View Full Version : "Hearing" Energy - Clearaudience?

9th May 2007, 09:16 PM
'Sup folks,

I know we have discussed those signal-like incoming tones that can play up in one ear or another, in other threads... I think RB himself said that there is a possibility that what you hear is the incoming frequency shift of an entity or construct or energy that just enters your surroundings, from another place. I get these from time to time, but I feel more as if the "mothership" is sending me new "directions" :lol:, so I just listen to it and try to make out a message. After reading the other thread where they said it could warn of incoming neg attacks though, I have been more careful.

This is not about that, although may be related.

After like three months of different types of energy work, the methods of perceiving energy have increased and evolved. I can now pretty easily "see" energy, especially in a dark room, or the first few centimetres of a person's aura, RB wrote about that in the MAP and said those are the first steps to auric sight, so no questions or ideas there... But now I see a similar thing happening, except that this time, it is the hearing that reacts to energy work. I get this pretty quiet but still existing "shhhh" or frequency sound, so high / low pitch that they are just in the hearing range for my human ears, and I also "feel" a light tingling pressure in the ears, as if the perception really pushes on. It have proved to be a great thing since it's easy to tell if energy work is successful or resultless.

My question is - is this called clairaudience, or is clairaudience describing a more psychic ability to be able to "hear" voices and sounds from other places and planes?

Also - have you experienced anything like this, did you develop it? has it aid you or did it become a problem?



9th May 2007, 09:42 PM
As to the hearing the 'white noise', I use it to OBE or phase.
It is M.O. that it is not clairaudience, but rather a tool to 'tune up' the brain to receive at a diff. frequency than the usual-waking, so I would call it a 'tool' to develop clairaudience, but not clairaudience in itself.
Of course, it's M.O.

10th May 2007, 08:32 AM
Yeah that sort of what I thought. CF do you experience similar sensations from just normal energy work?

10th May 2007, 09:35 AM
when I was little I used to hear people talking in the room...but I couldn't see them

I got so scared one day I asked them to go away...and they did. Now I only hear them if I am drifting off to sleep...not really sure if it's clairaudience or astral voices or me just going crazy ;)

10th May 2007, 10:26 AM
Could be possibly "astral laughter", can be heard when entering trance or falling asleep - laughter, giggling, mumbling, unintelligle voices - can all be related to astral noise. If it is astral noise there does not necessarily need to be an entity causing it according to Robert.

See here in AD-Pedia: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=1985&highlight=astral+noise

The stuff that went away on asking sounds more like spirits or some entity.


10th May 2007, 12:50 PM
Yeah that sort of what I thought. CF do you experience similar sensations from just normal energy work? No. The ear-hiss meditation (which is what I call it) gets me in the hypnagogic state very quickly (to the point I can hear and see before I'm in proper 'trance') but energy work vitalizes me and helps me last longer when I project. So to me at least, they are complementary, but serve different functions.

11th May 2007, 09:51 AM
I'm not really sure what the tones are about but I find that when I focus on them I shift through different states of consciousness really quick, a lot quicker than any other practice I've tried. They also tend to split off so I'm hearing different tones at different pitches. I haven't used this to project, but now that CF mentioned it it makes sense because of the swiftness in which the tones seem to shift me.