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14th January 2020, 11:34 PM
A Story

The Father foretold that it was a great God.
The Mother laid it to rest with her palm.
When it awoke, it was no longer shy.
What was it?

Captain Black

1st February 2020, 08:10 PM
There was a rather avaricious goat who ought himself to climb the Great Mountain. This Capricorn, he did believe that love was a promise, to be kept by others as well. When he got to the top of the mountain, he noticed a pot of gold with a bag of herbs in it. Too bad, he thought, and stayed up there. And, that is how hate came to be.

Satisfied, he was...

Captain Black

4th February 2020, 01:18 AM
An ice hockey player strove for victory, but saw, that the puck was brown.
"What the hey?"
"I am not in this rink anymore. I am in a game of craps!"

25th November 2021, 06:31 PM
A reasonable man was riding around in his Corolla on the way to the Showgrounds, and when he traversed through the Red Light district, confusion became him. He shot 5 times with his rifle, in what he thought was the duck shoot. Then he kicked his Corolla into gear and done a runner. On the brown acid that night...

Captain Black

9th June 2022, 06:45 AM
Captain Black

... He saw me and I knew that I was in the presence of eternity and no-one around, means it's a kung fu fight, again. So I darted for cover and smoked a cigar behind and old shed. Then I thought, what I befriend this guy, I mean he's?!...