) perspective which tends to make you daily problems seem smaller. Second, many fears disappear most notably, the fear of death. Third, it makes you more stable as you tend to act more consciously and react less directly to sensory input.

OK, so does it help you get to work, or do your laundry; probably not much. Can it help you find direction in you life or get along with you mother-in-law better; possibly.

A couple notes of caution:
-When first starting, newbies tend to have numerous experiences that are 'weird', 'strange', challenging, confounding, freaky, disturbing, scary, etc. More experiences usually shows this to be nothing other than (emotional) reacting to change or 'the new'
-You may find that the world is not like you thought it is, some find this disturbing.
-It may be harder to relate to 'ordinary' people.

2nd May 2007, 07:16 PM
Hi, Beekeeper and Wstein!
Many thanks for your very kind and detailed replies! :D
Do you know if it's possible to use OBE in order to find/contact/meet our own soulmates?
That would be the main reason for me to use OBE...

- Kitty -

3rd May 2007, 04:38 AM
Kitty, I believe it has been done. There are people here who have certainly felt this to be the case for them.

3rd May 2007, 05:43 AM
Hello, Shadowcat.

It is possible to contact your Higher Self more directly in OBE, and it is also possible to let yourself be directed by your Higher Self.

It is therefore possible that if you are to meet your soulmate or other meaningful persons in this lifetime, that your Higher Self will arrange this or prepare you for this during an OBE.


9th May 2007, 10:00 PM
i think its all possible with obes. did you read robert monroes books? if not then i suggest you to do so because they show what you can achieve with obes. of course it depends on your skill level and be told that even the easily said task of finding a soulmate will require a lot of work.

10th May 2007, 05:16 PM
hi all,
thanks for your interesting replies!
I'll try to learn much more about the Higher Self and to find Robert Monroe's books, then, thank you!

- Kitty -