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View Full Version : MAP, Day 2

Dragon's Daughter
26th September 2005, 12:12 PM
Well, I went to the bookstore on Saturday. Picked up some books for my husband, then for myself I got MAP, PPSD both by Robert Bruce, I got a Mom Organizer for 2006 and I also reserved a copy of Quantum Touch by Richard Gordon that should arrive this week.

I'm on day 2 of MAP. I like the idea of the MAP program for 90 days. I hope that I can stick with it. My plan is to finish it by 2006. I'm reading PPSD also and I printed the NEW book from the CD that came with my MAP book.

I'm curious to find out how AP is similar or different from shamanic journeying. I've been shamanic journeying for several years now. I also plan to pick up Robert's book AP for more reading.

Interestingly, yesterday I felt like I was getting ill. I felt like I was coming down with the flu. I had no appetite most of the day, but if I forced myself to eat, I would find that I had a healthy appetite. I was tired without being sleepy, achy and crampy but a shower didn't seem to help. Hopefully whatever it is, is now gone.

Dragon's Daughter

29th September 2005, 06:25 PM
Most likely your energy pathways opening up. It's rare for it to happen that quickly, but the Shamanic experience may have had it poised at the very edge. So, congrats, I guess. It may not be the case though.

Since you sound new, Yo. My name is Sam. Enjoy your stay.

Dragon's Daughter
29th September 2005, 06:52 PM

Thanks! Yes, I'm new to this board. I didn't think that it could be a reflection of my energy pathways opening up. That very well could be the case with me.

I've always caught onto energy work extremely quickly. My Reiki Master told me that it was due to me working with energy many lifetimes. She's the one that first showed me that I could pick up the energy very quickly. She normally attuned Reiki Levels 1 and 2 seperated by a month, and Levels 2 and 3 seperated by a year. For me she said that her and my guidance that I could proceed MUCH faster than that. I had only 1 week between Levels 1 and 2, and only 1 MONTH between Levels 2 and 3. And that was my first introduction to energy work.

Many times when I just read about a energy action or have it explained to me, I instantly start doing it. When I was reading Quantum Touch recently, I started doing techniques before I even read about them. My Shaman teacher said that I was moving very quickly with the journeying, etc. He also said that Soul Retrieval is natural to me. I've only done such work for myself though.

I pick up these techniques so quickly and easily but I don't use them as my 'career' - though I'd love to do that.

The MAP program is very interesting - even though I find it tedious to go so slowly, I'm doing it to make sure I have the 'basics' down pat. And to get myself on a routine with this. Great way to create a habit - rather than just picking it up and going off to find something else.

Dragon's Daughter