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16th May 2007, 10:04 AM
I'm facing a new problem now. I can't seem to get my neck and head to relax like the rest of my body. I can make my body from the neck down numb but not my neck or head. Anyone go any advice for me.

16th May 2007, 10:29 AM
Neck, jaw and facial muscles can become very tense due to stress. You could do energy blockage work on them, because that's what the tension really is.

For example with Etheric Wrap:

Just pull the loosened energy either to the edge of your aura, or to the sub-navel storage or below your feet.

And be gentle - it is easy to overdo blockage work, and headaches or an aching jaw are no fun. ;)


16th May 2007, 10:32 AM
You may be right. Lately when in a trace I feel as though my head is in a vice, theres just a lot of pressure. Should my head and neck be as numb(asleep) as the rest of my body when I'm deeply relaxed?

16th May 2007, 10:44 AM

My neck muscles were very stiff and unflexible, but I did a lot of blockage removal on them, and now they are no longer tense, but soft and relaxable.

The energy blockage is stored tension, and as long as a strong energy blockage is in place, not much relaxation happens.

The more energy runs in the system during the trance/pre-OBE states, the more you become aware of these blockages and it feels tense, like tensing up, or tight, and possibly painful, because more energy tries to run through the same limited capacity.


16th May 2007, 10:52 AM
My neck is not the problem, I think its because I swallow so much. The pressure is in my head. I guess it could be the position of my head during trancing. I have been trying to unblock energy blockages. I cant seem to feel my root chakra. My other chakras seen ok except for the pressure in my head.

16th May 2007, 11:04 AM
How do you position your head?

It is like this - if you push your chin out, your energy surges into your brain - entering through the brain stem/spine connection instead of circulating outside the brain. Instead of circulating through the back/front channel system, which is blocked off through head posture. This can become very uncomfortable, and lead to headaches. The Chinese call such phenomena of poor "body mechanics" "leading fire to the devil", because a basically good thing - additional energy - goes where it should not instead of where it is needed.

Pulling the chin a bit in - try to experiment with this gently, it's a subtle thing - can avoid this.


16th May 2007, 11:08 AM
Thanks, that makes sense I will try that. What about not being able to feel my root chakra. I don't ever remember being able to feel it. I read that if you cant feel one of chakras then it could affect all of them. I thought maybe that could be affecting me. I tried a couple techniques but that don't affect my root chakra. Whats you opinion Korpo?

16th May 2007, 11:14 AM
I'm no expert on chakras.

Do you really mean the root chakra (the feet<->Earth connection) or base chakra (in the pelvis/perineum)? (IIRC)

The energy circuits of the feet and pelvis are usually blocked up more because of our sedentiary culture. Yet they are vital for maintaining an Earth connection. More cleaning work could be in order.

For any additional detail I would ask for info in the Energy Work sub-forum, people like Aunt Clair or Tom know a truck-load about chakras, and going through their posts might help.


16th May 2007, 11:18 AM
The chakra at the base of the pelvis is the one I am referring to. So its not uncommon to have problems with this chakra. I guess I should start a topic in the other forum. Thanks for your help I will definitely try to reposition my chin and see if that helps.